Master Thesis
Feng, LR. Clinical Validation of the Cingulate Island Sign Visual Rating Scale in Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Master’s Thesis 2023.
Sjælland, NS. Digital biomarkers for the assessment of non-cognitive symptoms in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies – a systematic review. Master’s Thesis 2023.
Wolner, SH. Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of Synaptosomal-Associated-Protein 25 in Alzheimer’s Disease: a Systematic Review and Analysis of Clinical Samples from the Danish Dementia Biobank. Master’s Thesis 2023.
Scientific papers
Aleksovska, K, Bassetti, CLA, Berger, T, Carvalho, V, Costa, J, Deuschl, G, Frederiksen, KS, Jaarsma, J, Kobulashvili, T, Leone, M, Pavlakova, L, Romoli, M & Vignatelli, L. Prioritization process for European Academy of Neurology clinical practice guidelines’, European Journal of Neurology 2023;30(2):305-320.
Boeddrich, A, Haenig, C, Neuendorf, N, Blanc, E, Ivanov, A, Kirchner, M, Schleumann, P, Bayraktaroğlu, I, Richter, M, Molenda, CM, Sporbert, A, Zenkner, M, Schnoegl, S, Suenkel, C, Schneider, L-S, Rybak-Wolf, A, Kochnowsky, B, Byrne, LM, Wild, EJ, Nielsen, JE, Dittmar, G, Peters, O, Beule, D & Wanker, EE. A proteomics analysis of 5xFAD mouse brain regions reveals the lysosome-associated protein Arl8b as a candidate biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease. Genome Medicine 2023;15(1):50.
Bruus, AE, Waldemar, G & Vogel, A. Subjective Complaints are Similar in Subjective Cognitive Decline and Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease when Assessed in a Memory Clinic Setting. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 2023;36(6):479-486.
Bussy, A, Levy, JP, Best, T, Patel, R, Cupo, L, Van Langenhove, T, Nielsen, JE, Pijnenburg, Y, Waldö, ML, Remes, AM, Schroeter, ML, Santana, I, Pasquier, F, Otto, M, Danek, A, Levin, J, Le Ber, I, Vandenberghe, R, Synofzik, M, Moreno, F, de Mendonça, A, Sanchez-Valle, R, Laforce, R, Langheinrich, T, Gerhard, A, Graff, C, Butler, CR, Sorbi, S, Jiskoot, L, Seelaar, H, van Swieten, JC, Finger, E, Tartaglia, MC, Masellis, M, Tiraboschi, P, Galimberti, D, Borroni, B, Rowe, JB, Bocchetta, M, Rohrer, JD, Devenyi, GA, Chakravarty, MM, Ducharme, S & GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI). Cerebellar and subcortical atrophy contribute to psychiatric symptoms in frontotemporal dementia. Human Brain Mapping 2023;44(7):2684-2700.
Damsgaard, L, Janbek, J, Laursen, TM, Waldemar, G & Jensen-Dahm, C. Healthcare utilization prior to a diagnosis of young-onset Alzheimer’s disease: a nationwide nested case-control study. Journal of Neurology 2023;270(12):6093-6102.
Delgado-Álvarez, A, Nielsen, TR, Delgado-Alonso, C, Valles-Salgado, M, López-Carbonero, JI, García-Ramos, R, Gil-Moreno, MJ, Díez-Cirarda, M, Matías-Guiu, J & Matias-Guiu, JA. Validation of the European Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Test Battery (CNTB) for the assessment of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2023;15:1134111.
Delgado-Peraza, F, Nogueras-Ortiz, C, Simonsen, AH, Knight, DLD, Yao, PJ, Goetzl, EJ, Jensen, CS, Høgh, P, Gottrup, H, Vestergaard, K, Hasselbalch, SG & Kapogiannis, D. Neuron-derived extracellular vesicles in blood reveal effects of exercise in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s research & therapy 2023;15(1):156.
Feng, LR, Vogel, A, Mellergaard, C, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG, Law, I, Henriksen, OM & Frederiksen, KS. Clinical validation of the cingulate island sign visual rating scale in dementia with Lewy bodies. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2023;451.120719.
Festari, C, Massa, F, Cotta Ramusino, M, Gandolfo, F, Nicolosi, V, Orini, S, Aarsland, D, Agosta, F, Babiloni, C, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Cappa, S, Dubois, B, Frederiksen, KS, Froelich, L, Garibotto, V, Georges, J, Haliassos, A, Hansson, O, Jessen, F, Kamondi, A, Kessels, RPC, Morbelli, S, O’Brien, JT, Otto, M, Perret-Liaudet, A, Pizzini, FB, Ritchie, CW, Scheltens, P, Vandenbulcke, M, Vanninen, R, Verhey, F, Vernooij, MW, Yousry, T, Van Der Flier, WM, Nobili, F & Frisoni, GB. European consensus for the diagnosis of MCI and mild dementia: Preparatory phase. Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2023;19(5):1729-1741.
Fischer, MHF, Zibrandtsen, IC, Høgh, P & Musaeus, CS. Systematic Review of EEG Coherence in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2023;91(4):1261-1272.
Franzen, S, Nuytemans, K, Bourdage, R, Caramelli, P, Ellajosyula, R, Finger, E, Illán-Gala, I, Loi, SM, Morhardt, D, Pijnenburg, Y, Rascovsky, K, Williams, MM, Yokoyama, JS, Alladi, S, Ayhan, Y, Broce, I, Castro-Suarez, S, Coleman, K, de Souza, LC, Dacks, PA, de Boer, SCM, de Leon, J, Dodge, S, Grasso, S, Gupta, V, Gupta, V, Ghoshal, N, Kamath, V, Kumfor, F, Matias-Guiu, JA, Narme, P, Nielsen, TR, Okhuevbie, D, Piña-Escudero, SD, Garcia, RR, Scarioni, M, Slachevsky, A, Suarez-Gonzalez, A, Tee, BL, Tsoy, E, Ulugut, H, Babulal, GM, Onyike, CU & ISTAART FTD PIA and ISTAART Diversity and Disparities PIA. Gaps in clinical research in frontotemporal dementia: A call for diversity and disparities-focused research. Alzheimer’s & dementia: The journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2023;19(12):5817-5836.
Frederiksen, KS, Jensen, CS, Høgh, P, Gergelyffy, R, Waldemar, G, Andersen, BB, Gottrup, H, Vestergaard, K, Wermuth, L, Søndergaard, HB, Sellebjerg, F, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Aerobic exercise does not affect serum neurofilament light in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023;17:1108191.
Frederiksen, KS, Lanctôt, KL, Weidner, W, Hahn-Pedersen, JH & Mattke, S. A Literature Review on the Burden of Alzheimer’s Disease on Care Partners. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2023;96(3):947-966.
Ge, Y-J, Ou, Y-N, Deng, Y-T, Wu, B-S, Yang, L, Zhang, Y-R, Chen, S-D, Huang, Y-Y, Dong, Q, Tan, L, Yu, J-T, International FTD-Genomics Consortium & Hjermind, LE. Prioritization of Drug Targets for Neurodegenerative Diseases by Integrating Genetic and Proteomic Data From Brain and Blood. Biological Psychiatry 2023;93(9):770-779.
Gramkow, MH, Simonsen, AH, Hasselbalch, SG, Waldemar, G & Frederiksen, KS. Plasma glucose is not associated with performance on standard cognitive screening tests in a mixed memory clinic cohort – An observational cross-sectional study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2023;38(7):e5968.
Hasselbalch, SG, Carlsen, JF, Alaouie, MM, Munch, TN, Holst, AV, Taudorf, S, Rørvig-Løppentien, C, Juhler, M & Waldemar, G. Prediction of shunt response in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus by combined lumbar infusion test and preoperative imaging scoring. European Journal of Neurology. 2023;30(10):3047-3055.
Haukedal, H, Corsi, GI, Gadekar, VP, Doncheva, NT, Kedia, S, de Haan, N, Chandrasekaran, A, Jensen, P, Schiønning, P, Vallin, S, Marlet, FR, Poon, A, Pires, C, Agha, FK, Wandall, HH, Cirera, S, Simonsen, AH, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE, Hyttel, P, Muddashetty, R, Aldana, BI, Gorodkin, J, Nair, D, Meyer, M, Larsen, MR & Freude, K. Golgi fragmentation – One of the earliest organelle phenotypes in Alzheimer’s disease neurons. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023;17. 1120086.
Hendel, RK, Hellem, MNN, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE & Vogel, A. On the association between apathy and deficits of social cognition and executive functions in Huntington’s disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2023;29(4):369-376.
Janbek, J, Laursen, TM, Frimodt-Møller, N, Magyari, M, Haas, JG, Lathe, R & Waldemar, G. Hospital-Diagnosed Infections, Autoimmune Diseases, and Subsequent Dementia Incidence. JAMA network open 2023;6(9). e2332635.
Jönsson, L, Wimo, A, Handels, R, Johansson, G, Boada, M, Engelborghs, S, Frölich, L, Jessen, F, Kehoe, PG, Kramberger, M, de Mendonςa, A, Ousset, PJ, Scarmeas, N, Visser, PJ, Waldemar, G & Winblad, B 2023. The affordability of lecanemab, an amyloid-targeting therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: an EADC-EC viewpoint. The Lancet regional health. Europe 2023;29.100657.
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A & Waldemar, G. Potential for prevention of dementia in Denmark’, Alzheimer’s & dementia: the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2023;19(10):4590-4598.
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A, Waldorff, FB, Høgh, P, Gottrup, H, Vestergaard, K, Oxbøll, A-B & Waldemar, G. Validity of the Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition case-finding instrument for identification of dementia subgroups and staging of dementia. European Journal of Neurology 2023;30(3):578-586.
Ladefoged, CN, Anderberg, L, Madsen, K, Henriksen, OM, Hasselbalch, SG, Andersen, FL, Højgaard, L, Law, I & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Estimation of brain amyloid accumulation using deep learning in clinical [11C]PiB PET imaging. EJNMMI Physics 2023;10(1). 44.
Lildballe, DL, Frederiksen, AL, Schönewolf-Greulich, B, Brasch-Andersen, C, Lautrup, CK, Karstensen, HG, Pedersen, IS, Sunde, L, Risom, L, Rasmussen, M, Bertelsen, M, Andersen, MK, Rendtorff, ND, Gregersen, PA, Tørring, PM, Hammer-Hansen, S, Boonen, SE, Lindquist, SG, Hammer, TB & Diness, BR. National clinical Genetic Networks - GENets - Establishment of expert collaborations in Denmark. European Journal of Medical Genetics 2023;66(12):1-5.
Mellergaard, C, Waldemar, G, Vogel, A & Frederiksen, KS. Characterising the prodromal phase in dementia with Lewy bodies. Parkinsonism & related disorders 2023;107. 105279.
Miskowiak, KW, Simonsen, AH, Meyer, M, Poulsen, HE, Wilkan, M, Forman, J, Hasselbalch, SG, Kessing, LV & Knorr, U. Cerebrospinal fluid erythropoietin, oxidative stress, and cognitive functions in patients with bipolar disorder and healthy control participants: A longitudinal case-control study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2023;163:240-246.
Mou, Y, Nandi, G, Mukte, S, Chai, E, Chen, Z, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT, Criscuolo, C, Blackstone, C, Fraidakis, MJ & Li, X-J. Chenodeoxycholic acid rescues axonal degeneration in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons from spastic paraplegia type 5 and cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis patients. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2023;18(1):72.
Musaeus, CS, Frederiksen, KS, Andersen, BB, Høgh, P, Kidmose, P, Fabricius, M, Hribljan, MC, Hemmsen, MC, Rank, ML, Waldemar, G & Kjær, TW. Detection of subclinical epileptiform discharges in Alzheimer’s disease using long-term outpatient EEG monitoring. Neurobiology of Disease 2023;183. 106149.
Musaeus, CS, Gleerup, HS, Hasselbalch, SG, Waldemar, G & Simonsen, AH. Progression of Blood-Brain Barrier Leakage in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease as Measured with the Cerebrospinal Fluid/Plasma Albumin Ratio Over Time. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease reports 2023;7(1):535-541.
Musaeus, CS, Kjaer, TW, Cacic Hribljan, M, Andersen, BB, Høgh, P, Kidmose, P, Fabricius, M, Hemmsen, MC, Rank, ML, Waldemar, G & Frederiksen, KS. Subclinical Epileptiform Activity in Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Movement disorders: official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 2023;38(10):1861-1870.
Nielsen, TR & Vinnner, P. Cognitive assessment of literacy learning difficulties in adult non- or low-literate second language learners. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2023;64(4):453-460.
Nielsen, TR, Grollenberg, BU, Ringkøbing, SP, Özden, M, Weekes, B & Waldemar, G. The Copenhagen cross-linguistic naming test (C-CLNT): Development and validation in a multicultural memory clinic population. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2023;29(10):911-921.
Pourhadi, N, Meaidi, A, Friis, S, Torp-Pedersen, C & Mørch, LS. Central nervous system tumours among users of vaginal oestradiol tablets: a nationwide population-based study. European Journal of Neurology 2023;30(9):2811-2820.
Pourhadi, N, Meaidi, A, Friis, S, Torp-Pedersen, C & Mørch, LS. Menopausal hormone therapy and central nervous system tumors: Danish nested case-control study. PLOS Medicine 2023;20(12):e1004321.
Pourhadi, N, Mørch, LS, Holm, EA, Torp-Pedersen, C & Meaidi, A. Menopausal hormone therapy and dementia: nationwide, nested case-control study. BMJ 2023;381:e072770.
Press, DZ, Musaeus, CS, Zhao, L, Breton, J, Shafi, MM, Dai, W & Alsop, DC. Levetiracetam Increases Hippocampal Blood Flow in Alzheimer’s Disease as Measured by Arterial Spin Labelling MRI. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2023;93(3):939-948.
Rostgaard, N, Olsen, MH, Ottenheijm, M, Drici, L, Simonsen, AH, Plomgaard, P, Gredal, H, Poulsen, HH, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K, Hasselbalch, SG, MacAulay, N & Juhler, M. Differential proteomic profile of lumbar and ventricular cerebrospinal fluid. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2023;20(1). 6.
Simonsen, AH, Gleerup, HS, Musaeus, CS, Sellebjerg, F, Hansen, MB, Søndergaard, HB, Waldemar, G & Hasselbalch, SG. Neurofilament light chain levels in serum among a large mixed memory clinic cohort: Confounders and diagnostic usefulness. Alzheimer’s & dementia 2023;15(4). e12512.
Staios, M, Kosmidis, MH, Kokkinis, N, Papadopoulos, A, Nielsen, TR, Kalinowski, P, March, E & Stolwyk, RJ. The Greek Australian neuropsychological normative study: tests & norms for Greek Australians aged 70-85 years, Australian Psychologist 2023;233-247.
Staios, M, Nielsen, TR, Kosmidis, MH, Papadopoulos, A, Kokkinias, A, Velakoulis, D, Tsiaras, Y, March, E & Stolwyk, RJ. Validity of Visuoconstructional Assessment Methods within Healthy Elderly Greek Australians: Quantitative and Error Analysis. Archives of clinical neuropsychology: the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists 2023;38(4):598-607.
Steen Jensen, C, Sophia Gleerup, H, Sandøe Musaeus, C, Hasselbalch, S, Høgh, P, Waldemar, G & Hviid Simonsen, A. Cerebrospinal fluid glucose is not altered in patients with dementia. Clinical Biochemistry 2023;112:1-5.
Toft, A, Sjödin, S, Simonsen, AH, Ejlerskov, P, Roos, P, Musaeus, CS, Henriksen, EE, Nielsen, TT, Brinkmalm, A, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H & Nielsen, JE. Endo-lysosomal protein concentrations in CSF from patients with frontotemporal dementia caused by CHMP2B mutation. Alzheimer’s & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2023;15(1). e12402.
Uwishema, O, Frederiksen, KS, Badri, R, Pradhan, AU, Shariff, S, Adanur, I, Dost, B, Esene, I & Rosseau, G. Epidemiology and etiology of brain cancer in Africa: A systematic review. Brain and Behavior 2023;13(9):e3112.
Vardheim, EG, Toft, A, Nielsen, JE, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Cerebrospinal fluid ubiquitin as a biomarker for neurodegenerative diseases: A systematic review. Neuroscience Applied 2023;2. 102438.
Veronese, N, Soysal, P, Demurtas, J, Solmi, M, Bruyère, O, Christodoulou, N, Ramalho, R, Fusar-Poli, P, Lappas, AS, Pinto, D, Frederiksen, KS, Corbi, GM, Karpenko, O, Georges, J, Durães, J, Schlögl, M, Yilmaz, O, Sieber, C, Shenkin, SD, Smith, L, Reginster, J-Y, Maggi, S, Limongi, F, Ars, J, Barbagallo, M, Cherubini, A, Quinn, T & Alzheimer Europe. Physical activity and exercise for the prevention and management of mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a collaborative international guideline. European Geriatric Medicine 2023;14(5):925-952.
Vinther-Jensen, T, Dunø, M, Ingolfsdottir, HM, Krarup, C, Nielsen, JE & Jakobsen, JK. Cerebellar ataksi-neuropati-vestibulær arefleksi-syndrom. Ugeskrift for Læger 2023;185(19).
Vogel, A, Bruus, AE & Waldemar, G. Developing a Danish version of the LASSI-L test – reliability and predictive value in patients with mild cognitive impairment, mild dementia due to AD and subjective cognitive decline. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 2024;31(1):174-186.
Waldemar, G. Data-driven care for patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Nature Reviews Neurology 2023;19(8):447-448.
Weerkamp, P, Chieffo, D, Collin, P, Moriconi, F, Papageorgiou, A, Vainieri, I, Miranda, R, Hankinson, C, Vogel, A, Poncet, S, Moss, C, Muntoni, F, Mercuri, E & Hendriksen, J. Psychological test usage in duchenne muscular dystrophy: An EU multi-centre study. European journal of paediatric neurology 2023;46:42-47.
Dimopoulos, K, Simonsen, AH, Gramkow, MH, Schrøder, M, Jørgensen, NR, Rode, L, Schmidt, RF, Hilsted, L & Hasselbalch, SG. Measurement of amyloid-β 1-42 in cerebrospinal fluid: a comparison of the second generation Elecsys and INNOTEST. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2023;61(9):e182-e185.
Pourhadi, N, Mørch, LS, Holm, EA, Torp-Pedersen, C & Meaidi, A. Menopausal hormone therapy and dementia: causal link remains uncertain rather than unlikely. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2023;382:p1776.
Contributions to multicentre studies
McColgan, P, Thobhani, A, Boak, L, Schobel, SA, Nicotra, A, Palermo, G, Trundell, D, Zhou, J, Schlegel, V, Sanwald Ducray, P, Hawellek, DJ, Dorn, J, Simillion, C, Lindemann, M, Wheelock, V, Durr, A, Anderson, KE, Long, JD, Wild, EJ, Landwehrmeyer, GB, Leavitt, BR, Tabrizi, SJ, Doody, R, GENERATION HD1 Investigators & Hjermind, LE. Tominersen in Adults with Manifest Huntington’s Disease. The New England journal of medicine, 2023;389(23):2203-2205.
Grazia A, Altomare D, Preis L, Monsch AU, Cappa SF, Gauthier S, Frölich L, Winblad B, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Teipel SJ, Boccardi M; Consortium for the Harmonization of Neuropsychological Assessment. Alzheimers Dement. 2023;19:2276-2286.
Other publications
Dimopoulos, K & Simonsen, AH. Præanalyse spiller en væsentlig rolle for korrekt anvendelse af Alzheimers demensmarkører i cerebrospinalvæske. Klinisk Biokemi i Norden 2023;35(3):20-27.
Books and book chapters
Kondziella D, Waldemar G. Neurology at the Bedside. Third Edition. Springer Verlag, London, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, 2023.
Boyle, GJ, Bowden, SC, Lee, TM-C, Kumar, K, Sadasivan, A, Fasfous, AF, Daugherty, JC, Ramos-Usuga, D, Olabarrieta-Landa, L, Delgadillo, PKP, Rivera, D, Valdés, GMM, Lasprilla, JCA, Bettenzana, K, Glozman, JM, Vogel, A, Mendoza, CF, Jardim, GL, Tchienga, I, Boivin, M, Giordani, B, Ikanga, J, Thomas, KGF & Golden, CJ. Global Challenges in Neuropsychology. In GJ Boyle, Y Stern, DJ Stein, BJ Sahakian, CJ Golden, TM-C Lee & S-HA Chen (ED), The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology: Clinical Neuropsychological Disorders. Sage Publications, Inc. Sage Publications Ltd 2023;116-146.
PhD dissertations
Hellem, MNN. Huntington’s Disease: Endophenotypes and biomarkers. Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen 2022.
Hendel, R. Apathy, Social Cognition and Self-Perception: Assessing Neuropsychological Factors in Huntington’s Disease. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022.
Scientific papers
Appel, AM, Brønnum-Hansen, H, Garde, AH, Hansen, ÅM, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Islamoska, S, Mortensen, EL, Osler, M & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Socioeconomic Position and Late-Onset Dementia: A Nationwide Register-Based Study. Journal of Aging and Health 2022;34(2):184-195.
Ásbjörnsdóttir, B, Henriksen, OM, Lindquist, S, Møller, LB, Sidaros, A & Nielsen, JE. Widening the spectrum of spinocerebellar ataxia autosomal recessive type 10 (SCAR10). BMJ Case Reports 2022;15(3):1-4. e248228.
Axenhus, M, Frederiksen, KS, Zhou, RZ, Waldemar, G & Winblad, B. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality in people with dementia without COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Geriatrics. 2022;22(1):1-9. 878.
Bertelsen, L, Diederichsen, SZ, Frederiksen, KS, Haugan, KJ, Brandes, A, Graff, C, Krieger, D, Højberg, S, Olesen, MS, Biering-Sørensen, T, Køber, L, Vejlstrup, N, Hasselbalch, SG & Svendsen, JH. Left Atrial Remodeling and Cerebrovascular Disease Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Continuously Monitored Patients. Cerebrovascular diseases 2022;51(3):403-412.
Carlsen, JF, Backlund, ADL, Mardal, CA, Taudorf, S, Holst, AV, Munch, TN, Hansen, AE & Hasselbalch, SG. Can Shunt Response in Patients with Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Be Predicted from Preoperative Brain Imaging? A Retrospective Study of the Diagnostic Use of the Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Radscale in 119 Patients. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 2022;43(2):223-229.
Carlsen, JF, Munch, TN, Hansen, AE, Hasselbalch, SG & Rykkje, AM. Can preoperative brain imaging features predict shunt response in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus? A PRISMA review. Neuroradiology 2022;64(11):2119-2133.
Damsgaard, L, Janbek, J, Laursen, TM, Erlangsen, A, Spira, AP & Waldemar, G. Hospital-diagnosed sleep disorders and incident dementia: a nationwide observational cohort study. European Journal of Neurology 2022;29(12):3528-3536.
Daveau, RS, Law, I, Henriksen, OM, Hasselbalch, SG, Andersen, UB, Anderberg, L, Højgaard, L, Andersen, FL & Ladefoged, CN. Deep learning based low-activity PET reconstruction of [11C]PiB and [18F]FE-PE2I in neurodegenerative disorders. NeuroImage, 2022;259. 119412.
Diederichsen, SZ, Frederiksen, KS, Xing, LY, Haugan, KJ, Højberg, S, Brandes, A, Graff, C, Olesen, MS, Krieger, D, Køber, L & Svendsen, JH. Severity and Etiology of Incident Stroke in Patients Screened for Atrial Fibrillation vs Usual Care and the Impact of Prior Stroke: A Post Hoc Analysis of the LOOP Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurology 2022;79(10):997-1004.
Feldman, A, Patou, F, Baumann, M, Stockmarr, A, Waldemar, G, Maier, AM & Vogel, A. Listen Carefully protocol: an exploratory case-control study of the association between listening effort and cognitive function. BMJ Open 2022;12(3):e051109.
Franzen, S, Bekkhus-Wetterberg, P, van den Berg, E, Calia, C, Canevelli, M, Daugherty, JC, Fasfous, A, Goudsmit, M, Ibanez-Casas, I, Lozano-Ruiz, Á, Mukadam, N, Narme, P, Nielsen, TR, Papma, JM, Pomati, S, Watermeyer, TJ & European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN). Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in Europe: Position statement of the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN). Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section D: The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2022;36(3):546-557.
Frederiksen, KS, Jensen-Dahm, C & Waldemar, G. Behandling af medicinske komorbiditeter ved demens. Ugeskrift for Læger 2022;184(45). V04220275.
Gleerup, HS, Simonsen, AH & Høgh, P. The Added Value of Cerebrospinal Fluid Neurofilament Light Chain to Existing Diagnostic Methods and Biomarkers in a Mixed Memory Clinic Cohort of Consecutive Patients. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease reports 2022;6(1):121-127.
Gusatovic, J, Gramkow, MH, Hasselbalch, SG & Frederiksen, KS. Effects of aerobic exercise on event-related potentials related to cognitive performance: a systematic review. PeerJ 2022;10:e13604.
Hellem, MNN, Cheong, RY, Tonetto, S, Vinther-Jensen, T, Hendel, RK, Larsen, IU, Nielsen, TT, Hjermind, LE, Vogel, A, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Petersén, Å & Nielsen, JE. Decreased CSF oxytocin relates to measures of social cognitive impairment in Huntington’s disease patients. Parkinsonism & related disorders 2022;99:23-29.
Hendel, RK, Hellem, MNN, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE & Vogel, A. An Exploratory Study Investigating Autonomy in Huntington’s Disease Gene Expansion Carriers. Journal of Huntington’s disease 2022;11(4):373-381.
Hinge, C, Henriksen, OM, Lindberg, U, Hasselbalch, SG, Højgaard, L, Law, I, Andersen, FL & Ladefoged, CN. A zero-dose synthetic baseline for the personalized analysis of [18F]FDG-PET: Application in Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022;16. 1053783.
Holm Hansen, R, Talbot, J, Højsgaard Chow, H, Bredahl Hansen, M, Buhelt, S, Herich, S, Schwab, N, Hellem, MNN, Nielsen, JE, Sellebjerg, F & von Essen, MR. Increased Intrathecal Activity of Follicular Helper T Cells in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation 2022;9(5).
Holm Hansen, R, Højsgaard Chow, H, Talbot, J, Buhelt, S, Nickelsen Hellem, MN, Nielsen, JE, Sellebjerg, FT & von Essen, MR. Peripheral helper T cells in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2022;28(9):1340-1350.
Islamoska, S, Hansen, JM, Hansen, ÅM, Garde, AH, Waldemar, G & Nabe-Nielsen, K. The association between migraine and dementia - a national register-based matched cohort study. Public health 2022;213:54-60.
Jansen, WJ, Janssen, O, Tijms, BM, Vos, SJB, Ossenkoppele, R, Visser, PJ, Aarsland, D, Alcolea, D, Altomare, D, von Arnim, C, Baiardi, S, Baldeiras, I, Barthel, H, Bateman, RJ, Van Berckel, B, Binette, AP, Blennow, K, Boada, M, Boecker, H, Bottlaender, M, den Braber, A, Brooks, DJ, Van Buchem, MA, Camus, V, Carill, JM, Cerman, J, Chen, K, Chételat, G, Chipi, E, Cohen, AD, Daniels, A, Delarue, M, Didic, M, Drzezga, A, Dubois, B, Eckerström, M, Ekblad, LL, Engelborghs, S, Epelbaum, S, Fagan, AM, Fan, Y, Fladby, T, Fleisher, AS, Van der Flier, WM, Förster, S, Fortea, J, Frederiksen, KS, Johannsen, P, Madsen, K, Waldemar, G & Amyloid Biomarker Study Group. Prevalence Estimates of Amyloid Abnormality Across the Alzheimer Disease Clinical Spectrum. JAMA Neurology 2022;79(3):228-243.
Karlsson, WK, Højgaard, JLS, Vilhelmsen, A, Crone, C, Andersen, B, Law, I, Møller, LB, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, EN, Krag, T, Svenstrup, K & Nielsen, JE. Novel Homozygous Truncating Variant Widens the Spectrum of Early- Onset Multisystemic SYNE1 Ataxia. Cerebellum 2022;21(3):514-519.
Knorr, U, Simonsen, AH, Jensen, CS, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K, Akhøj, M, Forman, J, Hasselbalch, SG & Kessing, LV. Alzheimer’s disease related biomarkers in bipolar disorder - A longitudinal one-year case-control study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2022;297:623-633.
Li, S, Cui, G, Jørgensen, K, Cheng, Z, Li, Z & Xu, H. Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance of the Chinese Version of the Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition Questionnaire in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Frontiers in Public Health 2022;10:908827. 908827.
Løhde, LW, Bentzon, A, Kornblit, BT, Roos, P & Fink-Jensen, A. Possible Tacrolimus-Related Neuropsychiatric Symptoms: One Year After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Case Report. Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 2022;15.
Musaeus, CS, Waldemar, G, Andersen, BB, Høgh, P, Kidmose, P, Hemmsen, MC, Rank, ML, Kjær, TW & Frederiksen, KS. Long-Term EEG Monitoring in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Using Ear-EEG: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2022;90(4):1713-1723.
Musaeus, CS, Johansen, LB, Hasselbalch, S, Beyer, N, Høgh, P, Siebner, HR & Frederiksen, KS. Sixteen weeks of aerobic exercise does not alter resting-state connectivity of the precuneus in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Current Alzheimer Research 2022;19(2):171-177.
Nguyen, QTR, Ortigoza Escobar, JD, Burgunder, J-M, Mariotti, C, Saft, C, Hjermind, LE, Youssov, K, Landwehrmeyer, GB & Bachoud-Lévi, A-C. Combining Literature Review With a Ground Truth Approach for Diagnosing Huntington’s Disease Phenocopy. Frontiers in Neurology 2022;13:817753. 817753.
Nielsen, EN, Ásbjörnsdóttir, B, Møller, LB, Nielsen, JE & Lindquist, SG. Episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2) with interictal myokymia and focal dystonia. Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies 2022;8(6). a006236.
Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, DS & Waldemar, G. A personalized dementia care intervention for family carers from minority ethnic groups in Denmark: A pilot study. Dementia 2022;21(2):477-488.
Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, DS & Waldemar, G. Feasibility of a culturally tailored dementia information program for minority ethnic communities in Denmark. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2022;37(1).
Nørgaard, A, Jensen-Dahm, C, Wimberley, T, Svendsen, JH, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Laursen, TM, Waldemar, G & Gasse, C. Effect of antipsychotics on mortality risk in patients with dementia with and without comorbidities. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2022;70(4):1169-1179.
Oernbo, EK, Steffensen, AB, Gredal, H, Poulsen, HH, Rostgaard, N, Rasmussen, CH, Møller-Nissen, M, Simonsen, AH, Hasselbalch, SG, Juhler, M & MacAulay, N. Cerebrospinal fluid osmolality cannot predict development or surgical outcome of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2022;19(1):52. 52.
Oernbo, EK, Steffensen, AB, Razzaghi Khamesi, P, Toft-Bertelsen, TL, Barbuskaite, D, Vilhardt, F, Gerkau, NJ, Tritsaris, K, Simonsen, AH, Lolansen, SD, Andreassen, SN, Hasselbalch, SG, Zeuthen, T, Rose, CR, Kurtcuoglu, V & MacAulay, N. Membrane transporters control cerebrospinal fluid formation independently of conventional osmosis to modulate intracranial pressure. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2022;19(1):65. 65.
Pourhadi, N, Mørch, LS, Holm, EA, Torp-Pedersen, CT & Meaidi, A. Vaginal estrogen and association with dementia: A nationwide population-based study. Alzheimer’s & dementia 2022;18(4):625-634.
Roos, P, Johannsen, P, Lindquist, SG, Brown, JM, Waldemar, G, Duno, M, Nielsen, TT, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Gydesen, S, Holm, IE, Collinge, J, Isaacs, AM, Nielsen, JE & Frontotemporal dementia Research in Jutland Association (FReJA) consortium. Six generations of CHMP2B-mediated Frontotemporal Dementia: Clinical features, predictive testing, progression, and survival. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2022;145(5):529-540.
Schnier, C, Janbek, J, Lathe, R & Haas, J. Reduced dementia incidence after varicella zoster vaccination in Wales 2013-2020. Alzheimer’s & dementia 2022;8(1):e12293.
Skov, SS, Nielsen, MBD, Krølner, RF, Øksnebjerg, L & Rønbøl Lauridsen, SM. A multicomponent psychosocial intervention among people with early-stage dementia involving physical exercise, cognitive stimulation therapy, psychoeducation and counselling: Results from a mixed-methods study. Dementia, 2022;21(1):316-334.
Talbot, J, Højsgaard Chow, H, Mahler, M, Buhelt, S, Holm Hansen, R, Lundell, H, Vinther-Jensen, T, Hellem, MNN, Nielsen, JE, Siebner, HR, von Essen, MR & Sellebjerg, F. Relationship between cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of inflammation and tissue damage in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2022;68:104209.
Thomsen, TH, Jørgensen, LB, Kjær, TW, Haahr, A, Vogel, A, Larsen, IU & Winge, K. Clinical Markers of 6 Pre-dominant Coping Behaviors in Living With Parkinson Disease: A Convergent Mixed Methods Study. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 2022;59:469580221129929.
Torkpoor, R, Frolich, K, Nielsen, TR & Londos, E. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Swedish Version of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS-S) for Multicultural Cognitive Screening in Swedish Memory Clinics. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2022;89(3):865-876.
Uwishema, O, Frederiksen, KS, Correia, IFS, Mahmoud, A, Onyeaka, H & Dost, B. The impact of COVID-19 on patients with neurological disorders and their access to healthcare in Africa: A review of the literature. Brain and Behavior 2022;12(9):e2742.
Vogel, A, Jørgensen, K & Larsen, IU. Normative data for Emotion Hexagon test and frequency of impairment in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Applied neuropsychology. Adult 2022;29(1):127-132.
Øksnebjerg, L, Hasselbalch, SG, Lolk, A & Vølund, B. Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022. 372 p.
Book chapters
Hasselbalch, SG. & Frederiksen, KS. Demensdiagnostik. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;107-118.
Frederiksen, KS & Hasselbalch, SG. Fysisk træning og aktivitet for mennesker med demens. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;185-190.
Guldberg, A-M & Hasselbalch, SG. Toksisk påvirkning af hjernen - alkohol, polyfarmaci og afhængighed. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;101- 106.
Hasselbalch, SG, Ringkøbing, SP & Stokholm, J. Demenssygdomme. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;27-74.
Hasselbalch, SG, Høgh, P & Lolk, A. Medicinsk behandling af demens. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;147-159.
Hjermind, LE & Nielsen, JE. Demens og bevægeforstyrrelser. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;75-81.
Hvass, A-M & Lindquist, SG. Arvelige ændringer i koagulationssystemet og hæmoglobinsygdomme. In L Sunde & E Østergaard (ED), Medicinsk genetik. FADL’s Forlag, Copenhagen 2022;331-335.
Jørgensen, K. Risikoreduktion og forebyggelse af demens. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;137-144.
Lindquist, SG. Arvelige neurologiske sygdomme. In L Sunde & E Østergaard (ED), Medicinsk genetik. FADL’s Forlag, Copenhagen 2022;229-244.
Lindquist, SG & Hasselbalch, SG. Demens og arvelighed. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;129-135.
Nielsen, TR. Etniske minoriteter. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;259-267.
Roos, P & Vogel, A. Den normale hjerne. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;11-25.
Tannebæk, K. Demensvenlig indretning. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;231-237.
Waldemar, G. Huske. In A Langballe, BS Nielsen, D Travn, K Hundevadt & TY Højrup (ED), Ord: Encyklopædi. Politikens Forlag 2022;111.
Øksnebjerg, L, Fejerskov, UV & Tannebæk, K. Kognitiv stimulationsterapi. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;203-208.
Øksnebjerg, L. Psykosociale indsatser. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;161-168.
Øksnebjerg, L. Rehabilitering. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;191-202.
Øksnebjerg, L & Tannebæk, K. Teknologi til mennesker med demens. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;221-229.
Øksnebjerg, L. Yngre med demens. In L Øksnebjerg, SG Hasselbalch, A Lolk & B Vølund (ED), Forstå Demens. Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 2022;251-257.
Høck, AN, Jensen, SR, Sværke, KW, Brennum, J, Jespersen, B, Bergdal, O, Karlsborg, M, Hjermind, LE & Løkkegaard, A. A randomised double-blind controlled study of Deep Brain Stimulation for dystonia in STN or GPi - A long term follow-up after up to 15 years. Parkinsonism & related disorders 2022;96:74-79.
Other publications
Gleerup, HS. Lactoferrin in cerebrospinal fluid and saliva is not a diagnostic biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease in a mixed memory clinic population. Master’s Thesis 2022.
Mellergaard, C. Characterising the prodromal phase in dementia with Lewy bodies. Master’s Thesis 2022.
Nguyen, QTR, Ortigoza Escobar, JD, Burgunder, J-M, Mariotti, C, Saft, C, Hjermind, LE, Youssov, K, Landwehrmeyer, GB & Bachoud-Lévi, A-C. Corrigendum: Combining Literature Review With a Ground Truth Approach for Diagnosing Huntington’s Disease Phenocopy 2022.
PhD dissertations
Janbek, J. Epidemiology of Infections in Dementia: Nationwide registry-based studies on hospitalizations and adverse outcomes in Denmark. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2021.
Taudorf, L. Dementia and Mortality: A Nationwide Registry-Based Study. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2021.
Scientific papers
Al-Jawahiri, F & Nielsen, TR. Effects of Acculturation on the Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Test Battery (CNTB) in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Population in Denmark. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2021;36(3):381-393.
Appel, AM, Brønnum-Hansen, H, Garde, AH, Hansen, ÅM, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Islamoska, S, Mortensen, EL, Osler, M & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Socioeconomic Position and Late-Onset Dementia: A Nationwide Register-Based Study. Journal of Aging and Health 2021;8982643211037200.
Axelsen, TM, Vammen, TL, Bak, M, Pourhadi, N, Stenør, CM & Grønborg, S. Case report: AARS2 leukodystrophy. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports 2021; 100782.
Bonnesen, MP, Diederichsen, SZ, Isaksen, JL, Frederiksen, KS, Hasselbalch, SG, Haugan, KJ, Kronborg, C, Graff, C, Højberg, S, Køber, L, Krieger, DW, Brandes, A & Svendsen, JH. Atrial fibrillation burden and cognitive decline in elderly patients undergoing continuous monitoring. American Heart Journal 2021;242:15-23.
Bruus, AE, Waldemar, G & Vogel, A. Impairment of Episodic-Specific Autobiographical Memory in Individuals with Subjective Cognitive Decline and in Patients with Prodromal or Mild Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;84(4):1485-1496.
Chandrasekaran, A, Dittlau, KS, Corsi, GI, Haukedal, H, Doncheva, NT, Ramakrishna, S, Ambardar, S, Salcedo, C, Schmidt, SI, Zhang, Y, Cirera, S, Pihl, M, Schmid, B, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE, Kolko, M, Kobolák, J, Dinnyés, A, Hyttel, P, Palakodeti, D, Gorodkin, J, Muddashetty, RS, Meyer, M, Aldana, BI & Freude, KK. Astrocytic reactivity triggered by defective autophagy and metabolic failure causes neurotoxicity in frontotemporal dementia type 3. Stem cell reports 2021;16(11):2736-2751.
Dominguez, J, Jiloca, L, Fowler, KC, De Guzman, MF, Dominguez-Awao, JK, Natividad, B, Domingo, J, Dominguez, JD, Reandelar, M, Ligsay, A, Yu, JR, Aichele, S & Phung, TKT. Dementia Incidence, Burden and Cost of Care: A Filipino Community-Based Study. Frontiers in Public Health 2021;9:628700.
Dominguez, J, de Guzman, MF, Chen, SHA, Sano, M, Waldemar, G & Phung, TKT. Filipino Multicomponent Intervention to Maintain Cognitive Performance in High-Risk Population (FINOMAIN): Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Neurology 2021;12:e685721.
Franzen, S, Papma, JM, van den Berg, E & Nielsen, TR. Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in the European Union: a Delphi expert study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 2021;36(5):815-830.
Frederiksen, KS, Nielsen, TR, Appollonio, I, Andersen, BB, Riverol, M, Boada, M, Ceccaldi, M, Dubois, B, Engelborghs, S, Frölich, L, Hausner, L, Gabelle, A, Gabryelewicz, T, Grimmer, T, Hanseeuw, B, Hort, J, Hugon, J, Jelic, V, Koivisto, A, Kramberger, MG, Lebouvier, T, Lleó, A, de Mendonça, A, Nobili, F, Ousset, P-J, Perneczky, R, Olde Rikkert, M, Robinson, D, Rouaud, O, Sánchez, E, Santana, I, Scarmeas, N, Sheardova, K, Sloan, S, Spiru, L, Stefanova, E, Traykov, L, Yener, G & Waldemar, G. Biomarker counseling, disclosure of diagnosis and follow-up in patients with mild cognitive impairment: A European Alzheimer's disease consortium survey. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021;36(2):324-333.
Frederiksen, KS, Nielsen, TR, Winblad, B, Schmidt, R, Kramberger, MG, Jones, RW, Hort, J, Grimmer, T, Georges, J, Frölich, L, Engelborghs, S, Dubois, B & Waldemar, G. European Academy of Neurology/European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium position statement on diagnostic disclosure, biomarker counseling, and management of patients with mild cognitive impairment. European Journal of Neurology 2021;28(7):2147-2155.
Gjerum, L, Andersen, BB, Bruun, M, Simonsen, AH, Henriksen, OM, Law, I, Hasselbalch, SG & Frederiksen, KS. Comparison of the clinical impact of 2-[18F]FDG-PET and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in patients suspected of Alzheimer's disease. PLoS One 2021;16(3):e0248413.
Gleerup, HS, Jensen, CS, Høgh, P, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Lactoferrin in cerebrospinal fluid and saliva is not a diagnostic biomarker for Alzheimer's disease in a mixed memory clinic population. EBioMedicine 2021;67:103361.
Gleerup, HS, Sanna, F, Høgh, P, Simrén, J, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H, Hasselbalch, SG, Ashton, NJ & Simonsen, AH. Saliva Neurofilament Light Chain Is Not a Diagnostic Biomarker for Neurodegeneration in a Mixed Memory Clinic Population. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2021;13:659898.
Hellem, MNN, Hendel, RK, Vinther-Jensen, T, Larsen, IU, Nielsen, TT, Hjermind, LE, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Vogel, A & Nielsen, JE. Endophenotypical drift in Huntington's disease: a 5-year follow-up study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2021;16(1):340.
Hellem, MNN, Vinther-Jensen, T, Anderberg, L, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Hjermind, LE, Larsen, VA, Nielsen, JE & Law, I. Hybrid 2-[18F] FDG PET/MRI in premanifest Huntington's disease gene-expansion carriers: The significance of partial volume correction. PLoS One 2021;16(6):e0252683.
Hendel, RK, Hellem, MNN, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE & Vogel, A. Intellectual Curiosity and Action Initiation are Subtypes of Apathy Affected in Huntington Disease Gene Expansion Carriers. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 2021;34(4):295-302.
Herborg, F, Jensen, KL, Tolstoy, S, Arends, NV, Posselt, LP, Shekar, A, Aguilar, JI, Lund, VK, Erreger, K, Rickhag, M, Lycas, MD, Lonsdale, MN, Rahbek-Clemmensen, T, Sørensen, AT, Newman, AH, Løkkegaard, A, Kjaerulff, O, Werge, T, Møller, LB, Matthies, HJ, Galli, A, Hjermind, LE & Gether, U. Identifying dominant-negative actions of a dopamine transporter variant in patients with parkinsonism and neuropsychiatric disease. JCI Insight 2021;6(18). e151496.
Islamoska, S, Hansen, ÅM, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Garde, AH, Andersen, PK, Garde, E, Taudorf, L, Waldemar, G & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Stress diagnoses in midlife and risk of dementia: a register-based follow-up study. Aging & Mental Health 2021;25(6):1151-1160.
Janbek, J, Frimodt-Møller, N, Laursen, TM & Waldemar, G. Dementia identified as a risk factor for infection-related hospital contacts in a national, population-based and longitudinal matched-cohort study. Nature aging 2021;1:226-233.
Janbek, J, Frimodt-Møller, N, Laursen, TM & Waldemar, G. Hospital readmissions following infections in dementia: a nationwide and registry-based cohort study. European Journal of Neurology 2021;28(11):3603-3614.
Janbek, J, Taudorf, L, Musaeus, CS, Frimodt-Møller, N, Laursen, TM & Waldemar, G. Increased short- and long-term mortality following infections in dementia: a nationwide registry-based cohort study. European Journal of Neurology 2021;28(2):411-420.
Knorr, U, Blom, RA, Simonsen, AH, Poulsen, HE, Akhøj, M, Forman, J, Hasselbalch, SG & Kessing, LV. Associations between oxidative stress and perceived stress in patients with bipolar disorder and healthy control individuals. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2021;75(7):532-537.
Kristensen, RU, Jensen-Dahm, C, Gasse, C & Waldemar, G. Declining Use of Potentially Inappropriate Medication in People with Dementia from 2000 to 2015: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Nationwide Register-Based Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;79(4):1459-1470.
Lolansen, SD, Rostgaard, N, Andreassen, SN, Simonsen, AH, Juhler, M, Hasselbalch, SG & MacAulay, N. Elevated CSF inflammatory markers in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus do not promote NKCC1 hyperactivity in rat choroid plexus. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 2021;18(1):54.
Lolansen, SD, Rostgaard, N, Oernbo, EK, Juhler, M, Simonsen, AH & MacAulay, N. Inflammatory Markers in Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Hydrocephalus: A Systematic Literature Review. Disease Markers 2021;2021:8834822.
Musaeus, CS, Nilsson, C, Cooper, C, Kramberger, MG, Verdelho, A, Stefanova, E, Religa, D, Waldemar, G & Frederiksen, KS. Pharmacological Medical Treatment of Epilepsy in Patients with Dementia: A Systematic Review. Current Alzheimer Research 2021;18(9):689-694.
Musaeus, CS, Pedersen, JS, Kjær, TW, Johannsen, P, Waldemar, G, Haverberg, MJN, Bacher, T, Nielsen, JE, Roos, P & FReJA Consortium. Cortical Frontoparietal Network Dysfunction in CHMP2B-Frontotemporal Dementia. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2021;13:e714220.
Musaeus, CS, Salem, LC, Kjaer, TW & Waldemar, G. Electroencephalographic functional connectivity is altered in persons with Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of intellectual disability research: JIDR 2021;65(3):236-245.
Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, DS & Waldemar, G. Barriers in access to dementia care in minority ethnic groups in Denmark: a qualitative study. Aging & Mental Health 2021;25(8):1424-1432.
Nielsen, TR, Waldemar, G & Nielsen, DS. Rotational care practices in minority ethnic families managing dementia: A qualitative study. Dementia 2021;20(3):884-898.
Perez, BA, Shorrock, HK, Banez-Coronel, M, Zu, T, Romano, LE, Laboissonniere, LA, Reid, T, Ikeda, Y, Reddy, K, Gomez, CM, Bird, T, Ashizawa, T, Schut, LJ, Brusco, A, Berglund, JA, Hasholt, LF, Nielsen, JE, Subramony, SH & Ranum, LP. CCG•CGG interruptions in high-penetrance SCA8 families increase RAN translation and protein toxicity. EMBO Molecular Medicine 2021;13(11). e14095.
Pourhadi, N, Ringkøbing, SP, Waldemar, G & Frederiksen, KS. Kronisk Traumatisk Encefalopati. Ugeskrift for Laeger 2021;183(20/2021):V11200919.
Schnier, C, Janbek, J, Williams, L, Wilkinson, T, Laursen, TM, Waldemar, G, Richter, H, Kostev, K, Lathe, R & G Haas,J. Antiherpetic medication and incident dementia: Observational cohort studies in four countries. European Journal of Neurology 2021;28(6):1840-1848.
Simonsen, AH, Musaeus, CS, Christensen, GL, Hasselbalch, SG & Waldemar, G. Upwards Drift of Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid-β 42 Over Twelve Years in a Consecutive Clinical Cohort. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;81(4):1369-1373.
Sprugnoli, G, Rossi, S, Liew, SL, Bricolo, E, Costantini, G, Salvi, C, Golby, AJ, Musaeus, CS, Pascual-Leone, A, Rossi, A & Santarnecchi, E. Enhancement of semantic integration reasoning by tRNS. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience 2021;21(4):736-746.
Taudorf, L, Nørgaard, A, Islamoska, S, Laursen, TM & Waldemar, G. Causes of Death in People with Dementia from 2002 to 2015: A Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;82(4):1609-1618.
Taudorf, L, Nørgaard, A, Brodaty, H, Laursen, TM & Waldemar, G. Dementia increases mortality beyond effects of comorbid conditions: A national registry-based cohort study. European Journal of Neurology 2021;28(7):2174-2184.
Taudorf, L, Nørgaard, A, Waldemar, G & Laursen, TM. Mortality in Dementia from 1996 to 2015: A National Registry-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;79(1):289-300.
Thorlacius-Ussing, G, Bruun, M, Gjerum, L, Frederiksen, KS, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, van der Flier, WM, Waldemar, G & Hasselbalch, SG. Comparing a Single Clinician Versus a Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference Approach for Dementia Diagnostics Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;83(2):741-751.
Toniolo, S, Di Lorenzo, F, Scarioni, M, Frederiksen, KS & Nobili, F. Is the Frontal Lobe the Primary Target of SARS-CoV-2?. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;81(1):75-81.
Toniolo, S, Scarioni, M, Di Lorenzo, F, Hort, J, Georges, J, Tomic, S, Nobili, F, Frederiksen, KS & Management Group of the EAN Dementia and Cognitive Disorders Scientific Panel 2021. Dementia and COVID-19, a Bidirectional Liaison: Risk Factors, Biomarkers, and Optimal Health Care. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021;82(3):883-898.
Videbæk, C, Stokholm, J, Sengeløv, H, Fjeldborg, LU, Larsen, VA, Krarup, C, Nielsen, JE & Grønborg, S. Allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in two siblings with adult metachromatic leukodystrophy and a systematic literature review. JIMD Reports 2021 jul;60(1):96-104.
Zakarias, JK, Nørgaard, A, Jensen-Dahm, C, Gasse, C, Laursen, TM, Palm, H, Nielsen, RE & Waldemar, G. Risk of hospitalization and hip fracture associated with psychotropic polypharmacy in patients with dementia: A nationwide register-based study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021;36(11):1691-1698. 5587.
Frederiksen, KS & Waldemar, G. Management of Patients with Dementia: The Role of the Physician. Springer Nature Swizerland AG 2021.
Book chapters
Frederiksen, KS & Waldemar, G. Disclosure of Diagnosis in MCI and Dementia. In KS Frederiksen & G Waldemar (ED), Management of Patients with Dementia: The Role of the Physician. Springer Nature Swizerland AG 2021;57-72.
Frederiksen, KS & Waldemar, G. Management of Patients with Dementia: An Introduction. In KS Frederiksen & G Waldemar (ED), Management of Patients with Dementia: The Role of the Physician. Springer Nature Swizerland AG 2021;1-18.
Frederiksen, KS. Physical and Cognitive Exercise for Patients with Dementia. In KS Frederiksen & G Waldemar (ED), Management of Patients with Dementia: The Role of the Physician. Springer Nature Swizerland AG 2021; 291-314.
Frederiksen, KS & Waldemar, G. Systematic Medical Follow-Up of Patients with Dementia. In KS Frederiksen & G Waldemar (ED), Management of Patients with Dementia: The Role of the Physician. Springer Nature Swizerland AG 2021; 417-426.
Jensen-Dahm, C. Assessment and Management of Pain in Patients with Dementia. In KS Frederiksen & G Waldemar (ED), Management of Patients with Dementia: The Role of the Physician. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021;179-200.
Knudsen, GM & Hasselbalch, SG. Imaging of the Serotonin System: Radiotracers and Applications in Memory Disorders. In RAJO Dierckx, A Otte, EFJ de Vries, A van Waarde & AA Lammertsma (ED), PET and SPECT of Neurobiological Systems. Springer Cham 2021; 891-910.
Nielsen, TR & Waldemar, G. Cross-cultural cognitive examination in aging migrants. In ME Alaoui-Faris, A Federico & W Grisold (ED), Neurology in Migrants and Refugees. Springer Nature Swizerland AG 2021;267-281.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Dewan, R, Chia, R, Ding, J, Hickman, RA, Stein, TD, Abramzon, Y, Ahmed, S, Sabir, MS, Portley, MK, Tucci, A, Ibáñez, K, Shankaracharya, FNU, Keagle, P, Rossi, G, Caroppo, P, Tagliavini, F, Waldo, ML, Johansson, PM, Nilsson, CF, Rowe, JB, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Jabbari, E, Viollet, C, Glass, JD, Singleton, AB, Silani, V, Ross, OA, Ryten, M, Torkamani, A, Tanaka, T, Ferrucci, L, Resnick, SM, Pickering-Brown, S, Brady, CB, Kowal, N, Hardy, JA, Van Deerlin, V, Vonsattel, JP, Harms, MB, Morris, HR, Ferrari, R, Landers, JE, Chiò, A, Gibbs, JR, Dalgard, CL, Scholz, SW, Traynor, BJ, American Genome Center (TAGC), Nielsen, JE & Hjermind, LE. Pathogenic Huntingtin Repeat Expansions in Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Neuron 2021;109(3):448-460.e4.
Hendriks, S, Peetoom, K, Bakker, C, van der Flier, WM, Papma, JM, Koopmans, R, Verhey, FRJ, de Vugt, M, Köhler, S, Young-Onset Dementia Epidemiology Study Group, Nielsen, TR & Salem, LC. Global Prevalence of Young-Onset Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Neurology 2021;78(9):1080-1090.
Reus, LM, Pasaniuc, B, Posthuma, D, Boltz, T, Pijnenburg, YAL, Ophoff, RA, International FTD-Genomics Consortium, Nielsen, JE & Hjermind, LE. Gene Expression Imputation Across Multiple Tissue Types Provides Insight Into the Genetic Architecture of Frontotemporal Dementia and Its Clinical Subtypes. Biological Psychiatry 2021;89(8):825-835.
Other publications
Aleksovska, K, Bassetti, CLA, Berger, T, Carvalho, V, Costa, J, Deuschl, G, Frederiksen, KS, Jaarsma, J, Kobulashvili, T, Leone, MA, Pavlakova, L, Romoli, M, Vignatelli, L & Guideline Production Group of the European Academy of Neurology. Guidelines should be guidelines: Time to leave the terms "consensus" and "position" for other purposes. European Journal of Neurology 2021 aug;28(8):2461-2466.
Jørgensen, K. Kognitive vurderinger ved demensudredning. Gerontologi 2021;2:22-25.
PhD dissertations
Gjerum, L. Optimizing 18F-FDG-PET in the diagnosis of dementia disorders. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2020;1-160.
Scientific papers
Aldana, BI, Zhang, Y, Jensen, P, Chandrasekaran, A, Christensen, SK, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE, Hyttel, P, Larsen, MR, Waagepetersen, HS & Freude, KK. Glutamate-glutamine homeostasis is perturbed in neurons and astrocytes derived from patient iPSC models of frontotemporal dementia. Molecular Brain 2020;13(1):125.
Bech, S, Løkkegaard, A, Nielsen, TT, Nørremølle, A, Grønborg, S, Hasholt, L, Steffensen, GK, Graehn, G, Olesen, JH, Tommerup, N, Mang, Y, Bak, M, Nielsen, JE, Eiberg, H & Hjermind, LE.Paroxysmal Cranial Dyskinesia and Nail-Patella Syndrome Caused by a Novel Variant in the LMX1B Gene. Movement disorders: official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2020;35(12):2343-2347.
Clarke, C, Woods, B, Moniz-Cook, E, Mountain, G, Øksnebjerg, L, Chattat, R, Diaz, A, Gove, D, Vernooij-Dassen, M & Wolverson, E. Measuring the well-being of people with dementia: a conceptual scoping review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2020;18(1):249.
Clemmensen, FK, Hoffmann, K, Siersma, V, Sobol, N, Beyer, N, Andersen, BB, Vogel, A, Lolk, A, Gottrup, H, Høgh, P, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG & Frederiksen, KS. The role of physical and cognitive function in performance of activities of daily living in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease – a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics. 2020;20(1):513.
Dahl, RH, Taudorf, S, Bailey, DM, Møller, K & Berg, RMG. A method for modelling the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve at the level of the cerebral capillary in humans. Experimental Physiology, 2020;105(7):1063-1070.
Engedal, K, Barca, ML, Høgh, P, Bo Andersen, B, Winther Dombernowsky, N, Naik, M, Gudmundsson, TE, Øksengaard, A-R, Wahlund, L-O & Snaedal, J. The Power of EEG to Predict Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment and Subjective Cognitive Decline to Dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2020;49(1):38-47.
Franzen, S, van den Berg, E, Goudsmit, M, Jurgens, CK, van de Wiel, L, Kalkisim, Y, Uysal-Bozkir, Ö, Ayhan, Y, Nielsen, TR & Papma, JM. A Systematic Review of Neuropsychological Tests for the Assessment of Dementia in Non-Western, Low-Educated or Illiterate Populations. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2020;26(3):331-351.
Frederiksen, KS, Cooper, C, Frisoni, GB, Frölich, L, Georges, J, Kramberger, MG, Nilsson, C, Passmore, P, Mantoan Ritter, L, Religa, D, Schmidt, R, Stefanova, E, Verdelho, A, Vandenbulcke, M, Winblad, B & Waldemar, G. A European Academy of Neurology guideline on medical management issues in dementia. European Journal of Neurology 2020;27(10):1805-1820.
Frederiksen, KS, Hasselbalch, S & Waldemar, G. Undersøgelse af spinalvæske ved udredning for kognitiv svækkelse og demens. Ugeskrift for Laeger 2020;182(45):V05200352.
Gjerum, L, Frederiksen, KS, Henriksen, OM, Law, I, Anderberg, L, Andersen, BB, Bjerregaard, E, Hejl, A-M, Høgh, P & Hasselbalch, SG. A visual rating scale for cingulate island sign on 18F-FDG-PET to differentiate dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2020;410:116645.
Gjerum, L, Frederiksen, KS, Henriksen, OM, Law, I, Bruun, M, Simonsen, AH, Mecocci, P, Baroni, M, Dottorini, ME, Koikkalainen, J, Lötjönen, J & Hasselbalch, SG. Evaluating 2-[18F]FDG-PET in differential diagnosis of dementia using a data-driven decision model. NeuroImage. Clinical 2020;27:102267.
Gramkow, MH, Gjerum, L, Koikkalainen, J, Lötjönen, J, Law, I, Hasselbalch, SG, Waldemar, G & Frederiksen, KS. Prognostic value of complementary biomarkers of neurodegeneration in a mixed memory clinic cohort. PeerJ 2020;8:e9498
Gramkow, MH, Hasselbalch, SG, Waldemar, G & Frederiksen, KS. Resting State EEG in Exercise Intervention Studies: A Systematic Review of Effects and Methods. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2020;14:155
Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Hansen, ÅM, Mortensen, EL, Garde, AH, Grynderup, MB, Gyntelberg, F, Islamoska, S, Lund, R, Phung, TKT, Waldemar, G & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Does Midlife Forgetfulness Influence Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Relations at Work? Results From the Danish Working Environment Cohort Study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2020;62(9):738-745.
Islamoska, S, Hansen, ÅM, Wang, H-X, Garde, AH, Andersen, PK, Garde, E, Hansen, JM, Waldemar, G & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Mid- to late-life migraine diagnoses and risk of dementia: a national register-based follow-up study. The Journal of Headache and Pain Online 2020;21(1):98.
Janbek, J, Kriegbaum, M, Grand, MK, Specht, IO, Lind, BS, Andersen, CL & Heitmann, BL. The Copenhagen Primary Care Laboratory Pregnancy (CopPreg) database. BMJ Open 2020;10(5):e034318.
Jensen, CS, Musaeus, CS, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Andersen, BB, Beyer, N, Gottrup, H, Høgh, P, Vestergaard, K, Wermuth, L, Frederiksen, KS, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, S & Simonsen, AH. Physical exercise may increase plasma concentration of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol in patients with alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2020;14. 532.
Jensen-Dahm, C, Christensen, AN, Gasse, C & Waldemar, G. The Use of Opioids and Antipsychotics in Elderly with Dementia – Have Opioids Replaced Antipsychotics in Treating Behavioral Symptoms in Dementia? Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2020;73(1):259-267.
Jokinen, H, Koikkalainen, J, Laakso, HM, Melkas, S, Nieminen, T, Brander, A, Korvenoja, A, Rueckert, D, Barkhof, F, Scheltens, P, Schmidt, R, Fazekas, F, Madureira, S, Verdelho, A, Wallin, A, Wahlund, L-O, Waldemar, G, Chabriat, H, Hennerici, M, O’Brien, J, Inzitari, D, Lötjönen, J, Pantoni, L & Erkinjuntti, T. Global Burden of Small Vessel Disease-Related Brain Changes on MRI Predicts Cognitive and Functional Decline. Stroke 2020.
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A, Waldorff, FB & Waldemar, G. Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition Questionnaire (BASIC-Q)-Development and validation of a new tool for identification of cognitive impairment in community settings. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020;35(7):693-701.
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A, Waldorff, FB & Waldemar, G. Validation of the Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition and the Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition Questionnaire for identification of mild cognitive impairment in a memory clinic setting. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020;35(8):907-915.
Manniche, C, Simonsen, AH, Hasselbalch, SG, Andreasson, U, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K, Høgh, P, Juhler, M & Hejl, A-M. Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers to Differentiate Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus from Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2020;75(3):937-947.
Musaeus, CS, Gleerup, HS, Høgh, P, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Cerebrospinal Fluid/Plasma Albumin Ratio as a Biomarker for Blood-Brain Barrier Impairment Across Neurodegenerative Dementias. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2020;75(2):429-436.
Musaeus, CS, Engedal, K, Høgh, P, Jelic, V, Khanna, AR, Kjaer, TW, Mørup, M, Naik, M, Oeksengaard, A-R, Santarnecchi, E, Snaedal, J, Wahlund, L-O, Waldemar, G & Andersen, BB. Changes in the left temporal microstate are a sign of cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Brain and Behavior 2020;10(6):e01630.
Musaeus, CS, Nielsen, MS, Musaeus, JS & Høgh, P. Electroencephalographic Cross-Frequency Coupling as a Sign of Disease Progression in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2020;14:790.
Muurling, M, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Pärkkä, J, van Gils, M, Frederiksen, KS, Bruun, M, Hasselbalch, SG, Soininen, H, Herukka, S-K, Hallikainen, M, Teunissen, CE, Visser, PJ, Scheltens, P, van der Flier, WM, Mattila, J, Lötjönen, J & de Boer, C. Gait Disturbances are Associated with Increased Cognitive Impairment and Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau Levels in a Memory Clinic Cohort. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2020;76(3):1061-1070.
Nabe-Nielsen, K, Rod, NH, Hansen, ÅM, Prescott, E, Grynderup, MB, Islamoska, S, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Garde, AH, Gyntelberg, F, Mortensen, EL, Phung, TKT, Waldemar, G & Westendorp, RGJ. Perceived stress and dementia: Results from the Copenhagen city heart study. Aging & Mental Health 2020;24(11):1828-1836.
Nielsen, TR & Jørgensen, K. Cross-cultural dementia screening using the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Psychogeriatrics 2020;32(9):1031-1044.
Nielsen, TR, Svensson, BH, Rohr, G, Gottrup, H, Vestergaard, K, Høgh, P & Waldemar, G. The process of disclosing a diagnosis of dementia and mild cognitive impairment: A national survey of specialist physicians in Denmark. Dementia 2020;19(3):547-559.
Nørgaard, A, Jensen-Dahm, C, Gasse, C, Wimberley, T, Hansen, ES & Waldemar, G. Association of Benzodiazepines and Antidepressants With 180-Day Mortality Among Patients With Dementia Receiving Antipsychotic Pharmacotherapy: A Nationwide Registry-Based Study. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2020;81(4):12828.
Petrova, T, Orellana, C, Jelic, V, Oeksengaard, A-R, Snaedal, J, Høgh, P, Andersen, BB, Naik, M, Engedal, K, Wahlund, L-O & Ferreira, D. Cholinergic dysfunction, neurodegeneration, and amyloid-beta pathology in neurodegenerative diseases. Psychiatry Research – Neuroimaging 2020;302:111099.
Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Paajanen, T, Koikkalainen, J, Mahdiani, S, Bruun, M, Baroni, M, Lemstra, AW, Scheltens, P, Herukka, S-K, Pikkarainen, M, Hall, A, Hänninen, T, Ngandu, T, Kivipelto, M, van Gils, M, Hasselbalch, SG, Mecocci, P, Remes, A, Soininen, H, van der Flier, WM & Lötjönen, J. cCOG: A web-based cognitive test tool for detecting neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer’s & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2020;12(1):e12083.
Rhodius-Meester, HFM, van Maurik, IS, Koikkalainen, J, Tolonen, A, Frederiksen, KS, Hasselbalch, SG, Soininen, H, Herukka, S-K, Remes, AM, Teunissen, CE, Barkhof, F, Pijnenburg, YAL, Scheltens, P, Lötjönen, J & van der Flier, WM. Selection of memory clinic patients for CSF biomarker assessment can be restricted to a quarter of cases by using computerized decision support, without compromising diagnostic accuracy. PLoS One 2020;15(1):e0226784.
Ringkøbing, SP, Larsen, IU, Jørgensen, K, Vinther-Jensen, T & Vogel, A. Cognitive Screening Tests in Huntington Gene Mutation Carriers: Examining the Validity of the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Journal of Huntington’s Disease 2020;9(1):59-68.
Roos, P, Holm, IE, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT, Brown, JM, Johannsen, P & Isaacs, AM. CHMP2B Frontotemporal Dementia. GeneReviews 2020; 20301378.
Shi, L, Winchester, LM, Liu, BY, Killick, R, Ribe, EM, Westwood, S, Baird, AL, Buckley, NJ, Hong, S, Dobricic, V, Kilpert, F, Franke, A, Kiddle, S, Sattlecker, M, Dobson, R, Cuadrado, A, Hye, A, Ashton, NJ, Morgan, AR, Bos, I, Vos, SJB, Ten Kate, M, Scheltens, P, Vandenberghe, R, Gabel, S, Meersmans, K, Engelborghs, S, De Roeck, EE, Sleegers, K, Frisoni, GB, Blin, O, Richardson, JC, Bordet, R, Molinuevo, JL, Rami, L, Wallin, A, Kettunen, P, Tsolaki, M, Verhey, F, Lleó, A, Alcolea, D, Popp, J, Peyratout, G, Martinez-Lage, P, Tainta, M, Johannsen, P, Teunissen, CE, Freund-Levi, Y, Frölich, L, Legido-Quigley, C, Barkhof, F, Blennow, K, Rasmussen, KL, Nordestgaard, BG, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Nielsen, SF, Soininen, H, Vellas, B, Kloszewska, I, Mecocci, P, Zetterberg, H, Morgan, BP, Streffer, J, Visser, PJ, Bertram, L, Nevado-Holgado, AJ & Lovestone. Dickkopf-1 overexpression in vitro nominates candidate blood biomarkers relating to Alzheimer’s Disease pathology. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2020;77(3):1353-1368.
Thorlacius-Ussing, G, Frederiksen, KS, Holst, AV, Juhler, M & Hasselbalch, SG. Diagnostik og behandling af normaltrykshydrocefalus. Ugeskrift for Laeger 2020;182(22):V12190710.
Thorlacius-Ussing, G, Nielsen, JE, Law, I, Hansen, HV & Andersen, BB, A. Mania triggered by levodopa treatment in a patient with frontotemporal dementia caused by A C9orf72 repeat expansion: A case report. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2020;198:106147.
Vogel, A, Stokholm, J & Jørgensen, K. Normative data for eight verbal fluency measures in older Danish adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 2020;114-124.
von Essen, MR, Hellem, MNN, Vinther-Jensen, T, Ammitzbøll, C, Hansen, RH, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE & Sellebjerg, F. Early Intrathecal T Helper 17.1 Cell Activity in Huntington Disease. Annals of Neurology 2020;87(2):246-255.
Wardman, JH, Henriksen, EE, Marthaler, AG, Nielsen, JE & Nielsen, TT. Enhancement of Autophagy and Solubilization of Ataxin-2 Alleviate Apoptosis in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 Patient Cells. Cerebellum (London, England) 2020;19(2):165-181.
Westwood, S, Baird, AL, Anand, SN, Nevado-Holgado, AJ, Kormilitzin, A, Shi, L, Hye, A, Ashton, NJ, Morgan, AR, Bos, I, Vos, SJB, Baker, S, Buckley, NJ, Ten Kate, M, Scheltens, P, Teunissen, CE, Vandenberghe, R, Gabel, S, Meersmans, K, Engelborghs, S, De Roeck, EE, Sleegers, K, Frisoni, GB, Blin, O, Richardson, JC, Bordet, R, Molinuevo, JL, Rami, L, Wallin, A, Kettunen, P, Tsolaki, M, Verhey, F, Lléo, A, Sala, I, Popp, J, Peyratout, G, Martinez-Lage, P, Tainta, M, Johannsen, P, Freund-Levi, Y, Frölich, L, Dobricic, V, Legido-Quigley, C, Bertram, L, Barkhof, F, Zetterberg, H, Morgan, BP, Streffer, J, Visser, PJ & Lovestone, S. Validation of Plasma Proteomic Biomarkers Relating to Brain Amyloid Burden in the EMIF-Alzheimer’s Disease Multimodal Biomarker Discovery Cohort. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2020;74(1):213-225.
Øksnebjerg, L, Janbek, J, Woods, B & Waldemar, G. Assistive technology designed to support self-management of people with dementia: user involvement, dissemination, and adoption. A scoping review. International Psychogeriatrics 2020;32(8):937-953.
Øksnebjerg, L, Woods, B, Ruth, K, Lauridsen, A, Kristiansen, S, Holst, HD & Waldemar, G. A Tablet App Supporting Self-Management for People With Dementia: Explorative Study of Adoption and Use Patterns. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(1):e14694.
Øksnebjerg, L, Woods, B, Vilsen, CR, Ruth, K, Gustafsson, M, Ringkøbing, SP & Waldemar, G. Self-management and cognitive rehabilitation in early stage dementia - merging methods to promote coping and adoption of assistive technology. A pilot study. Aging & Mental Health 2020;24(11):1894-1903.
Books and book chapters
Gerlach, C & Hasselbalch, SG. Billeddannelse og Neuropsykolog. In R Starrfelt, C Gerlach & A Gade (ED), Klinisk Neuropsykologi. 2 udg, Frydenlund, København 2020;575-594.
Hasselbalch, SG & Gottrup, H. Demenssygdomme. In B Baslund, U Feldt-Rasmussen, J Kastrup & PS Sørensen (ED), MEDICIN. 3 udg, FADL’s Forlag, København 2020;966-974.
Jørgensen, K & Hansen, KR. Neuropsykologisk undersøgelsesmetode. In R Starrfelt, C Gerlach & A Gade (ED), Klinisk Neuropsykologi. 2 udg, Frydenlund Academic, København 2020;546-563.
Nielsen, JE & Karlsborg, M. Hereditære ataksier og sygdomme i det motoriske neuron. In OB Paulson, F Gjerris, PS Sørensen, G Waldemar, JCH Sørensen & F Sellebjerg (ED), Klinisk Neurologi og Neurokirurgi. 7 udg, FADL’s Forlag, København 2020;542-552.
Nielsen, TR. Tværkulturel neuropsykologisk undersøgelse. In R Starrfelt, C Gerlach & A Gade (ED), Klinisk Neuropsykologi. 2 udg, Frydenlund Academic, København 2020;564-574.
Paulson OB, Gjerris F, Sørensen PS, Waldemar G, Sørensen JCH, Sellebjerg FT. Klinisk Neurologi og Neurokirurgi. 7 udg. FADL’s Forlag, København 2020;1-773.
Sellebjerg, FT & Waldemar, G. Intoxicationer og ernæringsdeficit. In OB Paulson, F Gjerris, PS Sørensen, G Waldemar, JCH Sørensen & FT Sellebjerg (ED), Klinisk Neurologi og Neurokirurgi. 7 udg, FADL’s Forlag, København 2020;660-679.
Stokholm, J & Vogel, A. Frontotemporal demens. In R Starrfelt, C Gerlach & A Gade (ED), Klinisk Neuropsykologi. 2 udg, Frydenlund Academic, København 2020;354-361.
Vogel, A & Stokholm, J. Alzheimers Sygdom. In R Starrfelt, C Gerlach & A Gade (ED), Klinisk Neuropsykologi. 2 udg, Frydenlund Academic, København 2020;341-354.
Vogel, A & Gerlach, C. Neuropsykologiske forstyrrelser. In OB Paulson, F Gerris, PS Sørensen, G Waldemar, JCH Sørensen & F Sellebjerg (ED), Klinisk Neurologi og Neurokirurgi. 7 udg, FADL’s Forlag. København 2020;132-152.
Waldemar G, Gottrup H. Demenssygdomme. In OB Paulson, F Gerris, PS Sørensen, G Waldemar, JCH Sørensen & F Sellebjerg (ED), Klinisk Neurologi og Neurokirurgi. 7 udg, FADL’s Forlag. København 2020;576-593.
Østergaard, K & Nielsen, JE. Bevægeforstyrrelser, motorneuronsygdomme og hereditære sygdomme. In B Baslund, U Feldt-Rasmussen, J Kastrup & PS Sørensen (ED), MEDICIN. 3 udg, FADL’s Forlag, København 2020;1036-1053.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Wang, T, Yu, X, Zhao, H, Zeng, P, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC), Nielsen, JE & Hjermind, LE. Mendelian randomization implies no direct causal association between leukocyte telomere length and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Scientific Reports 2020 jul 22;10(1):12184.
Other publications
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A, Waldorff, FB & Waldemar, G. BASIC. Et nyt værktøj til demensudredning? Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis 2020;98(1).
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A, Waldorff, FB & Waldemar, G. Demensudredning i almen praksis. iPraksis 2020.
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A, Waldorff, FB & Waldemar, G. Er MMSE pensionsmoden? Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis, 2020;98(1).
PhD dissertations
Bruun, M. Data-driven differential diagnosis and prediction of progression in dementia. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2019;1-187.
Jensen, CS. Fluid-based biomarkers to assess the effect of psysical exercise in Alzheimer’s disease: The ADEX trial. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2019;1-141.
Nørgaard, A. Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Patients with Dementia: A Nationwide Pharmacoepidemiologic Study. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2019;1-149.
Øksnebjerg, L. Assistive Technology to Support Self-management of People with Dementia: The ReACT project. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2019;1-161.
Scientific papers
Bos, I, Vos, S, Verhey, F, Scheltens, P, Teunissen, C, Engelborghs, S, Sleegers, K, Frisoni, G, Blin, O, Richardson, JC, Bordet, R, Tsolaki, M, Popp, J, Peyratout, G, Martinez-Lage, P, Tainta, M, Lleó, A, Johannsen, P, Freund-Levi, Y, Frölich, L, Vandenberghe, R, Westwood, S, Dobricic, V, Barkhof, F, Legido-Quigley, C, Bertram, L, Lovestone, S, Streffer, J, Andreasson, U, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H & Visser, PJ. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of neurodegeneration, synaptic integrity, and astroglial activation across the clinical Alzheimer’s disease spectrum. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2019;15(5):644-654.
Bruun, M, Koikkalainen, J, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Baroni, M, Gjerum, L, van Gils, M, Soininen, H, Remes, AM, Hartikainen, P, Waldemar, G, Mecocci, P, Barkhof, F, Pijnenburg, Y, van der Flier, WM, Hasselbalch, SG, Lötjönen, J & Frederiksen, KS. Detecting frontotemporal dementia syndromes using MRI biomarkers. NeuroImage. Clinical 2019;22:101711.
Bruun, M, Frederiksen, KS, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Baroni, M, Gjerum, L, Koikkalainen, J, Urhemaa, T, Tolonen, A, van Gils, M, Tong, T, Guerrero, R, Rueckert, D, Dyremose, N, Andersen, BB, Simonsen, AH, Lemstra, A, Hallikainen, M, Kurl, S, Herukka, S-K, Remes, AM, Waldemar, G, Soininen, H, Mecocci, P, van der Flier, WM, Lötjönen, J & Hasselbalch, SG. Impact of a clinical decision support tool on dementia diagnostics in memory clinics: The PredictND validation study. Current Alzheimer Research 2019;16(2):91-101.
Bruun, M, Frederiksen, KS, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Baroni, M, Gjerum, L, Koikkalainen, J, Urhemaa, T, Tolonen, A, van Gils, M, Rueckert, D, Dyremose, N, Andersen, BB, Lemstra, AW, Hallikainen, M, Kurl, S, Herukka, S-K, Remes, AM, Waldemar, G, Soininen, H, Mecocci, P, van der Flier, WM, Lötjönen, J & Hasselbalch, SG. Impact of a clinical decision support tool on prediction of progression in early-stage dementia: a prospective validation study. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 2019 mar;11(1):25.
Dahl, RH, Berg, RMG, Taudorf, S, Bailey, DM, Lundby, C, Christensen, M, Larsen, FS & Møller, K. Transcerebral exchange kinetics of large neutral amino acids during acute inspiratory hypoxia in humans. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 2019;79(8):595- 600.
Dominguez, JC, Phung, TKT, de Guzman, MFP, Fowler, KC, Reandelar, M, Natividad, B, Waldemar, G, Nielsen, TR, Pamintuan Aquial, MR, Holandez, RL & Ligsay, AD. Determining Filipino Normative Data for a Battery of Neuropsychological Tests: The Filipino Norming Project (FNP). Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 2019;9(2):260- 270.
Feletti, A, d’Avella, D, Wikkelsø, C, Klinge, P, Hellström, P, Tans, J, Kiefer, M, Meier, U, Lemcke, J, Paternò, V, Stieglitz, L, Sames, M, Saur, K, Kordás, M, Vitanovic, D, Gabarrós, A, Llarga, F, Triffaux, M, Tyberghien, A, Juhler, M, Hasselbalch, S, Cesarini, K & Laurell, K. Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Complications in the European Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Multicenter Study. Operative Neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md.) 2019;17(1):97-102.
Frederiksen, KS, Gjerum, L, Waldemar, G & Hasselbalch, SG. Physical Activity as a Moderator of Alzheimer Pathology: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies. Current Alzheimer Research 2019;16(4):362-378.
Frederiksen, KS, Madsen, K, Andersen, BB, Beyer, N, Garde, E, Høgh, P, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG & Law, I. Moderate- to high-intensity exercise does not modify cortical β-amyloid in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2019;5:208-215.
Gleerup, HS, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease in Saliva: A Systematic Review. Disease Markers 2019;4761054.
Hendel, RK, Starrfelt, R & Gerlach, C. The Good, the Bad, and the Average: Characterizing the Relationship Between Face and Object Processing Across the Face Recognition Spectrum. Neuropsychologia 2019;274-284.
Ilieva, M, Nielsen, TT, Michel, T & Pankratova, S. FGF2 and dual agonist of NCAM and FGF receptor 1, Enreptin, rescue neurite outgrowth loss in hippocampal neurons expressing mutated huntingtin proteins. Journal of Neural Engineering 2019;126(11):1493-1500.
Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Hansen, ÅM, Mortensen, EL, Garde, AH, Brødsgaard Grynderup, M, Gyntelberg, F, Islamoska, S, Lund, R, Phung, TKT, Prescott, E, Waldemar, G & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Midlife Forgetfulness and Risk of Dementia in Old Age: Results from the Danish Working Environment Cohort Study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2019;47(4-6):264-273.
Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Hansen, ÅM, Mortensen, EL, Garde, AH, Nørgaard, A, Gyntelberg, F, Rod, NH, Islamoska, S, Lund, R, Phung, TKT, Prescott, E, Waldemar, G & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Prolonged or serious conflicts at work and incident dementia: a 23-year follow-up of the Copenhagen City Heart Study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 2019;165-173.
Islamoska, S, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Hansen, ÅM, Grynderup, MB, Mortensen, EL, Garde, AH, Gyntelberg, F, Prescott, EIB, Török, E, Waldemar, G & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Vital Exhaustion and Incidence of Dementia: Results from the Copenhagen City Heart Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD 2019;67(1):369-379.
Jensen, CS, Bahl, JM, Østergaard, LB, Høgh, P, Wermuth, L, Heslegrave, A, Zetterberg, H, Heegaard, NHH, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Exercise as a potential modulator of inflammation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease measured in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma. Experimental Gerontology 2019;121:91-98.
Jensen, CS, Simonsen, AH, Siersma, V, Beyer, N, Frederiksen, KS, Gottrup, H, Hoffman, K, Høgh, P, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sobol, NA, Waldemar, G, Wermuth, L & Hasselbalch, SG. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease who carry the APOE ε4 allele benefit more from physical exercise. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2019;5:99-106.
Jensen-Dahm, C, Zakarias, JK, Gasse, C & Waldemar, G. Geographical Variation in Opioid Use in Elderly Patients with Dementia: A Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD 2019;70(4):1209- 1216.
Jørgensen, K, Nielsen, TR, Nielsen, A, Waldorff, FB, Høgh, P, Jakobsen, S, Gottrup, H, Vestergaard, K & Waldemar, G. Brief Assessment of Impaired Cognition (BASIC)-Validation of a new dementia case-finding instrument integrating cognitive assessment with patient and informant report. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2019;34(11):1724-33.
Kaltoft, NS, Marner, L, Larsen, VA, Hasselbalch, SG, Law, I & Henriksen, OM. Hybrid FDG PET/MRI vs. FDG PET and CT in patients with suspected dementia - A comparison of diagnostic yield and propagated influence on clinical diagnosis and patient management. PLoS One 2019;14(5):e0216409.
Kim, M, Snowden, S, Suvitaival, T, Ali, A, Merkler, DJ, Ahmad, T, Westwood, S, Baird, A, Proitsi, P, Nevado-Holgado, A, Hye, A, Bos, I, Vos, S, Vandenberghe, R, Teunissen, C, Ten Kate, M, Scheltens, P, Gabel, S, Meersmans, K, Blin, O, Richardson, J, De Roeck, E, Sleegers, K, Bordet, R, Rami, L, Kettunen, P, Tsolaki, M, Verhey, F, Sala, I, Lléo, A, Peyratout, G, Tainta, M, Johannsen, P, Freund-Levi, Y, Frölich, L, Dobricic, V, Engelborghs, S, Frisoni, GB, Molinuevo, JL, Wallin, A, Popp, J, Martinez-Lage, P, Bertram, L, Barkhof, F, Ashton, N, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H, Streffer, J, Visser, PJ, Lovestone, S & Legido-Quigley, C. Primary fatty amides in plasma associated with brain amyloid burden, hippocampal volume, and memory in the European Medical Information Framework for Alzheimer’s Disease biomarker discovery cohort. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2019;15(6):817-827.
Knorr, U, Simonsen, AH, Roos, P, Weimann, A, Henriksen, T, Christensen, E-M, Vinberg, M, Mikkelsen, RL, Kirkegaard, T, Jensen, RN, Akhøj, M, Forman, J, Poulsen, HE, Hasselbalch, SG & Kessing, LV. Cerebrospinal fluid oxidative stress metabolites in patients with bipolar disorder and healthy controls: a longitudinal case-control study. Translational Psychiatry 2019;9(1):325.
Koikkalainen, JR, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Frederiksen, KS, Bruun, M, Hasselbalch, SG, Baroni, M, Mecocci, P, Vanninen, R, Remes, A, Soininen, H, van Gils, M, van der Flier, WM, Scheltens, P, Barkhof, F, Erkinjuntti, T, Lötjönen, JMP & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Automatically computed rating scales from MRI for patients with cognitive disorders. European Radiology 2019;29(9):4937-4947.
Kristensen, RU, Nørgaard, A, Jensen-Dahm, C, Gasse, C, Wimberley, T & Waldemar, G. Changes in the Prevalence of Polypharmacy in People with and without Dementia from 2000 to 2014: A Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD 2019;67(3):949-960.
Lleó, A, Alcolea, D, Martínez-Lage, P, Scheltens, P, Parnetti, L, Poirier, J, Simonsen, AH, Verbeek, MM, Rosa-Neto, P, Slot, RER, Tainta, M, Izaguirre, A, Reijs, BLR, Farotti, L, Tsolaki, M, Vandenbergue, R, Freund-Levi, Y, Verhey, FRJ, Clarimón, J, Fortea, J, Frolich, L, Santana, I, Molinuevo, JL, Lehmann, S, Visser, PJ, Teunissen, CE, Zetterberg, H & Blennow, K. Longitudinal cerebrospinal fluid biomarker trajectories along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum in the BIOMARKAPD study. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2019;15(6):742-753.
Manniche, CS-H, Hejl, A-M, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus versus Alzheimer’s Disease and Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease: A Systematic Review. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD 2019;68(1):267-279.
Mikkelsen, RB, Gjerris, M, Waldemar, G & Sandøe, P. Broad consent for biobanks is best - provided it is also deep. BMC Medical Ethics 2019;20(1).
Musaeus, CS, Nielsen, MS & Høgh, P. Altered Low-Frequency EEG Connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment as a Sign of Clinical Progression. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD 2019;68(3):947-960.
Musaeus, CS, Salem, LC, Sabers, A, Kjaer, TW & Waldemar, G. Associations between electroencephalography power and Alzheimer’s disease in persons with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: JIDR 2019 sep;63(9):1151-1157.
Musaeus, CS, Salem, LC, Kjaer, TW & Waldemar, G. Microstate Changes Associated With Alzheimer’s Disease in Persons with Down Syndrome. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2019;13:1251.
Musaeus, CS, Nielsen, MS & Høgh, P. Microstates as Disease and Progression Markers in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2019;13:563.
Musaeus, CS, Engedal, K, Høgh, P, Jelic, V, Mørup, M, Naik, M, Oeksengaard, A-R, Snaedal, J, Wahlund, L-O, Waldemar, G & Andersen, BB. Oscillatory connectivity as a diagnostic marker of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical Neurophysiology: Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 2019;130(10):1889-1899.
Nabe-Nielsen, K, Hansen, ÅM, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Grynderup, MB, Gyntelberg, F, Islamoska, S, Mortensen, EL, Phung, TKT, Rod, NH, Waldemar, G, Westendorp, RGJ & Garde, AH. Night shift work, long working hours and dementia: a longitudinal study of the Danish Work Environment Cohort Study. BMJ Open 2019;9(5):e027027.
Nielsen, TR, Antelius, E & Waldemar, G. Cognitive Advantages in Adult Turkish Bilingual Immigrants - a Question of the Chicken or the Egg. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 2019;34(2):115-129.
Nielsen, TR. Effects of Illiteracy on the European Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Test Battery (CNTB). Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology: the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists 2019;34(5):713-720.
Nielsen, TR, Segers, K, Vanderaspoilden, V, Beinhoff, U, Minthon, L, Pissiota, A, Bekkhus-Wetterberg, P, Bjørkløf, GH, Tsolaki, M, Gkioka, M & Waldemar, G. Validation of a brief Multicultural Cognitive Examination (MCE) for evaluation of dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2019;34(7):982-989.
Nielsen, TR, Segers, K, Vanderaspoilden, V, Beinhoff, U, Minthon, L, Pissiota, A, Bekkhus-Wetterberg, P, Bjørkløf, GH, Tsolaki, M, Gkioka, M & Waldemar, G. Validation of a European Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Test Battery (CNTB) for evaluation of dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2019;34(1):144-152.
Nielsen, TR, Segers, K, Vanderaspoilden, V, Bekkhus-Wetterberg, P, Bjørkløf, GH, Beinhoff, U, Minthon, L, Pissiota, A, Tsolaki, M, Gkioka, M & Waldemar, G. Validation of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) in a multicultural sample across five Western European countries: diagnostic accuracy and normative data. International Psychogeriatrics 2019;31(2):287-296.
Petersen, MS, Restorff, M, Stórá, T, Waldemar, G & Joensen, S. Trend in the Incidence and Prevalence of Dementia in the Faroe Islands. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD 2019;71(3):969-978.
Santarnecchi, E, Sprugnoli, G, Bricolo, E, Costantini, G, Liew, S-L, Musaeus, CS, Salvi, C, Pascual-Leone, A, Rossi, A & Rossi, S. Gamma tACS over the temporal lobe increases the occurrence of Eureka! Moments. Scientific Reports 2019;9(1):5778.
Shi, L, Westwood, S, Baird, AL, Winchester, L, Dobricic, V, Kilpert, F, Hong, S, Franke, A, Hye, A, Ashton, NJ, Morgan, AR, Bos, I, Vos, SJB, Buckley, NJ, Kate, MT, Scheltens, P, Vandenberghe, R, Gabel, S, Meersmans, K, Engelborghs, S, De Roeck, EE, Sleegers, K, Frisoni, GB, Blin, O, Richardson, JC, Bordet, R, Molinuevo, JL, Rami, L, Wallin, A, Kettunen, P, Tsolaki, M, Verhey, F, Lleó, A, Alcolea, D, Popp, J, Peyratout, G, Martinez-Lage, P, Tainta, M, Johannsen, P, Teunissen, CE, Freund-Levi, Y, Frölich, L, Legido-Quigley, C, Barkhof, F, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H, Baker, S, Morgan, BP, Streffer, J, Visser, PJ, Bertram, L, Lovestone, S & Nevado-Holgado, AJ. Discovery and validation of plasma proteomic biomarkers relating to brain amyloid burden by SOMAscan assay. Alzheimer’s & Ddementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2019;15(11):1478-1488.
Sopina, E, Spackman, E, Martikainen, J, Waldemar, G & Sørensen, J. Long-term medical costs of Alzheimer’s disease: matched cohort analysis. The European Journal of Health Economics: HEPAC: Health Economics in Prevention and Care 2019;20(2):333-342.
Stamate, D, Kim, M, Proitsi, P, Westwood, S, Baird, A, Nevado-Holgado, A, Hye, A, Bos, I, Vos, SJB, Vandenberghe, R, Teunissen, CE, Kate, MT, Scheltens, P, Gabel, S, Meersmans, K, Blin, O, Richardson, J, De Roeck, E, Engelborghs, S, Sleegers, K, Bordet, R, Ramit, L, Kettunen, P, Tsolaki, M, Verhey, F, Alcolea, D, Lléo, A, Peyratout, G, Tainta, M, Johannsen, P, Freund-Levi, Y, Frölich, L, Dobricic, V, Frisoni, GB, Molinuevo, JL, Wallin, A, Popp, J, Martinez-Lage, P, Bertram, L, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H, Streffer, J, Visser, PJ, Lovestone, S & Legido-Quigley, C. A metabolite-based machine learning approach to diagnose Alzheimer-type dementia in blood: Results from the European Medical Information Framework for Alzheimer disease biomarker discovery cohort. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2019;5:933-938.
Sørensen, AMS, Tarp, S, Johannsen, P, Lolk, A, Bandak, E, Pedersen, H, Saxtrup, N, Kallehauge, H, Solem, EJ & Christensen, MB. Analgesics use and withdrawal in people with dementia - a register-based Danish study and a systematic review. Danish Medical Journal 2019;66(12).
Taudorf, L, Nørgaard, A, Islamoska, S, Jørgensen, K, Laursen, TM & Waldemar, G. Declining incidence of dementia: A national registry-based study over 20 years. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2019;15(11):1383-1391.
Toft, A, Birk, S, Ballegaard, M, Dunø, M, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE & Svenstrup, K. Peripheral neuropathy in hereditary spastic paraplegia caused by REEP1 variants. Journal of Neurology 2019;266(3):735- 744.
Zakarias, JK, Jensen-Dahm, C, Nørgaard, A, Roos, P, Gasse, C, Phung, TKT & Waldemar, G. Geographical Variation in the Diagnostic Rate and Quality of Dementia Diagnoses. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD 2019;69(2):513-520.
Øksnebjerg, L, Woods, B & Waldemar, G. Designing the ReACT App to Support Self-Management of People with Dementia: An Iterative User-Involving Process. Gerontology 2019;65:673-685.
Hou, Y, Dan, X, Babbar, M, Wei, Y, Hasselbalch, SG, Croteau, DL & Bohr, VA. Ageing as a risk factor for neurodegenerative disease. Nature Reviews. Neurology 2019;15(10):565-581.
Books and book chapters
Ashina, M, Kondziella, D, Larsen, VA, Krarup, C, Eskesen, V, Sabers, A, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG, Christensen, HK, Simonsen, CZ, Brennum, J, Østergaard, K, Sellebjerg, FT & Vissing, J, Neurologiske Sygdomme. In OB Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, JH Svendsen & H Vilstrup (ED), Medicinsk Kompendium. 19 ed., Munksgaard. Copenhagen 2019;291-445.
Jensen-Dahm, C & Waldemar, G. Smerter hos ældre og patienter med demens. In MU Werner, NB Finnerup & L Arendt-Nielsen (Eds), Smerter. Baggrund, evidens og behandling. 4th ed., FADL’s Forlag, Copenhagen 2019;156-168.
Hasselbalch, S. G. & Øksnebjerg, L. Få det bedste ud af livet med demens. 1st ed., Strandberg Publishing 2019;1-263.
Nielsen, TR & Nørredam, M. Assessment tools for dementia and depression in older migrants. In BN Kumar & E Diaz (Ed), Migrant Health: A Primary Care Perspective. CRC Press. Boca Raton 2019;269-281.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Campbell, BCV, Majoie, CBLM, Albers, GW, Menon, BK, Yassi, N, Sharma, G, van Zwam, WH, van Oostenbrugge, RJ, Demchuk, AM, Guillemin, F, White, P, Dávalos, A, van der Lugt, A, Butcher, KS, Cherifi, A, Marquering, HA, Cloud, G, Macho Fernández, JM, Madigan, J, Oppenheim, C, Donnan, GA, Roos, YBWEM, Shankar, J, Lingsma, H, Bonafé, A, Raoult, H, Hernández-Pérez, M, Bharatha, A, Jahan, R, Jansen, O, Richard, S, Levy, EI, Berkhemer, OA, Soudant, M, Aja, L, Davis, SM, Krings, T, Tisserand, M, San Román, L, Tomasello, A, Beumer, D, Brown, S, Liebeskind, DS, Bracard, S, Muir, KW, Dippel, DWJ, Goyal, M, Saver, JL, Jovin, TG, Hill, MD, HERMES collaborators, Krarup, L-H, Højgaard, J, Taudorf, S, Kondziella, D, Stavngaard, T & Cronqvist, M. Penumbral imaging and functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke treated with endovascular thrombectomy versus medical therapy: a meta-analysis of individual patient-level data. The Lancet Neurology 2019;18(1):46-55.
Reilmann, R, McGarry, A, Grachev, ID, Savola, J-M, Borowsky, B, Eyal, E, Gross, N, Langbehn, D, Schubert, R, Wickenberg, AT, Papapetropoulos, S, Hayden, M, Squitieri, F, Kieburtz, K, Landwehrmeyer, GB, European Huntington’s Disease Network, Vangsted-Hansen, C & Hjermind, LE, Safety and efficacy of pridopidine in patients with Huntington’s disease (PRIDE-HD): a phase 2, randomised, placebo-controlled, multicentre, dose-ranging study. The Lancet Neurology 2019;18(2):165- 176.
Swarup, V, Hinz, FI, Rexach, JE, Noguchi, K-I, Toyoshiba, H, Oda, A, Hirai, K, Sarkar, A, Seyfried, NT, Cheng, C, Haggarty, SJ, Grossman, M, Van Deerlin, VM, Trojanowski, JQ, Lah, JJ, Levey, AI, Kondou, S, Geschwind, DH, International Frontotemporal Dementia Genomics Consortium, Hjermind, LE & Nielsen, JE. Identification of evolutionarily conserved gene networks mediating neurodegenerative dementia. Nature Medicine 2019;25(1):152-164.
Vermunt, L, Sikkes, SAM, van den Hout, A, Handels, R, Bos, I, van der Flier, WM, Kern, S, Ousset, P-J, Maruff, P, Skoog, I, Verhey, FRJ, FreundLevi, Y, Tsolaki, M, Wallin, ÅK, Olde Rikkert, M, Soininen, H, Spiru, L, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K, Scheltens, P, Muniz-Terrera, G, Visser, PJ, Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative & Waldemar, G. Duration of preclinical, prodromal, and dementia stages of Alzheimer’s disease in relation to age, sex, and APOE genotype. Alzheimer’s & Dementia. The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2019;15(7):888-898.
Other publications
Jørgensen, K & Waldemar, G. Demens – definition, forekomst og risikofaktorer. Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis 2019;97(4):245-53.
Jørgensen, K & Waldemar, G. Demens – udredning og behandling. Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis 2019;97(5):367-77.
Jørgensen, K. Demens er mere end Alzheimer I. Lewy body demens. Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis 2019;97(9):579-84.
Jørgensen, K. Demens er mere end Alzheimer II. Frontotemporal demens. Månedsskrift for Almen Praksis 2019;97(10):657-62.
Jørgensen, K. Undersøgelse og diagnostik af kognitive sygdomme. Tandlaegebladet 2019;123(1).
PhD dissertations
Roos, P. Clinical and Molecular Aspects of Frontotemporal Dementia Linked to Chromosome 3 (FTD-3): PhD Thesis. Københavns Universitet 2018;1-63.
Scientific papers
Areškeviciute, A, Melchior, LC, Broholm, H, Krarup, L-H, Lindquist, SG, Johansen, P, McKenzie, N, Green, A, Nielsen, JE, Laursen, H & Lund, EL. Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in a Woman Married Into a Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker Family: An Investigation of Prions Transmission via Microchimerism. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 2018;77(8):673-684.
Bergeron, D, Gorno-Tempini, ML, Rabinovici, GD, Santos-Santos, MA, Seeley, W, Miller, BL, Pijnenburg, Y, Keulen, MA, Groot, C, van Berckel, BNM, van der Flier, WM, Scheltens, P, Rohrer, JD, Warren, JD, Schott, JM, Fox, NC, Sanchez-Valle, R, Grau-Rivera, O, Gelpi, E, Seelaar, H, Papma, JM, van Swieten, JC, Hodges, JR, Leyton, CE, Piguet, O, Rogalsky, EJ, Mesulam, MM, Koric, L, Nora, K, Pariente, J, Dickerson, B, Mackenzie, IR, Hsiung, G-YR, Belliard, S, Irwin, DJ, Wolk, DA, Grossman, M, Jones, M, Harris, J, Mann, D, Snowden, JS, Chrem-Mendez, P, Calandri, IL, Amengual, AA, Miguet-Alfonsi, C, Magnin, E, Magnani, G, Santangelo, R, Deramecourt, V, Pasquier, F, Mattsson, N, Nilsson, C, Hansson, O, Keith, J, Masellis, M, Black, SE, Matías-Guiu, JA, Cabrera-Martin, M-N, Paquet, C, Dumuirger, J, Teichmann, M, Sarazin, M, Bottlaender, M, Dubois, B, Rowe, CC, Villemagne, VL, Vandenberghe, R, Granadillo, E, Teng, E, Mendez, M, Meyer, PT, Frings, L, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Fortea, J, Seo, SW, Diehl-Schmid, J, Grimmer, T, Frederiksen, KS, Sánchez-Juan, P, Chételat, G, Jansen, W, Bouchard, RW, Robert, L, Visser, PJ & Ossenkoppele, R. Prevalence of amyloid-ß pathology in distinct variants of primary progressive aphasia. Annals of Neurology 2018;84(5):729740.
Bos, I, Vos, SJB, Jansen, WJ, Vandenberghe, R, Gabel, S, Estanga, A, Ecay-Torres, M, Tomassen, J, den Braber, A, Lleó, A, Sala, I, Wallin, A, Kettunen, P, Molinuevo, JL, Rami, L, Chetelat, G, de la Sayette, V, Tsolaki, M, Freund-Levi, Y, Johannsen, P, Novak, GP, Ramakers, I, Verhey, FR, Visser, PJ, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Amyloid-ß, Tau, and Cognition in Cognitively Normal Older Individuals: Examining the Necessity to Adjust for Biomarker Status in Normative Data. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2018;10:193.
Brinkmalm, G, Sjödin, S, Simonsen, AH, Hasselbalch, SG, Zetterberg, H, Brinkmalm, A & Blennow, K. A Parallel Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometric Method for Analysis of Potential CSF Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease. Proteomics – Clinical Applications 2018;12(1):e.
Bruun, M, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Koikkalainen, J, Baroni, M, Gjerum, L, Lemstra, AW, Barkhof, F, Remes, AM, Urhemaa, T, Tolonen, A, Rueckert, D, van Gils, M, Frederiksen, KS, Waldemar, G, Scheltens, P, Mecocci, P, Soininen, H, Lötjönen, J, Hasselbalch, SG & van der Flier, WM. Evaluating combinations of diagnostic tests to discriminate different dementia types. Alzheimer’s & dementia 2018;10:509-518.
Cajanus, A, Hall, A, Koikkalainen, J, Solje, E, Tolonen, A, Urhemaa, T, Liu, Y, Haanpää, RM, Hartikainen, P, Helisalmi, S, Korhonen, V, Rueckert, D, Hasselbalch, S, Waldemar, G, Mecocci, P, Vanninen, R, van Gils, M, Soininen, H, Lötjönen, J & Remes, AM. Automatic MRI Quantifying Methods in Behavioral-Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Diagnosis. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 2018;8(1):51-59.
Chelban, V, Wiethoff, S, Fabian-Jessing, BK, Haridy, NA, Khan, A, Efthymiou, S, Becker, EBE, O’Connor, E, Hersheson, J, Newland, K, Hojland, AT, Gregersen, PA, Lindquist, SG, Petersen, MB, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, M, Wood, NW, Giunti, P & Houlden, H. Genotype-phenotype correlations, dystonia and disease progression in spinocerebellar ataxia type 14. Movement disorders 2018;33(7):1119-1129.
Chaaya, M, Phung, K, Atweh, S, El Asmar, K, Karam, G, Khoury, RM, Ghandour, L, Ghusn, H, Assaad, S, Prince, M & Waldemar, G. Sociodemographic and cardiovascular disease risk factors associated with dementia: Results of a cross-sectional study from Lebanon. Preventive Medicine Reports 2018;9:1-5.
Dombernowsky, NW, Nielsen, EN, Law, I & Nielsen, JE. Beneficial effect of intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome associated chorea. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2018;390:52-53.
Dombernowsky, NW, Law, I & Hasselbalch, SG. Konfusion, bevidsthedstab og uspecifikke synsgener kan være symptomer på demens med Lewy Bodies. Ugeskrift for Læger 2018;180(38):V04180305.
Dominguez, JC, Del Moral, MCO, Chio, JOA, de Guzman, MFP, Natividad, BP, Decena, J-PM, Montalvo, MJY, Reandelar, M & Phung, KTT. Improving Cognition through Dance in Older Filipinos with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Current Alzheimer Research 2018;15(12):1136-1141.
Dominguez, J, Fe de Guzman, M, Reandelar, M & Thi Phung, TK. Prevalence of Dementia and Associated Risk Factors: A PopulationBased Study in the Philippines. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: (JAD) 2018;63(3):1065-1073.
Frederiksen, KS, Gjerum, L, Waldemar, G & Hasselbalch, SG. Effects of Physical Exercise on Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease:(JAD) 2018;61(1):359-372.
Frederiksen, KS, Larsen, CT, Hasselbalch, SG, Christensen, AN, Høgh, P, Wermuth, L, Andersen, BB, Siebner, HR & Garde, E. A 16-Week Aerobic Exercise Intervention Does Not Affect Hippocampal Volume and Cortical Thickness in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2018;10:293.
Gove, D, Diaz-Ponce, A, Georges, J, Moniz-Cook, E, Mountain, G, Chattat, R, Øksnebjerg, L & European Working Group of People with Dementia. Alzheimer Europe’s position on involving people with dementia in research through PPI (patient and public involvement). Aging and Mental Health 2018;22(6):723-729.
Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Hansen, ÅM, Garde, AH, Mortensen, EL, Gyntelberg, F, Phung, TKT, Lund, R, Rod, NH, Prescott, E, Waldemar, G, Westendorp, R & Nabe-Nielsen, K. Social Relations at Work and Incident Dementia: 29-Years’ Follow-Up of the Copenhagen Male Study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2018;60(1):12-18.
Jansen, WJ, Ossenkoppele, R, Tijms, BM, Fagan, AM, Hansson, O, Klunk, WE, van der Flier, WM, Villemagne, VL, Frisoni, GB, Fleisher, AS, Lleó, A, Mintun, MA, Wallin, A, Engelborghs, S, Na, DL, Chételat, G, Molinuevo, JL, Landau, SM, Mattsson, N, Kornhuber, J, Sabri, O, Rowe, CC, Parnetti, L, Popp, J, Fladby, T, Jagust, WJ, Aalten, P, Lee, DY, Vandenberghe, R, Resende de Oliveira, C, Kapaki, E, Froelich, L, Ivanoiu, A, Gabryelewicz, T, Verbeek, MM, Sanchez-Juan, P, Hildebrandt, H, Camus, V, Zboch, M, Brooks, DJ, Drzezga, A, Rinne, JO, Newberg, A, de Mendonça, A, Sarazin, M, Rabinovici, GD, Madsen, K, Frederiksen, KS, Johannsen, P, Waldemar, G & Amyloid Biomarker Study Group. Association of Cerebral Amyloid-ß Aggregation With Cognitive Functioning in Persons Without Dementia. JAMA Psychiatry 2018;84-95.
Jeppesen Kragh, F, Bruun, M, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Hjermind, LE, Schubert, R, Reilmann, R, Nielsen, JE & Hasselbalch, SG. Quantitative Measurements of Motor Function in Alzheimer’s Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, and Dementia with Lewy Bodies: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2018;46(3-4): 168-179.
Jorgensen, A, Staalsoe, JM, Simonsen, AH, Hasselbalch, SG, Høgh, P, Weimann, A, Poulsen, HE & Olsen, NV. Progressive DNA and RNA damage from oxidation after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage in humans. Free Radical Research 2018;52(1):51-56.
Kasperbauer, TJ, Gjerris, M, Waldemar, G & Sandøe, P. Communicating Identifiability Risks to Biobank Donors. Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics: The international journal of healthcare ethics committees 2018;27(1):123-136.
Knorr, U, Simonsen, AH, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K, Hasselbalch, SG & Kessing, LV. Biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with bipolar disorder versus healthy individuals: A systematic review. European neuropsychopharmacology: the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018;28(7):783-794.
Kristensen, RU, Nørgaard, A, Jensen-Dahm, C, Gasse, C, Wimberley, T & Waldemar, G. Polypharmacy and Potentially Inappropriate Medication in People with Dementia: A Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: (JAD) 2018;63(1):383-394.
Loeb, J, Feldt-Rasmussen, U, Madsen, CV & Vogel, A. Cognitive Impairments and Subjective Cognitive Complaints in Fabry Disease: A Nationwide Study and Review of the Literature. JIMD reports 2018;41:73-80.
Mattsson, N, Groot, C, Jansen, WJ, Landau, SM, Villemagne, VL, Engelborghs, S, Mintun, MM, Lleo, A, Molinuevo, JL, Jagust, WJ, Frisoni, GB, Ivanoiu, A, Chételat, G, Resende de Oliveira, C, Rodrigue, KM, Kornhuber, J, Wallin, A, Klimkowicz-Mrowiec, A, Kandimalla, R, Popp, J, Aalten, PP, Aarsland, D, Alcolea, D, Almdahl, IS, Baldeiras, I, van Buchem, MA, Cavedo, E, Chen, K, Cohen, AD, Förster, S, Fortea, J, Frederiksen, KS, Freund-Levi, Y, Gill, KD, Gkatzima, O, Grimmer, T, Hampel, H, Herukka, S-K, Johannsen, P, van Laere, K, de Leon, MJ, Maier, W, Marcusson, J, Meulenbroek, O, Møllergård, HM, Morris, JC, Mroczko, B, Nordlund, A, Prabhakar, S, Peters, O, Rami, L, Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E, Roe, CM, Rüther, E, Santana, I, Schröder, J, Seo, SW, Soininen, H, Spiru, L, Stomrud, E, Struyfs, H, Teunissen, CE, Verhey, FRJ, Vos, SJB, van Waalwijk van Doorn, LJC, Waldemar, G, Wallin, ÅK, Wiltfang, J, Vandenberghe, R, Brooks, DJ, Fladby, T, Rowe, CC, Drzezga, A, Verbeek, MM, Sarazin, M, Wolk, DA, Fleisher, AS, Klunk, WE, Na, DL, Sánchez-Juan, P, Lee, DY, Nordberg, A, Tsolaki, M, Camus, V, Rinne, JO, Fagan, AM, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K, Rabinovici, GD, Hansson, O, van Berckel, BNM, van der Flier, WM, Scheltens, P, Visser, PJ & Ossenkoppele, R. Prevalence of the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele in amyloid ß positive subjects across the spectrum of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & dementia 2018;14(7):913-924.
Musaeus, CS, Nielsen, MS, Østerbye, NN & Høgh, P. Decreased Parietal Beta Power as a Sign of Disease Progression in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease:(JAD) 2018;65(2):475-487.
Musaeus, CS, Engedal, K, Høgh, P, Jelic, V, Mørup, M, Naik, M, Oeksengaard, A-R, Snaedal, J, Wahlund, L-O, Waldemar, G & Andersen, BB. EEG Theta Power Is an Early Marker of Cognitive Decline in Dementia due to Alzheimer’s Disease, Journal of Alzheimer’s disease:(JAD) 2018;64(4):1359-1371.
Nielsen, TR, Segers, K, Vanderaspoilden, V, Bekkhus-Wetterberg, P, Minthon, L, Pissiota, A, Bjørkløf, GH, Beinhoff, U, Tsolaki, M, Gkioka, M & Waldemar, G. Performance of middle-aged and elderly European minority and majority populations on a Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Test Battery (CNTB). The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2018;32(8):1411-1430.
Nielsen, MS, Simonsen, AH, Siersma, V, Hasselbalch, SG & Hoegh, P. The Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of a Dual-Tasking Paradigm in a Memory Clinic. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease:(JAD) 2018;61(3):11891199.
Oliveira, F, Leuzy, A, Castelhano, J, Chiotis, K, Hasselbalch, SG, Rinne, J, Mendonça, A, Otto, M, Lleó, A, Santana, I, Johansson, J, Anderl-Straub, S, Arnim, C, Beer, A, Blesa, R, Fortea, J, Sanna-Kaisa, H, Portelius, E, Pannee, J, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K, Moreira, AP, Abrunhosa, A, Nordberg, A & Castelo-Branco, M. Data driven diagnostic classification in Alzheimer’s disease based on different reference regions for normalization of PiB-PET images and correlation with CSF concentrations of Aß species. NeuroImage. Clinical 2018;20:603-610.
Phung, TKT, Siersma, V, Vogel, A, Waldorff, FB & Waldemar, G. Selfrated versus Caregiver-rated Health for Patients with Mild Dementia as Predictors of Patient Mortality. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018;375-385.
Pottier, C, Zhou, X, Perkerson, RB, Baker, M, Jenkins, GD, Serie, DJ, Ghidoni, R, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, López de Munain, A, Zulaica, M, Moreno, F, Le Ber, I, Pasquier, F, Hannequin, D, Sánchez-Valle, R, Antonell, A, Lladó, A, Parsons, TM, Finch, NA, Finger, EC, Lippa, CF, Huey, ED, Neumann, M, Heutink, P, Synofzik, M, Wilke, C, Rissman, RA, Slawek, J, Sitek, E, Johannsen, P, Nielsen, JE, Ren, Y, van Blitterswijk, M, DeJesus-Hernandez, M, Christopher, E, Murray, ME, Bieniek, KF, Evers, BM, Ferrari, C, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Scarpini, E, Fumagalli, GG, Padovani, A, Hardy, J, Momeni, P, Ferrari, R, Frangipane, F, Maletta, R, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Petrucelli, L, Suh, E, Lopez, OL, Wong, TH, van Rooij, JGJ, Seelaar, H, Mead, S, Caselli, RJ, Reiman, EM, Noel Sabbagh, M, Kjolby, M, Nykjaer, A, Karydas, AM, Boxer, AL, Grinberg, LT, Grafman, J, Spina, S, Oblak, A, Mesulam, M-M, Weintraub, S, Geula, C, Hodges, JR, Piguet, O, Brooks, WS, Irwin, DJ, Trojanowski, JQ, Lee, EB, Josephs, KA, Parisi, JE, Ertekin-Taner, N, Knopman, DS, Nacmias, B, Piaceri, I, Bagnoli, S, Sorbi, S, Gearing, M, Glass, J, Beach, TG, Black, SE, Masellis, M, Rogaeva, E, Vonsattel, J-P, Honig, LS, Kofler, J, Bruni, AC, Snowden, J, Mann, D, Pickering-Brown, S, Diehl-Schmid, J, Winkelmann, J, Galimberti, D, Graff, C, Öijerstedt, L, Troakes, C, Al-Sarraj, S, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, NJ, Rohrer, JD, Halliday, GM, Kwok, JB, van Swieten, JC, White, CL, Ghetti, B, Murell, JR, Mackenzie, IRA, Hsiung, G-YR, Borroni, B, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Wszolek, ZK, Petersen, RC, Bigio, EH, Grossman, M, Van Deerlin, VM, Seeley, WW, Miller, BL, Graff-Radford, NR, Boeve, BF, Dickson, DW, Biernacka, JM & Rademakers, R. Potential genetic modifiers of disease risk and age at onset in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration and GRN mutations: a genome-wide association study. The Lancet Neurology 2018;17(6):548-558.
Quaade, AS, Davidsen, AS, Siersma, V, Waldemar, G & Waldorff, FB. Subjective memory complaints and future depression in primary care patients: A four-year follow-up study, General Hospital Psychiatry. 2018;55:4-9.
Ramos de Matos, M, Ferreira, C, Herukka, S-K, Soininen, H, Janeiro, A, Santana, I, Baldeiras, I, Almeida, MR, Lleó, A, Dols-Icardo, O, Alcolea, D, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Paterlini, A, Ghidoni, R, Nacmias, B, Meulenbroek, O, van Waalwijk van Doorn, LJC, Kuiperi, HBJ, Hausner, L, Waldemar, G, Simonsen, AH, Tsolaki, M, Gkatzima, O, Resende de Oliveira, C, Verbeek, MM, Clarimon, J, Hiltunen, M, de Mendonça, A & Martins, M. Quantitative Genetics Validates Previous Genetic Variants and Identifies Novel Genetic Players Influencing Alzheimer’s Disease Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease:(JAD) 2018;66(2):639-652.
Roos, P, von Essen, MR, Nielsen, TT, Johannsen, P, Stokholm, J, Bie, AS, Waldemar, G, Simonsen, AH, Heslegrave, A, Zetterberg, H, Sellebjerg, F, Nielsen, JE, FReJA Consortium. Inflammatory markers of CHMP2Bmediated frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neuroimmunology 2018;324:136-142.
Rostgaard, N, Roos, P, Portelius, E, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H, Simonsen, AH & Nielsen, JE. CSF neurofilament light concentration is increased in presymptomatic CHMP2B mutation carriers. Neurology 2018;90(2):e157-e163.
Sagbakken, M, Spilker, RS & Nielsen, TR. Dementia and immigrant groups: a qualitative study of challenges related to identifying, assessing, and diagnosing dementia. BMC Health Services Research 2018;18(1):910.
Schjønning Nielsen, M, Simonsen, AH, Siersma, V, Engedal, K, Jelic, V, Andersen, BB, Naik, M, Hasselbalch, SG & Høgh. Quantitative Electroencephalography Analyzed by Statistical Pattern Recognition as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Tool in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results from a Nordic Multicenter Cohort Study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 2018;8(3):426-438.
Sobol, NA, Dall, CH, Høgh, P, Hoffmann, K, Frederiksen, KS, Vogel, A, Siersma, V, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG & Beyer. Change in Fitness and the Relation to Change in Cognition and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms After Aerobic Exercise in Patients with Mild Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: (JAD) 2018;65(1):137-145.
Tolonen, A, Rhodius-Meester, HFM, Bruun, M, Koikkalainen, J, Barkhof, F, Lemstra, AW, Koene, T, Scheltens, P, Teunissen, CE, Tong, T, Guerrero, R, Schuh, A, Ledig, C, Baroni, M, Rueckert, D, Soininen, H, Remes, AM, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG, Mecocci, P, van der Flier, WM & Lötjönen, J. Data-Driven Differential Diagnosis of Dementia Using Multiclass Disease State Index Classifier. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2018;10:1-11.111.
Valcárcel-Ocete, L, Fullaondo, A, Alkorta-Aranburu, G, García-Barcina, M, Roos, RAC, Hjermind, LE, Saft, C, Frontali, M, Reilmann, R, Rickards, H, Zubiaga, AM, Aguirre, A, REGISTRY investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN). Does arterial hypertension influence the onset of Huntington’s disease? PLoS One 2018;13(5):e0197975.
van der Kleij, LA, Petersen, ET, Siebner, HR, Hendrikse, J, Frederiksen, KS, Sobol, NA, Hasselbalch, SG & Garde, E. The effect of physical exercise on cerebral blood flow in Alzheimer’s disease. NeuroImage: 2018;20:650-654.
Vogel, A, Stokholm, J, Andreasen, R, Henriksen, BD, Brønniche, V, Madsen, GJ, Gustafsson, M, Overgaard, S, Guldberg, A-M & Jørgensen, K. Psychometric properties and reference data for Danish versions of Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test, Category Cued Memory Test and Logical Memory. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2018;59:496-502.
Weimann, A, Simonsen, AH & Poulsen, HE. Measurement of 8-oxo-7,8dihydro-2’-deoxyguanosine and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-guanosine in cerebrospinal fluid by ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 2018;1073:110-117.
Wolk, DA, Sadowsky, C, Safirstein, B, Rinne, JO, Duara, R, Perry, R, Agronin, M, Gamez, J, Shi, J, Ivanoiu, A, Minthon, L, Walker, Z, Hasselbalch, S, Holmes, C, Sabbagh, M, Albert, M, Fleisher, A, Loughlin, P, Triau, E, Frey, K, Høgh, P, Bozoki, A, Bullock, R, Salmon, E, Farrar, G, Buckley, CJ, Zanette, M, Sherwin, PF, Cherubini, A & Inglis, F. Use of Flutemetamol F 18-Labeled Positron Emission Tomography and Other Biomarkers to Assess Risk of Clinical Progression in Patients With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. JAMA Neurology 2018;75(9):11141123.
Øksnebjerg, L, Diaz-Ponce, A, Gove, D, Moniz-Cook, E, Mountain, G, Chattat, R & Woods, B. Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan-European consultation. Health expectations: an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy 2018;21(6):1056-1065.
Books and book chapters
Hasselbalch, SG. Alzheimers Sygdom. In RS Rasmussen (Ed), Den Aldrende Hjerne. Hjerneforum 2018; 42-55.
Hasselbalch, SG & Andersen, G. Psykiske symptomer ved neurologiske sygdomme. In Rosenberg, R & Videbech, P (Ed), Klinisk Neuropsykiatri. FADL’s Forlag 2018; 272-289.
Jørgensen, K. Demens. In Rasmussen, RS (Ed), Den Aldrende Hjerne. Hjerneforum 2018; 26-41.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Zhang, M, Ferrari, R, Tartaglia, MC, Keith, J, Surace, EI, Wolf, U, Sato, C, Grinberg, M, Liang, Y, Xi, Z, Dupont, K, McGoldrick, P, Weichert, A, McKeever, PM, Schneider, R, McCorkindale, MD, Manzoni, C, Rademakers, R, Graff-Radford, NR, Dickson, DW, Parisi, JE, Boeve, BF, Petersen, RC, Miller, BL, Seeley, WW, van Swieten, JC, van Rooij, J, Pijnenburg, Y, van der Zee, J, Van Broeckhoven, C, Le Ber, I, Van Deerlin, V, Suh, E, Rohrer, JD, Mead, S, Graff, C, Öijerstedt, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Rollinson, S, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Brooks, WS, Dobson-Stone, C, Halliday, GM, Hodges, JR, Piguet, O, Binetti, G, Benussi, L, Ghidoni, R, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bruni, AC, Galimberti, D, Scarpini. E, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Clarimon, J, Lleó, A, Ruiz, A, Hernández, I, Pastor, P, Diez-Fairen, M, Borroni, B, Pasquier, F, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Grafman, J, Huey, ED, Mayeux, R, Nalls, MA, Hernandez, D, Singleton, A, Momeni, P, Zeng, Z, Hardy, J, Robertson, J, Zinman, L, Rogaeva, E, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC). A C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus is associated with age of onset in C9orf72 carriers. Brain 2018;141(10):2895-2907.
Bonham, LW, Karch, CM, Fan, CC, Tan, C, Geier, EG, Wang, Y, Wen, N, Broce, IJ, Li, Y, Barkovich, MJ, Ferrari, R, Hardy, J, Momeni, P, Höglinger, G, Müller, U, Hess, CP, Sugrue, LP, Dillon, WP, Schellenberg, GD, Miller, BL, Andreassen, OA, Dale, AM, Barkovich, AJ, Yokoyama, JS, Desikan, RS, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC), International Parkinson’s Disease Genetics Consortium (IPDGC), International Genomics of Alzheimer’s Project (IGAP). CXCR4 involvement in neurodegenerative diseases. Translational psychiatry 2018;8(1):73.
Broce, I, Karch, CM, Wen, N, Fan, CC, Wang, Y, Tan, CH, Kouri, N, Ross, OA, Höglinger, GU, Muller, U, Hardy, J, Momeni, P, Hess, CP, Dillon, WP, Miller, ZA, Bonham, LW, Rabinovici, GD, Rosen, HJ, Schellenberg, GD, Franke, A, Karlsen, TH, Veldink, JH, Ferrari, R, Yokoyama, JS, Miller, BL, Andreassen, OA, Dale, AM, Desikan, RS, Sugrue, LP, International FTD-Genomics Consortium. Immune-related genetic enrichment in frontotemporal dementia: An analysis of genome-wide association studies. PLOS Medicine 2018;15(1):e1002487.
McNulty, P, Pilcher, R, Ramesh, R, Necuiniate, R, Hughes, A, Farewell, D, Holmans, P, Jones, L, REGISTRY investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network. Reduced Cancer Incidence in Huntington’s Disease: Analysis in the Registry Study. Journal of Huntington’s disease 2018;7(3):209-222.
Other publications
Taskesen, E, Mishra, A, van der Sluis, S, Ferrari, R, Veldink, JH, van Es, MA, Smit, AB, Posthuma, D, Pijnenburg, Y, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE, International FTD-Genomics Consortium. Author Correction: Susceptible genes and disease mechanisms identified in frontotemporal dementia and frontotemporal dementia with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by DNA-methylation and GWAS. Scientific Reports 2018;8(1):7789.
PhD dissertations
Rostgaard, N. Frontotemporal Dementia Linked to Chromosome 3: Markers, Modifiers and Mechanisms. University of Copenhagen 2017.
Scientific papers
Bos, I, Vos, SJ, Frölich, L, Kornhuber, J, Wiltfang, J, Maier, W, Peters, O, Rüther, E, Engelborghs, S, Niemantsverdriet, E, De Roeck, EE, Tsolaki, M, Freund-Levi, Y, Johannsen, P, Vandenberghe, R, Lleó, A, Alcolea, D, Frisoni, GB, Galluzzi, S, Nobili, F, Morbelli, S, Drzezga, A, Didic, M, van Berckel, BN, Salmon, E, Bastin, C, Dauby, S, Santana, I, Baldeiras, I, de Mendonça, A, Silva, D, Wallin, A, Nordlund, A, Coloma, PM, Wientzek, A, Alexander, M, Novak, GP, Gordon, MF, Wallin, ÅK, Hampel, H, Soininen, H, Herukka, S-K, Scheltens, P, Verhey, FR, Visser, PJ & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. The frequency and influence of dementia risk factors in prodromal Alzheimer’s disease, Neurobiology of aging 2017; 56: 33-40.
Chaaya, M, Phung, K, Atweh, S, El Asmar, K, Karam, G, Khoury, R, Ghandour, L, Ghusn, H, Assaad, S, Prince, M & Waldemar, G. Dementia and family burden of care in Lebanon. British Journal of Psychology Open 2017; 14: 7-9.
Chaaya, M, Phung, K, Atweh, S, El Asmar, K, Karam, G, Khoury, R, Ghandour, L, Ghusn, H, Assaad, S, Prince, M & Waldemar, G. Socio-demographic and cardiovascular disease risk facors associated with dementia: Results of a cross-sectional study from Lebanon. Preventive Medicine Reports 2017; 9: 1-5.
Clayton, EL, Mancuso, R, Nielsen, TT, Mizielinska, S, Holmes, H, Powell, N, Norona, F, Overgaard Larsen, J, Milioto, C, Wilson, KM, Lythgoe, MF, Ourselin, S, Nielsen, JE, Johannsen, P, Holm, I, Collinge, J, Frej, A, Oliver, PL, Gomez-Nicola, D & Isaacs, AM. Early microgliosis precedes neuronal loss and behavioural impairment in mice with a frontotemporal dementiacausing CHMP2B mutation. Human Molecular Genetics 2017, 873-887.
Cornelius, N, Wardman, JH, Hargreaves, IP, Neergheen, V, Bie, AS, Tümer, Z, Nielsen, JE & Nielsen, TT. Evidence of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) patient fibroblasts: Effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on these parameters. Mitochondrion 2017, 34: 103-114.
Frederiksen, KS. Vaskulær demens. Ugeskrift for Læger 2017: 516-521.
Gove, D, Diaz-Ponce, A, Georges, J, Moniz-Cook, E, Mountain, G, Chattat, R, Øksnebjerg, L & European Working Group of People with Dementia. Alzheimer Europe’s position on involving people with dementia in research through PPI (patient and public involvement). Aging and Mental Health 2017: 1-7.
Hasselbalch, SG. State of the art-udredning af demens. Ugeskrift for Læger 2017: 501-504.
Herukka, S-K, Simonsen, AH, Andreasen, N, Baldeiras, I, Bjerke, M, Blennow, K, Engelborghs, S, Frisoni, GB, Gabryelewicz, T, Galluzzi, S, Handels, R, Kramberger, MG, Kulczyńska, A, Molinuevo, JL, Mroczko, B, Nordberg, A, de Oliveira, CR, Otto, M, Rinne, JO, Rot, U, Saka, E, Soininen, H, Struyfs, H, Suardi, S, Visser, PJ, Winblad, B, Zetterberg, H & Waldemar, G. ‘Recommendations for cerebrospinal fluid Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in the diagnostic evaluation of mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2017, 13: 285-295.
Jensen, CS, Portelius, E, Høgh, P, Wermuth, L, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H, Hasselbalch, SG & Simonsen, AH. Effect of physical exercise on markers of neuronal dysfunction in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2017, 3: 284-290.
Johannsen, P, Gottrup, H & Stokholm, J. Frontotemporal demens. Ugeskrift for Læger 2017: 509-512.
Jørgensen, K, Johannsen, P & Vogel, A., A Danish adaptation of the Boston Naming Test: preliminary norms for older adults and validity in mild Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section D: The Clinical Neuropsychologist 2017: 1-16.
Konijnenberg, E, Fereshtehnejad, S-M, Kate, MT, Eriksdotter, M, Scheltens, P, Johannsen, P, Waldemar, G & Visser, P. Early-Onset Dementia: Frequency, Diagnostic Procedures, and Quality Indicators in Three European Tertiary Referral Centers. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 2017, 31: 146.
Li, D, Secher, JO, Juhl, M, Mashayekhi, K, Nielsen, TT, Holst, B, Hyttel, P, Freude, KK & Hall, VJ. Identification of SSEA-1 expressing enhanced reprogramming (SEER) cells in porcine embryonic fibroblasts. Cell Cycle 2017,16: 1070-1084.
Li, D, Secher, JO, Juhl, M, Mashayekhi, K, Nielsen, TT, Holst, B, Hyttel, P, Freude, KK & Hall, VJ. Identification of SSEA-1 expressing enhanced reprogramming (SEER) cells in porcine embryonic fibroblasts. Cell Cycle 2017,16: 1070-1084.
Lindquist, SG, Moller, LB, Dali, CI, Marner, L, Kamsteeg, E-J, Nielsen, JE & Hjermind. A novel TTBK2 de novo mutation in a Danish family with early-onset spinocerebellar ataxia. Cerebellum 2017, 16: 268-71.
Miller, A-M, Balasa, M, Blennow, K, Gardiner, M, Rutkowska, A, Scheltens, P, Teunissen, CE, Visser, PJ, Winblad, B, Waldemar, G & Lawlor, B. Current Approaches and clinician attitudes to the use of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in diagnostic evaluation of dementia in Europe. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2017, 60: 201-210.
Nabe-Nielsen, K, Garde, AH, Ishtiak-Ahmed, K, Gyntelberg, F, Mortensen, EL, Phung, TKT, Rod, NH, Waldemar, G, Westendorp, RG & Hansen, ÅM. Shift work, long working hours, and later risk of dementia: A long-term follow-up of the Copenhagen Male Study. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 2017, 43: 569-577.
Norgaard, A, Jensen-Dahm, C, Gasse, C, Hansen, ES & Waldemar, G. Psychotropic polypharmacy in patients with Dementia: Prevalence and predictors. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2017, 56: 707-716.
Ochalek, A, Mihalik, B, Avci, HX, Chandrasekaran, A, Téglási, A, Bock, I, Giudice, ML, Táncos, Z, Molnár, K, László, L, Nielsen, JE, Holst, B, Freude, K, Hyttel, P, Kobolák, J & Dinnyés, A. Neurons derived from sporadic Alzheimer’s disease iPSCs reveal elevated TAU hyperphosphorylation, increased amyloid levels, and GSK3B activation. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 2017, 9: 90.
Petersen, JD, Waldorff, FB, Siersma, VD, Phung, TKT, Bebe, ACKM & Waldemar, G. Major Depressive Symptoms Increase 3-Year Mortality Rate in Patients with Mild Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2017: 7482094. Phung, TKT, Chaaya, M, Prince, M, Atweh, S, El Asmar, K, Karam, G, Khoury, RM, Ghandour, L, Ghusn, H, Nielsen, TR & Waldemar, G. Dementia prevalence, care arrangement, and access to care in Lebanon: A pilot study. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2017, 13: 1317-1326.
Reijs, BLR, Ramakers, IHGB, Köhler, S, Teunissen, CE, Koel-Simmelink, M, Nathan, PJ, Tsolaki, M, Wahlund, L-O, Waldemar, G, Hausner, L, Vandenberghe, R, Johannsen, P, Blackwell, A, Vanderstichele, H, Verhey, F & Visser, PJ. Memory correlates of alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid markers: A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2017, 60: 1119-1128.
Reijs, BLR, Ramakers, IHGB, Elias-Sonnenschein, L, Teunissen, CE, Koel-Simmelink, M, Tsolaki, M, Wahlund, L-O, Waldemar, G, Hausner, L, Johannsen, P, Vanderstichele, H, Verhey, F, Devanand, DP & Visser, PJ. Relation of odor identification with alzheimer’s disease markers in cerebrospinal fluid and cognition. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2017, 60: 1025-1034.
Rostgaard, N, Roos, P, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Johannsen, P, Waldemar, G, Nørremølle, A, Lindquist, SG, Gydesen, S, Brown, JM, Collinge, J, Isaacs, AM, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE & FReJA collaboration. TMEM106B and ApoE polymorphisms in CHMP2B-mediated frontotemporal dementia (FTD-3). Neurobiology of Aging 2017, 59: 221.e1.
Secher, JO, Ceylan, A, Mazzoni, G, Mashayekhi, K, Li, T, Muenthaisong, S, Nielsen, TT, Li, D, Li, S, Petkov, S, Cirera, S, Luo, Y, Thombs, L, Kadarmideen, HN, Dinnyes, A, Bolund, L, Roelen, BAJ, Schmidt, M, Callesen, H, Hyttel, P & Freude, KK. Systematic in vitro and in vivo characterization of Leukemia-inhibiting factor and Fibroblast growth factor-derived porcine induced pluripotent stem cells. Molecular Reproduction and Development 2017, 84: 229-245.
Sellebjerg, F, Börnsen, L, Ammitzbøll, C, Nielsen, JE, Vinther-Jensen, T, Hjermind, LE, von Essen, M, Ratzer, RL, Soelberg Sørensen, P & Romme Christensen, J. Defining active progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 2017, 23: 1727-1735.
Simonsen, AH, Herukka, S-K, Andreasen, N, Baldeiras, I, Bjerke, M, Blennow, K, Engelborghs, S, Frisoni, GB, Gabryelewicz, T, Galluzzi, S, Handels, R, Kramberger, MG, Kulczyńska, A, Molinuevo, JL, Mroczko, B, Nordberg, A, de Oliveira, CR, Otto, M, Rinne, JO, Rot, U, Saka, E, Soininen, H, Struyfs, H, Suardi, S, Visser, PJ, Winblad, B, Zetterberg, H & Waldemar, G. Recommendations for CSF AD biomarkers in the diagnostic evaluation of dementia. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2017, 13: 274-284.
Sopina, E, Sørensen, J, Beyer, N, Hasselbalch, SG & Waldemar, G. Costeffectiveness of a randomised trial of physical activity in Alzheimer’s disease: a secondary analysis exploring patient and proxy-reported health-related quality of life measures in Denmark. BMJ Open 2017, 7: e015217.
Stenbæk, DS, Fisher, PM, Ozenne, B, Andersen, E, Hjordt, LV, Mc Mahon, B, Hasselbalch, SG, Frokjaer, VG & Knudsen, GM. Brain serotonin 4 receptor binding is inversely associated with verbal memory recall. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2017, 7: e00674.
Tong, T, Ledig, C, Guerrero, R, Schuh, A, Koikkalainen, J, Tolonen, A, Rhodius-Meester, H, Barkhof, F, Tijms, BM, Lemstra, AW, Soininen, H, Remes, AM, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, S, Mecocci, P, Baroni, M, Lötjönen, J, Flier, WVD & Rueckert, D. Five-class differential diagnostics of neurodegenerative diseases using random undersampling boosting. NeuroImage Clinical 2017, 15: 613-624.
Waldemar, G. Ny national handlingsplan for demens. Ugeskrift for Læger 2017: 499.
Zhang, C-Y, Schmid, B, Nikolaisen, NK, Rasmussen, MA, Aldana, BI, Agger, M, Calloe, K, Stummann, TC, Larsen, HM, Nielsen, TT, Huang, J, Xu, F, Liu, X, Bolund, L, Meyer, M, Bak, LK, Waagepetersen, HS, Luo, Y, Nielsen, JE, Holst, B, Clausen, C, Hyttel, P, Freude, KK & FReJA Consortium. Patient iPSC-derived neurons for disease modeling of frontotemporal dementia with mutation in CHMP2B. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 2017, 8: 648-658.
Books and book chapters
Dubois, B, Filippo, M & Waldemar, G. The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, assessment and criteria. Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine Oxford University Press, Oxford 2017: 979-986.
Hjermind, LE. Medical facts about Huntington’s Disease in LB Andersen (Ed.) Touched by Huntingtons disease: Life Stories and Psychological Reflections. Frydenlund, Copenhagen 2017: 15-39.
Kondziella, D & Waldemar, G. Neurology at the Bedside (2nd ed.). Springer Verlag, London, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht 2017.
Pedersen, H & Petersen, MM. Kognitiv dysfunktion. In E Holm & S Jastrup (Ed), Sygepleje hos ældre. Munksgaard Forlag, Copenhagen 2017: 157-181.
Waldemar, G & Burns, A (Ed). Alzheimer’s Disease (2nd ed.). Oxford Neurology Library, London 2017.
Waldemar, G & Burns, A. Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease in clinical practice. In Waldemar, G & Burns, A (Ed.). Alzheimer’s Disease. Oxford Neurology Library, Oxford 2017: 43-54.
Waldemar, G, Dubois, B & Filippo, M. The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, assessment and criteria. In Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine 2017.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Ferrari, R, Wang, Y, Vandrovcova, J, Guelfi, S, Witeolar, A, Karch, CM, Schork, AJ, Fan, CC, Brewer, JB, Momeni, P, Schellenberg, GD, Dillon, WP, Sugrue, LP, Hess, CP, Yokoyama, JS, Bonham, LW, Rabinovici, GD, Miller, BL, Andreassen, OA, Dale, AM, Hardy, J, Desikan, RS, International FTDGenomics Consortium (IFGC). Genetic architecture of sporadic frontotemporal dementia and overlap with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2017, 88:152-164.
Hensman Moss, DJ, Pardiñas, AF, Langbehn, D, Lo, K, Leavitt, BR, Roos, R, Durr, A, Mead, S, Holmans, P, Jones, L, Tabrizi, SJ, TRACK-HD investigators. Identification of genetic variants associated with Huntington’s disease progression: a genome-wide association study, The Lancet Neurology 2017, 16: 701-711.
PhD dissertations
Larsen, IU, Personality traits and cognitive impairment in Huntington’s disease. University of Copenhagen, 2016.
Scientific papers
Bertelsen, B, Nazaryan, L, Sun, W, Mehrjouy, MM, Xie, G, Chen, W, Hjermind, LE, Taschner, PEM & Tümer, Z. A germline chromothripsis event stably segregating in 11 individuals through three generations. Genetics in medicine 2016; nr. 18: 494-500.
Chaaya, M, Phung, TKT, El Asmar, K, Atweh, S, Ghusn, H, Khoury, RM, Prince, M, Nielsen, TR & Waldemar, G. Validation of the Arabic Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (A-RUDAS) in elderly with mild and moderate dementia. Aging & Mental Health 2016; 20: 880-7.
Falkentoft, AC & Hasselbalch, SG. Immunterapi mod Alzheimers sygdom. Ugeskrift for Læger 2016; 178: V07150588.
Ferreira, D, Jelic, V, Cavallin, L, Oeksengaard, A-R, Snaedal, J, Høgh, P, Andersen, BB, Naik, M, Engedal, K, Westman, E & Wahlund, L-O. Electroencephalography Is a Good Complement to Currently Established Dementia Biomarkers. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2016; 42: 80-92.
Hansen, SK, Stummann, TC, Borland, H, Hasholt, LF, Tümer, Z, Nielsen, JE, Rasmussen, MA, Nielsen, TT, Daechsel, JCA, Fog, K & Hyttel, P. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons for the study of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 306-317.
Hansen, SK, Borland, H, Hasholt, LF, Tümer, Z, Nielsen, JE, Rasmussen, MA, Nielsen, TT, Stummann, TC, Fog, K & Hyttel, P. Generation of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell line SCA3.B11. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 589-92.
Hansen, SK, Borland, H, Hasholt, LF, Tümer, Z, Nielsen, JE, Rasmussen, MA, Nielsen, TT, Stummann, TC, Fog, K & Hyttel, P. Generation of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell line SCA3.A11. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 553-6.
Hoffmann, K, Sobol, NA, Frederiksen, KS, Beyer, N, Vogel, A, Vestergaard, K, Brændgaard, H, Gottrup, H, Lolk, A, Wermuth, L, Jacobsen, S, Laugesen, LP, Gergelyffy, RG, Høgh, P, Bjerregaard, E, Andersen, BB, Siersma, V, Johannsen, P, Cotman, CW, Waldemar, G & Hasselbalch, SG. Moderate-to-High Intensity Physical Exercise in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 2016; 50: 443-53.
Jensen, CG, Niclasen, J, Vangkilde, SA, Petersen, A & Hasselbalch, SG. General inattentiveness is a long-term reliable trait independently predictive of psychological health: Danish validation studies of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. Psychological Assessment 2016; 28: e70-87.
Jensen, CG, Hjordt, LV, Stenbæk, DS, Andersen, E, Back, SK, Lansner, J, Hageman, I, Dam, OH, Nielsen, AP, Knudsen, GM, Frokjaer, VG & Hasselbalch, SG. Development and psychometric validation of the verbal affective memory test. Memory 2016: 1208-23.
Jensen-Dahm, C, Madsen, CS, Waldemar, G, Ballegaard, M, Hejl, A-M, Johnsen, B & Jensen, TS. Contact Heat Evoked Potentials (CHEPs) in Patients with Mild-Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease and Matched Control-A Pilot Study. Pain medicine 2016; 17: 675-84.
Jensen-Dahm, C, Palm, H, Gasse, C, Dahl, JB & Waldemar, G. Postoperative Treatment of Pain after Hip Fracture in Elderly Patients with Dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2016; 41: 181-91.
Jørgensen, K, Hasselbalch, SG & Waldemar, G. Risiko for demens og kognitiv svækkelse kan reduceres. Ugeskrift for Læger 2016; 178: V11150887.
Knudsen, GM, Jensen, PS, Erritzoe, D, Baaré, WFC, Ettrup, A, Fisher, PM, Gillings, N, Hansen, HD, Hansen, LK, Hasselbalch, SG, Henningsson, S, Herth, MM, Holst, KK, Iversen, P, Kessing, LV, Macoveanu, J, Madsen, KS, Mortensen, EL, Nielsen, FÅ, Paulson, OB, Siebner, HR, Stenbæk, DS, Svarer, C, Jernigan, TL, Strother, SC & Frokjaer, VG. The Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (Cimbi) database. NeuroImage 2016; 124: 1213-1219.
Koikkalainen, J, Rhodius-Meester, H, Tolonen, A, Barkhof, F, Tijms, B, Lemstra, AW, Tong, T, Guerrero, R, Schuh, A, Ledig, C, Rueckert, D, Soininen, H, Remes, AM, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, S, Mecocci, P, van der Flier, W & Lötjönen, J. Differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases using structural MRI data. NeuroImage 2016. Clinical; 11: 435-49.
Larsen, IU, Vinther-Jensen, T, Gade, A, Nielsen, JE & Vogel, A. Do I Misconstrue?: Sarcasm Detection, Emotion Recognition, and Theory of Mind in Huntington Disease. Neuropsychology 2016; 30: 181-189.
Larsen, IU, Mortensen, EL, Vinther-Jensen, T, Nielsen, JE, Knudsen, GM & Vogel, A. Personality traits in Huntington. s disease: An exploratory study of gene expansion carriers and non-carriers. American journal of medical genetics 2016; 171: 1153-1160.
Larsen, IU, Vinther-Jensen, T, Nielsen, JE, Gade, A & Vogel, A. Social Cognition, Executive Functions and Self-Report of Psychological Distress in Huntington. s Disease. PLOS Currents Huntington Disease 2016; 8: E1-10.
Leuzy, A, Chiotis, K, Hasselbalch, SG, Rinne, JO, de Mendonça, A, Otto, M, Lleó, A, Castelo-Branco, M, Santana, I, Johansson, J, Anderl-Straub, S, von Arnim, CAF, Beer, A, Blesa, R, Fortea, J, Herukka, S-K, Portelius, E, Pannee, J, Zetterberg, H, Blennow, K & Nordberg, A. Pittsburgh compound B imaging and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-ß in a multicentre European memory clinic study. Brain 2016; 139: 2540-53.
Li, T, Pires, C, Nielsen, TT, Waldemar, G, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE, Dinnyes, A, Holst, B, Hyttel, P & Freude, KK. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from an Alzheimer’s disease patient carrying a M146I mutation in PSEN1. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 334-7.
Li, T, Pires, C, Nielsen, TT, Waldemar, G, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE, Dinnyes, A, Hyttel, P & Freude, KK. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from an Alzheimer’s disease patient carrying an A79V mutation in PSEN1. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 229-32.
Marthaler, AG, Schmid, B, Tubsuwan, A, Poulsen, UB, Hyttel, P, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE & Holst, B. Generation of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patient-derived iPSC line H196. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 199201.
Marthaler, AG, Tubsuwan, A, Schmid, B, Poulsen, UB, Engelbrecht, AF, Mau-Holzmann, UA, Hyttel, P, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE & Holst, B. Generation of an isogenic, gene-corrected control cell line of the spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patient-derived iPSC line H266. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 202-5.
Marthaler, AG, Schmid, B, Tubsuwan, A, Poulsen, UB, Engelbrecht, AF, Mau-Holzmann, UA, Hyttel, P, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT & Holst, B. Generation of an isogenic, gene-corrected control cell line of the spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patient-derived iPSC line H271. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 180-3.
Marthaler, AG, Schmid, B, Tubsuwan, A, Poulsen, UB, Hyttel, P, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE & Holst, B. Generation of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patient-derived iPSC line H266. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 166-9.
Marthaler, AG, Schmid, B, Tubsuwan, A, Poulsen, UB, Engelbrecht, AF, Mau-Holzmann, UA, Hyttel, P, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT & Holst, B. Generation of an isogenic, gene-corrected control cell line of the spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patient-derived iPSC line H196. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 162-5.
Marthaler, AG, Tubsuwan, A, Schmid, B, Poulsen, UB, Hyttel, P, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT & Holst, B. Generation of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 patient-derived iPSC line H271. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 159-61.
Nielsen, TR, Phung, TKT, Chaaya, M, Mackinnon, A & Waldemar, G. Combining the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale and the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly to Improve Detection of Dementia in an Arabic-Speaking Population. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2016; 41: 46-54.
Nielsen, TR & Waldemar, G. Knowledge and perceptions of dementia and Alzheimer. s disease in four ethnic groups in Copenhagen, Denmark. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2016; 31: 222-30.
Nielsen, TR & Waldemar, G. Effects of literacy on semantic verbal fluency in an immigrant population. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition 2016; 23: 578-90.
Nielsen, SMB, Vinther-Jensen, T, Nielsen, JE, Nørremølle, A, Hasholt, L, Hjermind, LE & Josefsen, K. Liver function in Huntington. s disease assessed by blood biochemical analyses in a clinical setting. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2016; 362: 326-32.
Nielsen, ABS, Siersma, V, Waldemar, G & Waldorff, FB. Poor self-rated health did not increase risk of permanent nursing placement or mortality in people with mild Alzheimer. s disease. BMC Geriatrics 2016; 16: 87.
Nimsanor, N, Poulsen, U, Rasmussen, MA, Clausen, C, Mau-Holzmann, UA, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT, Hyttel, P, Holst, B & Schmid, B. Generation of an isogenic, gene-corrected iPSC line from a pre-symptomatic 28-yearold woman with an R406W mutation in the microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT) gene. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 600-602.
Nimsanor, N, Poulsen, U, Rasmussen, MA, Clausen, C, Mau-Holzmann, UA, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT, Hyttel, P, Holst, B & Schmid, B. Generation of an isogenic, gene-corrected iPSC line from a symptomatic 59-year-old female patient with frontotemporal dementia caused by an R406W mutation in the microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT) gene. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 576-9.
Nimsanor, N, Jørring, I, Rasmussen, MA, Clausen, C, Mau-Holzmann, UA, Kitiyanant, N, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT, Hyttel, P, Holst, B & Schmid, B. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from a symptomatic carrier of a S305I mutation in the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT)-gene causing frontotemporal dementia. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 564-7.
Nimsanor, N, Kitiyanant, N, Poulsen, U, Rasmussen, MA, Clausen, C, Mau-Holzmann, UA, Nielsen, JE, Nielsen, TT, Hyttel, P, Holst, B & Schmid, B. Generation of an isogenic, gene-corrected iPSC line from a symptomatic 57-year-old female patient with frontotemporal dementia caused by a P301L mutation in the microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT) gene. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 556-559.
Nørgaard, A, Jensen-Dahm, C, Gasse, C, Hansen, HV & Waldemar, G. Time Trends in Antipsychotic Drug Use in Patients with Dementia: A Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2016; 49: 211-20.
Pires, C, Schmid, B, Petræus, C, Poon, A, Nimsanor, N, Nielsen, TT, Waldemar, G, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE, Hyttel, P & Freude, KK. Generation of a gene-corrected isogenic control cell line from an Alzheimer’s disease patient iPSC line carrying a A79V mutation in PSEN1. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 285-8.
Poon, A, Li, T, Pires, C, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE, Holst, B, Dinnyes, A, Hyttel, P & Freude, KK. Derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells from a familial Alzheimer. s disease patient carrying the L282F mutation in presenilin 1. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 470-473.
Poon, A, Schmid, B, Pires, C, Nielsen, TT, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE, Holst, B, Hyttel, P & Freude, KK. Generation of a gene-corrected isogenic control hiPSC line derived from a familial Alzheimer’s disease patient carrying a L150P mutation in presenilin 1. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 466-469.
Rasmussen, MA, Hjermind, LE, Hasholt, LF, Waldemar, G, Nielsen, JE, Clausen, C, Hyttel, P & Holst, B. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from a pre-symptomatic carrier of a R406W mutation in microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) causing frontotemporal dementia. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 105-9.
Rasmussen, MA, Hjermind, LE, Hasholt, LF, Waldemar, G, Nielsen, JE, Clausen, C, Hyttel, P & Holst, B. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from a patient with frontotemporal dementia caused by a R406W mutation in microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT). Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 75-8.
Rasmussen, MA, Hjermind, LE, Hasholt, LF, Waldemar, G, Nielsen, JE, Clausen, C, Hyttel, P & Holst, B. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from a patient with frontotemporal dementia caused by a P301L mutation in microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT). Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 70-4.
Schjønning Nielsen, M, Simonsen, AH, Siersma, V, Hasselbalch, SG & Høgh, P. Are CSF Biomarkers Useful as Prognostic Indicators in Diagnostically Unresolved Cognitively Impaired Patients in a Normal Clinical Setting. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 2016; 6: 465-476.
Schütt, T, Helboe, L, Pedersen, LØ, Waldemar, G, Berendt, M & Pedersen, JT. Dogs with Cognitive Dysfunction as a Spontaneous Model for Early Alzheimer. s Disease: A Translational Study of Neuropathological and Inflammatory Markers. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2016; 52: 433-49.
Simonsen, AH, Kuiperij, B, El-Agnaf, OMA, Engelborghs, S, Herukka, S-K, Parnetti, L, Rektorova, I, Vanmechelen, E, Kapaki, E, Verbeek, M & Mollenhauer, B. The utility of a-synuclein as biofluid marker in neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review of the literature. Biomarkers in Medicine 2016; 10: 19-34.
Sobol, NA, Hoffmann, K, Vogel, A, Lolk, A, Gottrup, H, Høgh, P, Hasselbalch, SG & Beyer, N. Associations between physical function, dualtask performance and cognition in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Aging & Mental Health 2016; 20: 1139-46.
Sobol, NA, Hoffmann, K, Frederiksen, KS, Vogel, A, Vestergaard, K, Brændgaard, H, Gottrup, H, Lolk, A, Wermuth, L, Jakobsen, S, Laugesen, L, Gergelyffy, R, Høgh, P, Bjerregaard, E, Siersma, V, Andersen, BB, Johannsen, P, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, SG & Beyer, N. Effect of aerobic exercise on physical performance in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2016; 12: 1207-1215.
Steen Jensen, C, Portelius, E, Siersma, V, Høgh, P, Wermuth, L, Blennow, K, Zetterberg, H, Waldemar, G, Hasselbalch, S & Hviid Simonsen, A. Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid Beta and Tau Concentrations Are Not Modulated by 16 Weeks of Moderate- to High-Intensity Physical Exercise in Patients with Alzheimer Disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2016; 42: 146-158.
Stenbæk, DS, Einarsdottir, HS, Goregliad-Fjaellingsdal, T, Knudsen, GM, Frokjaer, VG & Hasselbalch, SG. Evaluation of acute tryptophan depletion and sham depletion with a gelatin-based collagen peptide protein mixture. Journal of European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2016; 26: 147-9.
Stevnsborg, L, Jensen-Dahm, C, Nielsen, TR, Gasse, C & Waldemar, G. Inequalities in Access to Treatment and Care for Patients with Dementia and Immigrant Background: A Danish Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2016; 54: 505-14.
Tubsuwan, A, Pires, C, Rasmussen, MA, Schmid, B, Nielsen, JE, Hjermind, LE, Hall, V, Nielsen, TT, Waldemar, G, Hyttel, P, Clausen, C, Kitiyanant, N, Freude, KK & Holst, B. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from an Alzheimer. s disease patient carrying a L150P mutation in PSEN-1. Stem Cell Research 2016; 16: 110-2.
Vinther-Jensen, T, Börnsen, L, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Ammitzbøll, C, Larsen, IU, Hjermind, LE, Sellebjerg, F & Nielsen, JE. Selected CSF biomarkers indicate no evidence of early neuroinflammation in Huntington disease. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation 2016; 3: e287.
Vinther-Jensen, T, Nielsen, TT, Budtz-Jørgensen, E, Larsen, IU, Hansen, MM, Hasholt, L, Hjermind, LE, Nielsen, JE & Nørremølle, A. Psychiatric and cognitive symptoms in Huntington. s disease are modified by polymorphisms in catecholamine regulating enzyme genes. Clinical Genetics; 89: 320-7.
Vogel, A, Salem, LC, Andersen, BB & Waldemar, G. Differences in quantitative methods for measuring subjective cognitive decline – results from a prospective memory clinic study. International Psychogeriatrics 2016; 28: 1513-20.
Winblad, B, Amouyel, P, Andrieu, S, Ballard, C, Brayne, C, Brodaty, H, Cedazo-Minguez, A, Dubois, B, Edvardsson, D, Feldman, H, Fratiglioni, L, Frisoni, GB, Gauthier, S, Georges, J, Graff, C, Iqbal, K, Jessen, F, Johansson, G, Jönsson, L, Kivipelto, M, Knapp, M, Mangialasche, F, Melis, R, Nordberg, A, Rikkert, MO, Qiu, C, Sakmar, TP, Scheltens, P, Schneider, LS, Sperling, R, Tjernberg, LO, Waldemar, G, Wimo, A & Zetterberg, H. Defeating Alzheimer. s disease and other dementias: a priority for European science and society. The Lancet Neurology 2016; 15: 455-532.
Zakarias, JK, Jensen-Dahm, C, Nørgaard, A, Stevnsborg, L, Gasse, C, Andersen, BG, Søren, J, Waldorff, FB, Moos, T & Waldemar, G. Geographical Variation in Antipsychotic Drug Use in Elderly Patients with Dementia: A Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2016; 54: 11831192.
Zhang, Y, Schmid, B, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE, Clausen, C, Hyttel, P, Holst, B & Freude, KK .Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line via CRISPR-Cas9 mediated integration of a site-specific heterozygous mutation in CHMP2B. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 148-150.
Zhang, Y, Schmid, B, Nielsen, TT, Nielsen, JE, Clausen, C, Hyttel, P, Holst, B & Freude, KK. Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line via CRISPR-Cas9 mediated integration of a site-specific homozygous mutation in CHMP2B. Stem Cell Research 2016; 17: 151-153.
Zwan, MD, Rinne, JO, Hasselbalch, SG, Nordberg, A, Lleó, A, Herukka, S-K, Soininen, H, Law, I, Bahl, JMC, Carter, SF, Fortea, J, Blesa, R, Teunissen, CE, Bouwman, FH, van Berckel, BNM & Visser, PJ. Use of amyloidPET to determine cutpoints for CSF markers: A multicenter study. Neurology 2016; 86: 50-8.
Contributions to multicentre studies
(European Huntington’s Disease Network)
Cubo, E, Ramos-Arroyo, MA, Martinez-Horta, S, Martínez-Descalls, A, Calvo, S, Gil-Polo, C, European HD Network. Clinical manifestations of intermediate allele carriers in Huntington disease. Neurology 2016; 87: 571-8.
Dale, M, Maltby, J, Shimozaki, S, Cramp, R, Rickards, H, REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network. Disease stage, but not sex, predicts depression and psychological distress in Huntington. s disease: A European population study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2016; 80: 17-22.
Books and book chapters
Frederiksen, KS & Waldemar, G. Aggression, agitation, hyperactivity and irritability. In Verdelho, A & Concalves-Pereira, M, (red), Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. Springer Verlag 2016, Cham,:199-236.
Hjermind, LE. Berørt af Huntingtons sygdom. In LB Andersen & S Bekke-Hansen (Ed), Medicinske fakta om Huntingtons sygdom. 1 udg., Frydenlund 2016: 13-33.
Waldemar, G & Lolk, A. Demens. In Mors,O, Nordentoft, M & Hageman, I (Ed), Klinisk psykiatri. ed., Munksgaards Forlag 2016: 101-132.
Østergaard, K & Nielsen, JE. Bevægeforstyrrelser, motorneuron sygdomme og hereditære sygdomme. In Baslund,B, Feldt-Rasmussen, U, Kastrup, J & Sørensen, PS (Ed), Medicin. 2. udg., FADL’s Forlag 2016: 1013-1030.
PhD dissertations
Hoffmann, K. Preserving cognition, quality of life, physical health and functional ability in Alzheimer’s disease: The effect of physical exercise (ADEX). Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Vinther-Jensen, T. Neuropsychiatric manifestations in Huntington’s disease: Clinical and molecular aspects, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Scientific papers
Berntsen, S., Kragstrup, J., Siersma, V., Waldemar, G., Waldorff, F. B. Alcohol consumption and mortality in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease: A prospective cohort study. B M J Open 2015, e007851.
Bocchetta, M., Galluzzi, S., Kehoe, P. G., Aguera, E., Bernabei, R., Bullock, R., Ceccaldi, M., Dartigues, J-F., de Mendonça, A., Didic, M., Eriksdotter, M., Félician, O., Frölich, L., Gertz, H-J., Hallikainen, M., Hasselbalch, S. G., Hausner, L., Heuser, I., Jessen, F., Jones, R. W., Kurz, A., Lawlor, B., Lleo, A., Martinez-Lage, P., Mecocci, P., Mehrabian, S., Monsch, A., Nobili, F., Nordberg, A., Olde Rikkert, M., Orgogozo, J-M., Pasquier, F., Peters, O., Salmon, E., Sánchez-Castellano, C., Santana, I., Sarazin, M., Traykov, L., Tsolaki, M., Visser, P. J., Wallin, A. K., Wilcock, G., Wilkinson, D., Wolf, H., Yener, G., Zekry, D., Frisoni, G. B. The use of biomarkers for the etiologic diagnosis of MCI in Europe: An EADC survey. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2015, 11, 195-206.
Bruun, M., Hjermind, L. E., Thomsen, C., Danielsen, E., Thomsen, L. L., Pinborg, L. H., Khabbazbavani, N., Nielsen, J. E. Familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 associated with parkinsonism: a case report Case Reports in Neurology 2015, 1, 84-96
Clayton, E. L., Mizielinska, S., Edgar, J. R., Nielsen, T. T., Marshall, S., Norona, F. E., Robbins, M., Damirji, H., Holm, I. E., Johannsen, P., Nielsen, J. E., Asante, E. A., Collinge, J., Isaacs, A. M. & FReJA consortium. Frontotemporal dementia caused by CHMP2B mutation is characterised by neuronal lysosomal storage pathology. Acta Neuropathologica 2015. 130, 511-23.
Craufurd, D., MacLeod, R., Frontali, M., Quarrell, O., Bijlsma, E. K., Davis, M., Hjermind, L. E., Lahiri, N., Mandich, P., Martinez, A., Tibben, A., Roos, R. A. & Working Group on Genetic Counselling and Testing of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN). Diagnostic genetic testing for Huntington’s disease. Practical Neurology 2015. 15, 80-84.
Engedal, K., Snaedal, J., Hoegh, P., Jelic, V., Bo Andersen, B., Naik, M., Wahlund, L-O. & Oeksengaard, A-R. Quantitative EEG Applying the Statistical Recognition Pattern Method: A Useful Tool in Dementia Diagnostic Workup. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 2015, 40,1-12.
Fereshtehnejad, S-M., Johannsen, P., Waldemar, G. & Eriksdotter, M. Dementia Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care in Specialist Clinics in Two Scandinavian Countries: A Data Comparison between the Swedish Dementia Registry (SveDem) and the Danish Dementia Registry. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 201, 48, 229-39.
Frederiksen, K. S., Verdelho, A., Madureira, S., Bäzner, H., O’Brien, J. T., Fazekas, F., Scheltens, P., Schmidt, R., Wallin, A., Wahlund, L-O., Erkinjunttii, T., Poggesi, A., Pantoni, L., Inzitari, D., Waldemar, G. & on behalf of the LADIS Study. Physical activity in the elderly is associated with improved executive function and processing speed: the LADIS Study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015, 30, 744-750.
Frederiksen, K. S., Hasselbalch, S., Law, I., Højgaard, L., Waldemar, G. Biomarkører ved diagnostik af Alzheimers sygdom i tidlig fase. Journal of the Danish Medical Association, 2015, 177, V12140684.
Frisoni, G. B., Jack, C. R., Bocchetta, M., Bauer, C., Frederiksen, K. S., Liu, Y., Preboske, G., Swihart, T., Blair, M., Cavedo, E., Grothe, M. J., Lanfredi, M., Martinez, O., Nishikawa, M., Portegies, M., Stoub, T., Ward, C., Apostolova, L. G., Ganzola, R., Wolf, D., Barkhof, F., Bartzokis, G., DeCarli, C., Csernansky, J. G., deToledo-Morrell, L., Geerlings, M. I., Kaye, J., Killiany, R. J., Lehéricy, S., Matsuda, H., O’Brien, J., Silbert, L. C., Scheltens, P., Soininen, H., Teipel, S., Waldemar, G., Fellgiebel, A., Barnes, J., Firbank, M., Gerritsen, L., Henneman, W., Malykhin, N., Pruessner, J. C., Wang, L., Watson, C., Wolf, H., deLeon, M., Pantel, J., Ferrari, C., Bosco, P., Pasqualetti, P., Duchesne, S., Duvernoy, H., Boccardi, M. & EADC -European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium and the ADNI - Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2015. The EADC-ADNI Harmonized Protocol for manual hippocampal segmentation on magnetic resonance: Evidence of validity. Alzheimer’s & dementia 2015, 11, 111-125.
Hasselbalch, S. G. PET med amyloidligander bør ikke anvendesrutinemæssigt i tidlig diagnostik af Alzheimerssygdom – en gennemgang af et Cochranereview. Journal of the Danish Medical Association, 2015, 177, 1515-1517.
Hoffmann, K., Sobol, N. A., Frederiksen, K. S., Beyer, N., Vogel, A., Vestergaard, K., Brændgaard, H., Gottrup, H., Lolk, A., Wermuth, L., Jacobsen, S., Laugesen, L. P., Gergelyffy, R. G., Høgh, P., Bjerregaard, E., Andersen, B. B., Siersma, V., Johannsen, P., Cotman, C. W., Waldemar, G., Hasselbalch, S. G. Moderate-to-High Intensity Physical Exercise in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 2015, 50, 443-53.
Jansen, W. J., Ossenkoppele, R., Knol, D. L., Tijms, B. M., Scheltens, P., Verhey, F. R. J., Visser, P. J., Aalten, P., Aarsland, D., Alcolea, D., Alexander, M., Almdahl, I. S., Arnold, S. E., Baldeiras, I., Barthel, H., van Berckel, B. N. M., Bibeau, K., Blennow, K., Brooks, D. J., van Buchem, M. A., Camus, V., Cavedo, E., Chen, K., Chetelat, G., Cohen, A. D., Drzezga, A., Engelborghs, S., Fagan, A. M., Fladby, T., Fleisher, A. S., van der Flier, W. M., Ford, L., Förster, S., Fortea, J., Foskett, N., Frederiksen, K. S., Freund-Levi, Y., Frisoni, G. B., Froelich, L., Gabryelewicz, T., Gill, K. D., Gkatzima, O., Gómez-Tortosa, E., Gordon, M. F., Grimmer, T., Hampel, H., Hausner, L., Hellwig, S., Herukka, S-K., Hildebrandt, H., Ishihara, L., Ivanoiu, A., Jagust, W. J., Johannsen, P., Kandimalla, R., Kapaki, E., Klimkowicz-Mrowiec, A., Klunk, W. E., Köhler, S., Koglin, N., Kornhuber, J., Kramberger, M. G., Van Laere, K., Landau, S. M., Lee, D. Y., de Leon, M., Lisetti, V., Lleó, A., Madsen, K., Maier, W., Marcusson, J., Mattsson, N., de Mendonça, A., Meulenbroek, O., Meyer, P. T., Mintun, M. A., Mok, V., Molinuevo, J. L., Møllergård, H. M., Morris, J. C., Mroczko, B., Van der Mussele, S., Na, D. L., Newberg, A., Nordberg, A., Nordlund, A., Novak, G. P., Paraskevas, G. P., Parnetti, L., Perera, G., Peters, O., Popp, J., Prabhakar, S., Rabinovici, G. D., Ramakers, I. H. G. B., Rami, L., Resende de Oliveira, C., Rinne, J. O., Rodrigue, K. M., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E., Roe, C. M., Rot, U., Rowe, C. C., Rüther, E., Sabri, O., Sanchez-Juan, P., Santana, I., Sarazin, M., Schröder, J., Schütte, C., Seo, S. W., Soetewey, F., Soininen, H., Spiru, L., Struyfs, H., Teunissen, C. E., Tsolaki, M., Vandenberghe, R., Verbeek, M. M., Villemagne, V. L., Vos, S. J. B., van Waalwijk van Doorn, L. J. C., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., Wallin, Å. K., Wiltfang, J., Wolk, D. A., Zboch, M., Zetterberg, H. & Amyloid Biomarker Study Group. Prevalence of cerebral amyloid pathology in persons without dementia: A meta-analysis. JAMA 2015, 313, 1924-38.
Jensen, C. G., Hjordt, L. V., Stenbæk, D. S., Andersen, K. E., Back, S. K., Lansner, J., Hageman, I., Dam, O. H., Nielsen, A. P., Knudsen, G. M., Frokjaer, V. G., Hasselbalch, S. G. Development and psychometric validation of the verbal affective memory test. Memory 2015, 1-16.
Jensen, C. G., Lansner, J., Petersen, A., Vangkilde, S. A., Ringkøbing, S. P., Frokjaer, V. G., Adamsen, D., Knudsen, G. M., Denninger, J. W. & Hasselbalch, S. G. Open and Calm-a randomized controlled trial evaluating a public stress reduction program in Denmark. BMC Public Health 2015, 15, 1245.
Jensen, C. S., Hasselbalch, S. G., Waldemar, G., Simonsen, A. H. Biochemical Markers of Physical Exercise on Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: Systematic Review and Perspectives. Frontiers in Neurology 2015, 6, 187.
Jensen-Dahm, C., Gasse, C., Astrup, A., Mortensen, P. B., Waldemar, G. Frequent use of opioids in patients with dementia and nursing home residents-A study of the entire elderly population of Denmark. Alzheimer’s & dementia 2015, 11, 691-699.
Jensen-Dahm, C., Werner, M. U., Jensen, T. S., Ballegaard, M., Andersen, B. B., Høgh, P., Waldemar, G. Discrepancy between stimulus response and tolerance of pain in Alzheimer disease. Neurology 2015, 84,1575-81.
Jensen-Dahm, C., Waldemar, G., Staehelin Jensen, T., Malmqvist, L., Møller, M. M., Andersen, B. B., Høgh, P., Ballegaard, M. Autonomic Dysfunction in Patients with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, 47, 681-9.
Jørgensen, K., Kristensen, M. K., Waldemar, G. & Vogel, A. The six-item Clock Drawing Test - reliability and validity in mild Alzheimer’s disease. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition 2015, 22, 301-11.
Leitão, M. J., Baldeiras, I., Herukka, S-K., Pikkarainen, M., Leinonen, V., Simonsen, A. H., Perret-Liaudet, A., Fourier, A., Quadrio, I., Veiga, P. M., de Oliveira, C. R. Chasing the Effects of Pre-Analytical Confounders – A multicenter study on CSF-AD biomarkers. Frontiers in Neurology 2015, 153.
Macfarlane, M. D., Looi, J. C. L., Walterfang, M., Spulber, G., Velakoulis, D., Styner, M., Crisby, M., Orndahl, E., Erkinjuntti, T., Waldemar, G., Garde, E., Hennerici, M. G., Bäzner, H., Blahak, C., Wallin, A., Wahlund, L-O. & LADIS Study Group 2015. Shape Abnormalities of the Caudate Nucleus Correlate with Poorer Gait and Balance: Results from a Subset of the LADIS Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015, 23, 59-71.
Maynard, S., Hejl, A-M., Dinh, T-S. T., Keijzers, G., Hansen, Å. M., Desler, C., Moreno-Villanueva, M., Bürkle, A., Rasmussen, L. J., Waldemar, G., Bohr, V. Defective mitochondrial respiration, altered dNTP pools and reduced AP endonuclease 1 activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Aging 2015, 7, 793-815.
Nielsen, T. R., Antelius, E., Spilker, R. S., Torkpoor, R., Toresson, H., Lindholm, C., Plejert, C. & Nordic Research Network on Dementia and Ethnicity. Dementia care for people from ethnic minorities: a Nordic perspective. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015. 30, 217-8.
Nielsen, T. R., Phung, T. K. T., Chaaya, M., Mackinnon, A., Waldemar, G. Combining the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale and the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly to Improve Detection of Dementia in an Arabic-Speaking Population. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2015, 41, 46-54.
Nørgaard , A., Jensen-Dahm, C., Gasse, C., Hansen, H. V., Waldemar, G. Time Trends in Antipsychotic Drug Use in Patients with Dementia: A Nationwide Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 2015, 49, 211-20. Phung, T. K. T., Chaaya, M., Asmar, K., Atweh, S., Ghusn, H., Khoury, R. M., Prince, M., Waldemar, G. Performance of the 16-Item Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline for the Elderly (IQCODE) in an ArabicSpeaking Older Population. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2015. 40, 276-89.
Plejert, C., Antelius, E., Yazdanpanah, M., Nielsen, T. R. ‘There’s a letter called ef’ on challenges and repair in interpreter-mediated tests of cognitive functioning in dementia evaluations: A case study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 2015, 30, 163-87.
Reijs, B. L. R., Teunissen, C. E., Goncharenko, N., Betsou, F., Blennow, K., Baldeiras, I., Brosseron, F., Cavedo, E., Fladby, T., Froelich, L., Gabryelewicz, T., Gurvit, H., Kapaki, E., Koson, P., Kulic, L., Lehmann, S., Lewczuk, P., Lleó, A., Maetzler, W., de Mendonça, A., Miller, A-M., Molinuevo, J. L., Mollenhauer, B., Parnetti, L., Rot, U., Schneider, A., Simonsen, A. H., Tagliavini, F., Tsolaki, M., Verbeek, M. M., Verhey, F. R. J., Zboch, M., Winblad, B., Scheltens, P., Zetterberg, H., Visser, P. J. The Central Biobank and Virtual Biobank of BIOMARKAPD: A Resource for Studies on Neurodegenerative Diseases. Frontiers in Neurology 2015, 6, 216.
Rostgaard, N., Waldemar, G., Nielsen, J. E., Simonsen, A. H. Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Familial Forms of Alzheimer’s Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2015, 40, 54-62.
Salem, L. C., Sabers, A., Kjaer, T. W., Musaeus, C., Nielsen, M. N., Nielsen, A. G., Waldemar, G. Quantitative Electroencephalography as a Diagnostic Tool for Alzheimer’s Dementia in Adults with Down Syndrome. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 2015, 5, 404-13.
Salem, L. C., Vogel, A., Ebstrup, J., Linneberg, A, Waldemar, G. Subjective cognitive complaints included in diagnostic evaluation of dementia helps accurate diagnosis in a mixed memory clinic cohort. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015, 30, 1177-85.
Travassos, M., Santana, I., Baldeiras, I., Tsolaki, M., Gkatzima, O., Sermin, G., Yener, G. G., Simonsen, A., Hasselbalch, S. G., Kapaki, E., Mara, B., Cunha, R. A., Agostinho, P., Blennow, K., Zetterberg, H., Mendes, V. M., Manadas, B., de Mendon, A. Does Caffeine Consumption Modify Cerebrospinal Fluid Amyloid- Levels in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease? Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 2015, 47, 1069-78.
Unmack Larsen, I., Vinther-Jensen, T., Gade, A., Nielsen, J. E., Vogel, A. Assessing Impairment of Executive Function and Psychomotor Speed in Premanifest and Manifest Huntington’s Disease Gene-expansion Carriers. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2015, 21, 193-202.
Valcárcel-Ocete, L., Alkorta-Aranburu, G., Iriondo, M., Fullaondo, A., García-Barcina, M., Fernández-García, J. M., Lezcano-García, E., Losada-Domingo, J. M., Ruiz-Ojeda, J., Álvarez de Arcaya, A., Pérez-Ramos, J. M., Roos, R. A. C., Nielsen, J. E., Saft, C., Zubiaga, A. M., Aguirre, A. & REGISTRY investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network 2015. Exploring Genetic Factors Involved in Huntington Disease Age of Onset: E2F2 as a New Potential Modifier Gene. PLoS One 2015, 10, e0131573.
Vinther-Jensen, T., Simonsen, A. H., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Hjermind, L. E., Nielsen, J. E. Ubiquitin: a potential cerebrospinal fluid progression marker in Huntington’s disease. European Journal of Neurology 2015, 22, 1378-84.
Vogel, A., Waldorff, F. B. , Waldemar, G. Longitudinal changes in awareness over 36 months in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. International psychogeriatrics 2015, 1, 95-102.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Bečanović, K., Nørremølle, A., Neal, S. J., Kay, C., Collins, J. A., Arenillas, D., Lilja, T., Gaudenzi, G., Manoharan, S., Doty, C. N., Beck, J., Lahiri, N., Portales-Casamar, E., Warby, S. C., Connolly, C., De Souza, R. A. G., Tabrizi, S. J., Hermanson, O., Langbehn, D. R., Hayden, M. R., Wasserman, W. W., Leavitt, B. R. & REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (Joergen E Nielsen, member). A SNP in the HTT promoter alters NF-kB binding and is a bidirectional genetic modifier of Huntington disease. Nature Neuroscience, 807-16.
Dale, M., Maltby, J., Martucci, R., Shimozaki, S. & REGISTRY investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (Joergen E Nielsen, member). Factor analysis of the hospital anxiety and depression scale among a Huntington’s disease population. Movement disorders 2015, 14, 1954-60.
Ihl, R., Bunevicius, R., Frölich, L., Winblad, B., Schneider, L. S., Dubois, B., Burns, A., Thibaut, F., Kasper, S., Möller, H-J. & WFSBP Task Force on Mental Disorders in Primary Care (Gunhild Waldemar, member). World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of dementias in primary care. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2015, 19, 1, 2-7.
Vuono, R., Winder-Rhodes, S., de Silva, R., Cisbani, G., Drouin-Ouellet, J., Spillantini, M. G., Cicchetti, F., Barker, R. A. & REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (Joergen E Nielsen, member). The role of tau in the pathological process and clinical expression of Huntington’s disease. Brain 2015, 138, 907-18.
Book chapters
Karlsborg, M., Nielsen, J. E. Hereditære ataksier og sygdomme i det motoriske neuron. In: Paulson, O. B., Gjerris, F. & Sørensen, P. S. (ed.) Klinisk neurologi og neurokirurgi. 6 udg. FADL’S FORLAG 2015, chapter 23.
Vogel, A., Gerlach, C. Neuropsykologiske forstyrrelser. In: Paulson, O. B., Gjerris, F. & Sørensen, P. S. (ed.) Klinisk neurologi og neurokirurgi. 6 udg. FADL’S Forlag 2015, chapter 6.
Waldemar, G., Brændgaard, H. Demenssygdomme. In: Paulson, O. B., Gjerris, F. & Sørensen, P. S. (ed.) Klinisk neurologi og neurokirurgi. 6 udg. FADL’S Forlag 2015, chapter 25.
Waldemar, G., Kondziella, D. Neurologiske Sygdomme. In: Haunsø, S., Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, O. B. & Vilstrup, H. (ed.). Medicinsk Kompendium Lommebog 2015. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, chapter 45.
PhD dissertations
Jensen-Dahm C. Pain perception and autonomic function in Alzheimer's disease. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 2014. 158 pages (PhD defence December 19, 2014).
Salem LC. Dementia in the young – a diagnostic challenge. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2014. 136 pages (PhD defence August 22, 2014).
Scientific papers
Bové KB, Watt T, Vogel A, Hegedüs L, Bjoerner JB, Groenvold M, Bonnema SJ, Rasmussen ÅK, Feldt-Rasmussen U . Anxiety and depression are more prevalent in patients with graves’ disease than in patients with nodular goitre. European Thyroid Journal 2014, 3: 173-8.
Danborg PB, Simonsen AH, Waldemar G, Heegaard NHH. The potential of microRNAs as biofluid markers of neurodegenerative diseases – a systematic review. Biomarkers: biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals 2014, 19(4): 259-68.
Ferrari R, Hernandez DG, Nalls MA, Rohrer JD, Ramasamy A, Kwok JBJ, Dobson-Stone C, Brooks WS, Schofield PR, Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Bartley L, Thompson E, Haan E, Hernández I, Ruiz A, Boada M, Borroni B, Padovani A, Cruchaga C, Cairns NJ, Benussi L, Binetti G, Ghidoni R, Forloni G, Galimberti D, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Scarpini E, Clarimón J, Lleó A, Blesa R, Waldö ML, Nilsson K, Nilsson C, Mackenzie IRA, Hsiung G-YR, Mann DMA, Grafman J, Morris CM, Attems J, Griffiths TD, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, Pietrini P, Huey ED, Wassermann EM, Baborie A, Jaros E, Tierney MC, Pastor P, Razquin C, Ortega-Cubero S, Alonso E, Perneczky R, Diehl-Schmid J, Alexopoulos P, Kurz A, Rainero I, Rubino E, Pinessi L, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Rossi G, Tagliavini F, Giaccone G, Rowe JB, Schlachetzki JCM, Uphill J, Collinge J, Mead S, Danek A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman M, Trojanowski JQ, van der Zee J, Deschamps Van Langenhove T, Cruts M, Van Broeckhoven C, Cappa SF, Le Ber I, Hannequin D, Golfier V, Vercelletto M, Brice A, Nacmias B, Sorbi S, Bagnoli S, Piaceri I, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE, Riemenschneider M, Mayhaus M, Ibach B, Gasparoni G, Pichler S, Gu W, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Warren JD, Spillantini MG, Morris HR, Rizzu P, Heutink P, Snowden JS, Rollinson S, Richardson A, Gerhard A, Bruni AC, Maletta R, Frangipane F, Cupidi C, Bernardi L, Anfossi M, Gallo M, Conidi ME, Smirne N, Rademakers R, Baker M, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC, Knopman D, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Parisi JE, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Karydas AM, Rosen H, van Swieten JC, Dopper EGP, Seelaar H, Pijnenburg YAL, Scheltens P, Logroscino G, Capozzo R, Novelli V, Puca AA, Franceschi M, Postiglione A, Milan G, Sorrentino P, Kristiansen M, Chiang H-H, Graff C, Pasquier F, Rollin A, Deramecourt V, Lebert F, Kapogiannis D, Ferrucci L, Pickering-Brown S, Singleton AB, Hardy J, Momeni P. Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: a genome-wide association study. Lancet Neurology 2014, 13(7): 686-99.
Frederiksen KS, Sobol N, Beyer N, Hasselbalch S, Waldemar G. (2014). Moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2014, 1242-8.
Hansen FH, Skjørringe T, Yasmeen S, Arends NV, Sahai MA, Erreger K, Andreassen TF, Holy M, Hamilton PJ, Neergheen V, Karlsborg M, Newman AH, Pope S, Heales SJR, Friberg L, Law I, Pinborg LH, Sitte HH, Loland C, Shi L, Weinstein H, Galli A, Hjermind LE, Møller LB, Gether U. Missense dopamine transporter mutations associate with adult parkinsonism and ADHD. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2014, 124(7), 3107-20.
Jensen-Dahm C, Werner MU, Dahl JB, Jensen TS, Ballegaard M, Hejl A-M, Waldemar G. Quantitative sensory testing and pain tolerance in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease compared to healthy control subjects. Pain 2014, 1439-45.
Jønch AE, Grønskov K, Lunding J, Nielsen JE, Brøndum-Nielsen K. Anlægsbærere for fragilt X-syndrom kan udvise et bredt spektrum af kliniske manifestationer. Journal of the Danish Medical Association [online] 2014, 176(26).
Jørgensen K, Waldemar G. Prævalens af demens i Danmark. Journal of the Danish Medical Association [online] 2014, 176(48), V06140325.
Lindquist SG, Dunø M, Svenstrup K, Nielsen JE. Genetisk rådgivning er relevant både ved familiære og sporadiske tilfælde af amyotrofisk lateral sklerose. Journal of the Danish Medical Association [online] 2014, 176(43).
Minocherhomji S, Hansen C, Kim H-G, Mang Y, Bak M, Guldberg P, Papadopoulos N, Eiberg H, Doh GD, Møllgård K, Hertz JM, Nielsen JE, Ropers H-H, Tümer Z, Tommerup N, Kalscheuer VM & Silahtaroglu A. Epigenetic remodelling and dysregulation of DLGAP4 is linked with early-onset cerebellar ataxia. Human Molecular Genetics 2014 23(23): 6163-76.
Morris JC, Blennow K, Froelich L, Nordberg A, Soininen H, Waldemar G, Wahlund L-O, Dubois B. Harmonized diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer’s disease: recommendations. Journal of Internal Medicine 2014, 275(3): 204-13.
Mosbech M-B, Olsen ASB, Neess D, Ben-David O, Klitten LL, Larsen J, Sabers A, Vissing J, Nielsen JE, Hasholt LF, Klein AD, Tsoory MM, Hjalgrim H, Tommerup N, Futerman AH, Møller RS, Færgeman NJ. Reduced ceramide synthase 2 activity causes progressive myoclonic epilepsy. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 2014, 1(2): 88-98.
Nielsen TT, Svenstrup K, Duno M, Nielsen JE. Hereditary spastic paraplegia is not associated with C9ORF72 repeat expansions in a Danish cohort. Spinal Cord 2014, 52(1): 77-9.
Nielsen ABS, Siersma V, Waldemar G, Waldorff FB. The predictive value of self-rated health in the presence of subjective memory complaints on permanent nursing home placement in elderly primary care patients over 4-year follow-up. Age and Ageing 2014, 43(1): 50-7.
Petersen MH, Budtz-Jørgensen E, Sørensen SA, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE, Vinther-Jensen T, Nielsen SMB, Nørremølle A. Reduction in mitochondrial DNA copy number in peripheral leukocytes after onset of Huntington’s disease. Mitochondrion 2014, 17C: 14-21.
Phung TKT, Chaaya M, Waldemar G, Atweh S, Asmar K, Ghusn H, Karam G, Sawaya R, Khoury RM, Zeinaty I, Salman S, Hammoud S, Radwan W, Bassil N, Prince M. Validation of the 10/66 Dementia Research Group Diagnostic Assessment for Dementia in Arabic: A Study in Lebanon. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 2014, 27(4): 282-90.
Poggesi A, Gouw A, van der Flier W, Pracucci G, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Blahak C, Langhorne P, O’Brien J, Schmidt R, Visser MC, Wahlund L-O, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Scheltens P, Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Neurological abnormalities predict disability: the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis And DISability) study. Journal of Neurology 2014, 261(6): 1160-9.
Poulsen K, Bahl JM, Simonsen AH, Hasselbalch SG, Heegaard NH. Distinct transthyretin oxidation isoform profile in spinal fluid from patients with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Clinical Proteomics 2014, 11(1): 12.
Roos P, Svenstrup K, Danielsen ER, Thomsen C, Nielsen JE. CYP7B1: novel mutations and magnetic resonance spectroscopy abnormalities in hereditary spastic paraplegia type 5A. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2014, 129(5): 330-4.
Salem LC, Andersen BB, Nielsen TR, Stokholm J, Jørgensen MB, Waldemar G. Inadequate diagnostic evaluation in young patients regis - tered with a diagnosis of dementia: a nationwide register-based study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. Extra 2014, 4(1): 31-44.
Salem LC, Jørgensen K. Demens hos personer med Downs syndrom. Journal of the Danish Medical Association 2014, 176(26): 1228-1232.
Simonsen AH, Mattila J, Hejl A-M, Garde E, van Gils M, Thomsen C, Lötjönen J, Soininen H, Waldemar G. Application of the PredictAD Decision Support Tool to a Danish Cohort of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2014, 37(3-4): 207-13.
Søgaard R, Sørensen J, Waldorff FB, Eckermann A, Phung TKT, Waldemar G, Buss DV. Early psychosocial intervention in Alzheimer’s disease: cost utility evaluation alongside the Danish Alzheimer’s Intervention Study (DAISY). BMJ Open 2014, 4(1), e004105.
Søgaard R, Sørensen J, Waldorff FB, Eckermann A, Buss DV, Waldemar G. Cost analysis of early psychosocial intervention in Alzheimer’s dis - ease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2014, 37(3-4): 141-53.
Vinther-Jensen T, Larsen IU, Hjermind LE, Budtz-Jørgensen E, Nielsen TT, Nørremølle A, Nielsen JE, Vogel A. A clinical classification acknowl - edging neuropsychiatric and cognitive impairment in Huntington’s disease. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2014, 9(1): 114.
Vinther-Jensen T, Budtz-Jørgensen E, Simonsen AH, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE. YKL-40 in cerebrospinal fluid in Huntington’s disease – A role in pathology or a nonspecific response to inflammation? Parkin - sonism & Related Disorders 2014, 20(11): 1301-3.
Vogel A, Johannsen P, Stokholm J, Jørgensen K. Frequency and Severity of Semantic Deficits in a Consecutive Memory Clinic Cohort. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2014, 38(3-4): 214-223.
Books and book chapters
Knudsen GM, Hasselbalch S. Imaging of the Serotonin System: Radiotracers and Applications in Memory Disorders. I Dierckx RAJO, Otte A, de Vries EFJ, van Waarde A, Luiten PGM, red., PET and SPECT of Neurobiological Systems. Vol. 1. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 2014.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Boccardi M, Bocchetta M, Apostolova LG, Preboske G, Robitaille N, Pasqualetti P, Collins LD, Duchesne S, Jack CR Jr, Frisoni GB; EADCADNI Working Group on The Harmonized Protocol for Hippocampal Volumetry; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Establishing magnetic resonance images orientation for the EADC-ADNI manual hippocampal segmentation protocol. Journal of Neuroimaging 2014, 24: 509-14.
Gardette V, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Piau A, Gallini A, Cantet C, Montastruc JL, Vellas B, Andrieu S; ICTUS Group. A 2-year prospective cohort study of antidementia drug non-persistency in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease in Europe: predictors of discontinuation and switch in the ICTUS study. CNS.Drugs 2014, 28:157-70.
Other publications
Jørgensen K. Kognitiv reserve 3: Kognitiv træning – use it or loose it. Psykolog Nyt. 2014 nov 21: 22-30.
Jørgensen K, Karup Kristensen M, Waldemar G, Vogel A. Urskivetesten: resultater fra et dansk valideringsstudie. Månedsskrift for Almen Prak - sis. 2014 Dec 12; 12: 1072-9.
Nielsen TR. Demensscreening af patienter med anden kulturel og sproglig baggrund. Lægemagasinet. 2014 Dec; 6: 30-1.
PhD dissertations
Frederiksen, K. S. (2013). Corpus callosum in aging and dementia: PhD thesis. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Scientific papers
Aidt, F. H., Nielsen, S. M. B., Kanters, J., Pesta, D., Nielsen, T. T., Nørremølle, A., Hasholt, L. F., Christiansen, M., & Hagen, C. M. (2013). Dysfunctional mitochondrial respiration in the striatum of the Huntington’s disease transgenic R6/2 mouse model. PLoS cCrrents, 5.
Antila, K., Lötjönen, J., Thurfjell, L., Laine, J., Massimini, M., Rueckert, D., Zubarev, R., Orešič, M., van Gils, M., Mattila, J., Hviid Simonsen, A., Waldemar, G., & Soininen, H. (2013). The PredictAD project: development of novel biomarkers and analysis software for early diagnosis of the Alzheimer’s disease. Interface Focus, 3(2), 20120072.
Bertelsen, B., Debes, N. M., Hjermind, L. E., Skov, L., Brøndum-Nielsen, K., & Tümer, Z. (2013). Chromosomal rearrangements in Tourette syndrome: implications for identification of candidate susceptibility genes and review of the literature. Neurogenetics, 14(3-4), 197-203.
Buhl, C., Stokholm, J., & Gade, A. (2013). Clinical utility of short social cognitive tests in early differentiation of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia from Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. Extra, 3(1), 376-85.
Ejlerskov, P., Rasmussen, I. Z., Nielsen, T. T., Bergström, A-L., Tohyama, Y., Jensen, P. H., & Vilhardt, F. (2013). Tubulin polymerizationpromoting protein (TPPP/p25α) promotes unconventional secretion of α-synuclein through exophagy by impairing autophagosome-lysosome fusion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(24), 17313-35.
Frederiksen, K. S. (2013). Corpus callosum in aging and dementia. Danish Medical Bulletin (Online), 60(10).
Habekost, T., Vogel, A., Rostrup, E., Bundesen, C., Kyllingsbaek, S., Garde, E., Ryberg, C., & Waldemar, G. (2013). Visual processing speed in old age. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(2), 89-94.
Hasselbalch, J., Knorr, U., Hasselbalch, S. G., Gade, A. A., & Kessing, L. V. (2013). The cumulative load of depressive illness is associated with cognitive function in the remitted state of unipolar depressive disorder. European Psychiatry, 28(6), 349-55.
Hoffmann, K., Frederiksen, K. S., Sobol, N. A., Beyer, N., Vogel, A., Simonsen, A. H., Johannsen, P., Lolk, A., Terkelsen, O., Cotman, C. W., Hasselbalch, S. G., & Waldemar, G. (2013). Preserving Cognition, Quality of Life, Physical Health and Functional Ability in Alzheimer’s Disease: The Effect of Physical Exercise (ADEX Trial): Rationale and Design. Neuroepidemiology, 41(3-4), 198-207.
Haahr, M. E., Fisher, P., Holst, K., Madsen, K., Jensen, C. G., Marner, L., Lehel, S., Baaré, W. F. C., Knudsen, G., & Hasselbalch, S. (2013). The 5-HT(4) receptor levels in hippocampus correlates inversely with memory test performance in humans. Human Brain Mapping, 34(11), 3066-74.
Kreisel, S. H., Blahak, C., Bäzner, H., Inzitari, D., Pantoni, L., Poggesi, A., Chabriat, H., Erkinjuntti, T., Fazekas, F., Ferro, J. M., Langhorne, P., O’Brien, J., Scheltens, P., Visser, M. C., Wahlund, L-O., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., & Hennerici, M. G. (2013). Deterioration of gait and balance over time: the effects of age-related white matter change--the LADIS study. Cerebrovascular Diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 35(6), 544-53.
Lindquist, S. G., Duno, M., Batbayli, M., Puschmann, A., Braendgaard, H., Mardosiene, S., Svenstrup, K., Pinborg, L. H., Vestergaard, K. F., Hjermind, L. E., Stokholm, J., Andersen, B. B., Johannsen, P., & Nielsen, J. E. (2013). Corticobasal and ataxia syndromes widen the spectrum of C9ORF72 hexanucleotide expansion disease. Clinical Genetics, 83(3), 279-83.
Liu, Y., Mattila, J., Ruiz, M. Á. M., Paajanen, T., Koikkalainen, J., van Gils, M., Herukka, S-K., Waldemar, G., Lötjönen, J., Soininen, H., & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2013). Predicting AD conversion: comparison between prodromal AD guidelines and computer assisted PredictAD tool. PLOS One, 8(2), e55246.
Macfarlane, M. D., Looi, J. C. L., Walterfang, M., Spulber, G., Velakoulis, D., Crisby, M., Orndahl, E., Erkinjuntti, T., Garde, E., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., Wahlund, L-O., & LADIS Study Group (2013). Executive dysfunction correlates with caudate nucleus atrophy in patients with white matter changes on MRI: A subset of LADIS. Psychiatry Research, 214(1), 16-23.
Metzger, S., Walter, C., Riess, O., Roos, R. A. C., Nielsen, J. E., Craufurd, D., Nguyen, H. P., & REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network (2013). The V471A polymorphism in autophagy-related gene ATG7 modifies age at onset specifically in Italian Huntington disease patients. PLOS One, 8(7), e68951.
Moleiro, C., Madureira, S., Verdelho, A., Ferro, J. M., Poggesi, A., Chabriat, H., Erkinjuntti, T., Fazekas, F., Hennerici, M., O’Brien, J., Pantoni, L., Salvadori, E., Scheltens, P., Visser, M. C., Wahlund, L-O., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., Inzitari, D., & LADIS Study (2013). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery of the LADIS study: a longitudinal analysis. Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section A: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35(3), 269-78.
Nielsen, T., & Nielsen, J. (2013). Antisense Gene Silencing: Therapy for Neurodegenerative Disorders? Genes, 4(3), 457-84.
Nielsen, T. R., Andersen, B. B., Gottrup, H., Lützhøft, J., Høgh, P., & Waldemar, G. (2013). Validation of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale for Multicultural Screening in Danish Memory Clinics. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 36(5-6), 354-62.
Nielsen, T. R., & Jørgensen, K. (2013). Visuoconstructional abilities in cognitively healthy illiterate Turkish immigrants: a quantitative and qualitative investigation. Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section D: The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 27(4), 681-92.
Phung, T. K., Waldorff, F. B., Buss, D. V., Eckermann, A., Keiding, N., Rishøj, S., Siersma, V., Sørensen, J., Søgaard, R., Sørensen, L. V., Vogel, A., & Waldemar, G. (2013). A three-year follow-up on the efficacy of psychosocial interventions for patients with mild dementia and their caregivers: the multicentre, rater-blinded, randomised Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study (DAISY). BMJ Open, 3(11), e003584.
Poggesi, A., Gouw, A., van der Flier, W., Pracucci, G., Chabriat, H., Erkinjuntti, T., Fazekas, F., Ferro, J. M., Hennerici, M., Langhorne, P., O’Brien, J. T., Visser, M. C., Wahlund, L-O., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., Scheltens, P., Inzitari, D., & Pantoni, L. (2013). Cerebral white matter changes are associated with abnormalities on neurological examination in non-disabled elderly: the LADIS study. Journal of Neurology, 260(4), 1014-21.
Schjerling, L., Hjermind, L. E., Jespersen, B., Madsen, F. F., Brennum, J., Jensen, S. R., Løkkegaard, A., & Karlsborg, M. (2013). A randomized double-blind crossover trial comparing subthalamic and pallidal deep brain stimulation for dystonia. Journal of Neurosurgery, 119(6), 1537-45.
Siersma, V., Waldemar, G., & Waldorff, F. B. (2013). Subjective memory complaints in primary care patients and death from all causes: a fouryear follow-up. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 31(1), 7-12.
Simonsen, A. H., Bahl, J. M. C., Danborg, P. B., Lindstrom, V., Larsen, S. O., Grubb, A., Heegaard, N. H. H., & Waldemar, G. (2013). Pre-analytical factors influencing the stability of cerebrospinal fluid proteins. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 215(2), 234-40.
Simonsen, A. H., Mattila, J., Hejl, A. M., Garde, E., van Gils, M., Thomsen, C., Lötjönen, J., Soininen, H., & Waldemar, G. (2013). Application of the PredictAD Decision Support Tool to a Danish cohort of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 37(3-4), 207-13.
Sorensen, K. C. N., Simonsen, A. H., Holmetoft, U. B., Hasselbalch, S. G., & Heegaard, N. H. H. (2013). Neprilysin-like activity correlates with CSF-Tau and phospho-tau in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD, 37(2), 379-87.
Stokholm, J., Jørgensen, K., & Vogel, A. (2013). Performances on five verbal fluency tests in a healthy, elderly Danish sample. Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section B: Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 20(1), 22-33.
Stokholm, J., Teasdale, T. W., Johannsen, P., Nielsen, J. E., Nielsen, T. T., Isaacs, A., Brown, J. M., Gade, A., & Frontotemporal dementia Research in Jutland Association (FReJA) consortium (2013). Cognitive impairment in the preclinical stage of dementia in FTD-3 CHMP2B mutation carriers: a longitudinal prospective study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 84(2), 170-6.
Vandenberghe, R., Nelissen, N., Salmon, E., Ivanoiu, A., Hasselbalch, S., Andersen, A., Kørner, E. A., Minthon, L., Brooks, D., Van Laere, K., & Dupont, P. (2013). Binary classification of ¹⁸F-flutemetamol PET using machine learning: comparison with visual reads and structural MRI. NeuroImage, 64, 517-25.
Verdelho, A., Madureira, S., Moleiro, C., Ferro, J. M., O’Brien, J. T., Poggesi, A., Pantoni, L., Fazekas, F., Scheltens, P., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., Erkinjuntti, T., Inzitari, D., & LADIS Study (2013). Depressive symptoms predict cognitive decline and dementia in older people independently of cerebral white matter changes: the LADIS study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 84(11), 1250-4.
Vinther-Jensen, T., Ek, J., Duno, M., Skovby, F., Hjermind, L. E., Nielsen, J. E., & Nielsen, T. T. (2013). Germ-line CAG repeat instability causes extreme CAG repeat expansion with infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia type 2. European Journal of Human Genetics, 21(6), 626-9.
Vogel, A., Stokholm, J., & Jørgensen, K. (2013). Performances on Symbol Digit Modalities Test, Color Trails Test, and modified Stroop test in a healthy, elderly Danish sample. Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section B: Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 20(3), 370-82.
Ziebell, M., Andersen, B. B., Pinborg, L. H., Knudsen, G. M., Stokholm, J., Thomsen, G., Karlsborg, M., Høgh, P., Mørk, M. L., & Hasselbalch, S. G. (2013). Striatal dopamine transporter binding does not correlate with clinical severity in dementia with Lewy bodies. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 54(7), 1072-6.
Contributions to multicentre studies
HORIZON Investigators of the Huntington Study Group and European Huntington’s Disease Network (2013). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of latrepirdine in patients with mild to moderate Huntington disease. JAMA Neurology, 70(1), 25-33.
Jokinen, H., Schmidt, R., Ropele, S., Fazekas, F., Gouw, A.A., Barkhof, F. et al. Diffusion changes predict cognitive and functional outcome: The LADIS study. Annals of Neurology, 73(5),576-83.
Wikkelsø, C., Hellström, P., Klinge, P. M., Tans, J. T. J., European iNPH Multicentre Study Group, & Juhler, M. (2013). The European iNPH Multicentre Study on the predictive values of resistance to CSF outflow and the CSF Tap Test in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 84(5), 562-8.
Books and book chapters
Johannsen, P. & Sørensen, L. V. (2013). Demenssygdomme. I . E. Wæhrens , A. Winkel , & H. S. Jørgensen (red.), Neurologi og neurorehabilitering. (2nd ed.) (197-82). Munksgård Danmark.
Johannsen, P. & Sørensen, L. V. (2013). Rehabilitering af personer med demens. I E. Wæhrens, A. Winkel, & H. S. Jørgensen (red.), Demenssygdomme. (2nd ed.) (269-274). Munksgård Danmark.
Kondziella, D. & Waldemar, G. (2013). Neurology at the bedside. London: Springer.
Paulson, O. B., Thage, O. & Waldemar, G.(red.) (2013). Neurologi i 100 år - beretninger fra Rigshospitalets neurologiske afdeling 1913-2013. Rigshospitalet.
Waldemar, G., Ashina, M., Christensen, H. K., Høgenhaven, H., Knudsen, G. M., Krarup, C., Paulson, O. B., Sørensen, P. S., Vissing, J. & Østergaard, K. (2013). Neurologiske sygdomme. I O. B. Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, & H. Vilstrup (red.), Medicinsk Kompendium. (18th ed.) Chapter 56. (2341-2552). Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck.
Waldemar, G. & Kondziella, D. (2013). Udviklingen efter år 2000. I O. B. Paulson, O. Thage, & G. Waldemar (red.), Neurologi i 100 år - beretninger fra Rigshospitalets neurologiske afdeling 1913-2013. (42-54). Rigshospitalet.
Waldemar, G. & Hasselbalch, S. (2013). Neurodegenerative sygdomme. I O. B. Paulson, O. Thage, & W. Gunhild (red.), Neurologi i 100 år –beretninger fra Rigshospitalets neurologiske afdeling 1913-2013. (82-93). Rigshospitalet.
Other publications
Baker, M. & Waldemar, G. Food for thought. The Parliament Magazine: Taking the initiative – Special supplement on battling dementia. September 2013; 15.
Hjermind, L. E . Arvelig Parkinsons sygdom. Best Practice, 23, 30-36.
Waldemar, G. Forum: The EFNS/ENS Liaison Committee. Who we are and what we do. NeuropNews March 2013.
PhD dissertations
Nielsen, T. R. (2012). Evaluation of dementia in patients from ethnic minorities: A European perspective. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Public defence on May 16, 2012.
Scientific papers
Andersen, K., Andersen, B. B., & Pakkenberg, B. (2012). Stereological quantification of the cerebellum in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(1)(197), 197.e11-197.e20.
Bech, S., Hjermind, L. E., Salvesen, L., Nielsen, J. E., Heegaard, N. H. H., Jørgensen, H. L., Rosengren, L., Blennow, K., Zetterberg, H., & Winge, K. (2012). Amyloid-related biomarkers and axonal damage proteins in parkinsonian syndromes. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 18(1), 69-72.
Del Campo, M., Mollenhauer, B., Bertolotto, A., Engelborghs, S., Hampel, H., Simonsen, A. H., Kapaki, E., Kruse, N., Le Bastard, N., Lehmann, S., Molinuevo, J. L., Parnetti, L., Perret-Liaudet, A., Sáez-Valero, J., Saka, E., Urbani, A., Vanmechelen, E., Verbeek, M., Visser, P. J., & Teunissen, C. (2012). Recommendations to standardize preanalytical confounding factors in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers: an update. Biomarkers in Medicine, 6(4), 419-430.
Eiberg, H. R. L., Hansen, L., Korbo, L., Nielsen, I., Svenstrup, K., Bech, S., Pinborg, L. H., Friberg, L., Hjermind, L. E., Olsen, O., & Nielsen, J. E. (2012). Novel mutation in ATP13A2 widens the spectrum of Kufor-Rakeb syndrome (PARK9). Clinical Genetics, 82(3), 256-263.
Ellefsen, B., Morse, D. E., Waldemar, G., & Holm-Pedersen, P. (2012). Indicators for root caries in Danish persons with recently diagnosed Alzheimer's disease. Gerodontology, 29(3), 194-202.
Filippi, M., Agosta, F., Barkhof, F., Dubois, B., Fox, N. C., Frisoni, G. B., Jack, C. R., Johannsen, P., Miller, B., Nestor, P. J., Scheltens, P., Sorbi, S., Teipel, S., Thompson, P. M., & Wahlund, L-O. (2012). EFNS task force: the use of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of dementia. European Journal of Neurology, 19(12), 1487-1501.
Frederiksen, K. S., Hasselbalch, S., Hejl, A-M., Law, I., Højgaard, L., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Added Diagnostic Value of 11C-PiB-PET in Memory Clinic Patients with Uncertain Diagnosis. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 2, 610-621.
Frederiksen, K. S., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Corpus callosum in aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 2(5), 493-502.
Hasselbalch, J., Knorr, U., Hasselbalch, S. G., Gade, A., & Kessing, L. V. (2012). Cognitive deficits in the remitted state of unipolar depressive disorder. Neuropsychology, 26(5), 642-51.
Hasselbalch, J., Knorr, U., Bennike, B., Hasselbalch, S. G., Søndergaard, M. H. G., & Vedel Kessing, L. (2012). Decreased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the remitted state of unipolar depressive disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum, 126(3), 157-164.
Hermansen, K., Krogholm, K. S., Bech, B. H., Dragsted, L. O., Hyldstrup, L., Jørgensen, K., Larsen, M. L., & Tjønneland, A. M. (2012). Kaffe kan beskytte mod sygdom. Ujournal of the Danish Medical Association, 174(39), 2293-2297.
Jensen-Dahm, C., Vogel, A., Waldorff, F. B., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Discrepancy between self- and proxy-rated pain in Alzheimer's disease: results from the Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study. American Geriatrics Society Journal, 60(7), 1274-1278.
Jokinen, H., Frederiksen, K. S., Garde, E., Skimminge, A., Siebner, H., Waldemar, G., Ylikoski, R., Madureira, S., Verdelho, A., van Straaten, E. C. W., Barkhof, F., Fazekas, F., Schmidt, R., Pantoni, L., Inzitari, D., & Erkinjuntti, T. (2012). Callosal tissue loss parallels subtle decline in psychomotor speed. A longitudinal quantitative MRI study. The LADIS Study. Neuropsychologia, 50(7), 1650-1655.
Jønch, A. E., Danielsen, E. R., Thomsen, C., Meden, P., Svenstrup, K., & Nielsen, J. E. (2012). Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in a patient with adrenomyeloneuropathy. B M C Neurology, 12(1), 108.
Lunau, L. A., Mouridsen, K., Rodell, A., Ostergaard, L., Nielsen, J. E., Isaacs, A., Johannsen, P., & FReJA Consortium (2012). Presymptomatic cerebral blood flow changes in CHMP2B mutation carriers of familial frontotemporal dementia (FTD-3), measured with MRI. BMJ Open, 2(2), e000368.
Madsen, K., Hasselbalch, J., Frederiksen, K. S., Haahr, M. E., Gade, A., Law, I., Price, J. C., Knudsen, G. M., Kessing, L. V., & Hasselbalch, S. G. (2012). Lack of association between prior depressive episodes and cerebral [(11)C]PiB binding. Neurobiology of Aging, 33(12), 2334-2342.
Mattila, J., Soininen, H., Koikkalainen, J., Rueckert, D., Wolz, R., Waldemar, G., & Lötjönen, J. (2012). Optimizing the diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease in mild cognitive impairment subjects. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 32(4), 969-979.
Nielsen, T. T., Svenstrup, K., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Eiberg, H. R. L., Hasholt, L. F., & Nielsen, J. E. (2012). ATXN2 with intermediate-length CAG/CAA repeats does not seem to be a risk factor in hereditary spastic paraplegia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 321(1-2), 100-102.
Nielsen, T. T., Mizielinska, S., Hasholt, L. F., Isaacs, A. M., Nielsen, J. E., & FReJA Consortium (2012). Reversal of pathology in CHMP2B-mediated frontotemporal dementia patient cells using RNA interference. The journal of gene medicine, 14(8), 521-529.
Nielsen, T. T., Mardosiene, S., Løkkegaard, A., Stokholm, J., Stiegnitz von Ehrenfels, S. E. M., Bech, S., Friberg, L., Nielsen, J. K., & Nielsen, J. E. (2012). Severe and rapidly progressing cognitive phenotype in a SCA17-family with only marginally expanded CAG/CAA repeats in the TATA-box binding protein gene: A case report. B M C Neurology, 12(1), 73.
Nielsen, T. R., Vogel, A., Gade, A., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Cognitive testing in non-demented Turkish immigrants - comparison of the RUDAS and the MMSE. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Supplementum, 53(6), 455-460.
Nielsen, T. R., Vogel, A., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Comparison of performance on three neuropsychological tests in healthy Turkish immigrants and Danish elderly. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(9), 1515-1521.
Oksnebjerg, L., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Effekt af kognitiv stimulationsterapi hos patienter med demenssygdom - en gennemgang af et Cochranereview. Ugeskrift for Laeger, 174(50), 3161-3164.
Poulsen, K., Bahl, J. M. C., Tanassi, J. T., Simonsen, A. H., & Heegaard, N. (2012). Characterization and stability of transthyretin isoforms in cerebrospinal fluid examined by immunoprecipitation and high-resolution mass spectrometry of intact protein. Methods (San Diego, Calif.), 56(2), 284-292.
Rostrup, E., Gouw, A. A., Vrenken, H., van Straaten, E. C. W., Ropele, S., Pantoni, L., Inzitari, D., Barkhof, F., Waldemar, G., & LADIS study group (2012). The spatial distribution of age-related white matter changes as a function of vascular risk factors-- results from the LADIS study. NeuroImage, 60(3), 1597-1607.
Salem, L. C., Andersen, B. B., Nielsen, T. R., Stokholm, J., Jørgensen, M. B., Rasmussen, M. H., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Overdiagnosis of dementia in young patients - A nationwide register-based study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 34(5-6), 292-299.
Salvesen, L., Bech, S., Lokkegaard, A., Hjermind, L. E., Nielsen, J. E., Pakkenberg, B., Tanassi, J. T., Heegaard, N. H. H., & Winge, K. (2012). The DJ-1 concentration in cerebrospinal fluid does not differentiate among parkinsonian syndromes. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 18(7), 899-901.
Schmidt, R., Berghold, A., Jokinen, H., Gouw, A. A., van der Flier, W. M., Barkhof, F., Scheltens, P., Petrovic, K., Madureira, S., Verdelho, A., Ferro, J. M., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., Wahlund, L-O., Poggesi, A., Pantoni, L., Inzitari, D., Fazekas, F., Erkinjuntti, T., & on behalf of the LADIS Study Group (2012). White matter lesion progression in LADIS: Frequency, clinical effects, and sample size calculations. Stroke, 43(10), 2643-2647.
Sheykhzade, M., Simonsen, A. H., Boonen, H. C. M., Outzen, E. M., & Nyborg, N. C. B. (2012). Effect of ageing on the passive and active tension and pharmacodynamic characteristics of rat coronary arteries: age-dependent increase in sensitivity to 5-HT and K+. Pharmacology Fast, 90(3-4), 160-168.
Simonsen, A. H., Mattila, J., Hejl, A-M., Frederiksen, K. S., Herukka, S-K., Hallikainen, M., van Gils, M., Lötjönen, J., Soininen, H., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Application of the PredictAD Software Tool to predict progression in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 34(5-6), 344-350.
Soininen, H., Mattila, J., Koikkalainen, J., van Gils, M., Simonsen, A. H., Waldemar, G., Rueckert, D., Thurfjell, L., Lötjönen, J., & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2012). Software tool for improved prediction of Alzheimer's disease. Neuro-degenerative diseases, 10(1-4), 149-152.
Thurfjell, L., Lötjönen, J., Lundqvist, R., Koikkalainen, J., Soininen, H., Waldemar, G., Brooks, D., & Vandenberghe, R. (2012). Combination of biomarkers: PET [18F]flutemetamol imaging and structural MRI in dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 10(1-4), 246-249.
Vellas, B., Hausner, L., Frolich, L., Cantet, C., Gardette, V., Reynish, E., Gillette, S., Aguera-Morales, E., Auriacombe, S., Boada, M., Bullock, R., Byrne, J., Camus, V., Cherubini, A., Eriksdotter-Jonhagen, M., Frisoni, G. B., Hasselbalch, S., Jones, R., Martinez-Lage, P., Rikkert, M. O., Tsolaki, M., Ousset, P-J., Pasquier, F., Ribera-Casado, J. M., Rigaud, A. S., Robert, P., Rodriguez, G., Salmon, E., Salva, A., Scheltens, P., Schneider, A. L., Sinclair, A., Spiru, L., Touchon, J., Zekry, D., Winblad, B., & Andrieu, S. (2012). Progression of Alzheimer Disease in Europe: Data from the European ICTUS Study. Current Alzheimer Research, 9(8), 902-912.
Verdelho, A., Madureira, S., Ferro, J. M., Baezner, H., Blahak, C., Poggesi, A., Hennerici, M., Pantoni, L., Fazekas, F., Scheltens, P., Waldemar, G., Wallin, A., Erkinjuntti, T., Inzitari, D., & on behalf of the LADIS Study (2012). Physical activity prevents progression for cognitive impairment and vascular dementia: Results from the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis and Disability) study. Stroke, 43(12), 3331-3335.
Vogel, A., Stokholm, J., & Jørgensen, K. (2012). Performances on Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and Rey Complex Figure Test in a healthy, elderly Danish sample - reference data and validity issues. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Supplementum, 53(1), 26-31.
Vogel, A., Bhattacharya, S., Waldorff, F. B., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Proxy-rated quality of life in Alzheimer's disease: a three-year longitudinal study. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(1), 82-89.
Waldorff, F. B., Buss, D. V., Eckermann, A., Rasmussen, M. L. H., Keiding, N., Rishøj, S., Siersma, V. D., Sørensen, J., Sørensen, L. V., Vogel, A., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Efficacy of psychosocial intervention in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease: the multicentre, rater blinded, randomised Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study (DAISY). BMJ, 345, e4693.
Waldorff, F. B., Siersma, V. D., Vogel, A., & Waldemar, G. (2012). Subjective memory complaints in general practice predicts future dementia: a 4-year follow-up study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(11), 1180-1188.
Ziebell, M., Andersen, B. B., Thomsen, G., Pinborg, L. H., Karlsborg, M., Hasselbalch, S. G., & Knudsen, G. M. (2012). Predictive value of dopamine transporter SPECT imaging with [(123)I]PE2I in patients with subtle parkinsonian symptoms. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 39(2), 242-250.
Aanerud, J. F. A., Borghammer, P., Chakravarty, M. M., Vang, K., Rodell, A., Jónsdottir, K. Y., Møller, A., Ashkanian, M., Vafaee, M. S., Iversen, P., Johannsen, P., & Gjedde, A. (2012). Brain energy metabolism and blood flow differences in healthy aging. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 32(7), 1177-1187.
Books and book chapters
Henriksen, T., & Hjermind, L. E. (2012). Kinesogenic and non-kinesogenic dyskenisias, hyperplexia. Reuber, M., & Schachter, S. (eds.), In: Borderlands of Epilepsy Revisited. Chapter 14 (176-86). New York: Oxford University Press.
Jensen-Dahm, C., Petersen, K., & Rowbotham, M. (2012). Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia. Simpson, D., McArthur, J., & Dworking, R. (eds.), In: Neuropathic Pain: Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Chapter 15. City: Oxford University Press.
Jørgensen, K. (2012). Danske normer til neuropsykologiske tests. (1 ed.) Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.
Nielsen, J. E., & Østergaard, K. (2012). Bevægeforstyrrelser, motor neuron sygdomme og hereditære sygdomme. Baslund, B., Feldt-Rasmussen, U., Kastrup, J., & Sørensen, P. S. (eds.), In: Lærebog i Medicin. Chapter 12 (1079-98). Copenhagen: FADL's Forlag.
Simonsen, A. H. (2012). Protein profiling of cerebrospinal fluid. In: Charlotte H. H. Clarke, Diane L. B. McCarthy SELDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry, Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 818, Humana Press; 2012. P. 109-117.
Øksnebjerg, L., & Forchhammer, B. (2012). Pårørende. Andersen, G., Forchhammer, H., Damgaard, D., & Iversen, H. (eds.), In: Apopleksi - sygdom, behandling og organisation. Chapter 17 (333-8). Munksgård Danmark.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Firbank, M. J., Teodorczuk, A., van der Flier, W. M., Gouw, A. A., Wallin, A., Erkinjuntti, T., Inzitari, D., Wahlund, L-O., Pantoni, L., Poggesi, A., Pracucci, G., Langhorne, P., O'Brien, J. T., LADIS group (2012). Relationship between progression of brain white matter changes and late-life depression: 3-year results from the LADIS study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 201(1), 40-45.
Lee, J-M., Ramos, E. M., Lee, J-H., Gillis, T., Mysore, J. S., Hayden, M. R., Warby, S. C., Morrison, P., Nance, M., Ross, C. A., Margolis, R. L., Squitieri, F., Orobello, S., Di Donato, S., Gomez-Tortosa, E., Ayuso, C., Suchowersky, O., Trent, R. J. A., McCusker, E., Novelletto, A., Frontali, M., Jones, R. I., Ashizawa, T., Frank, S., Saint-Hilaire, M. H., Hersch, S. M., Rosas, H. D., Lucente, D., Harrison, M., Zanko, A., Abramson, R. K., Marder, K., Sequeiros, J., Paulsen, J. S., Landwehrmeyer, G. B., Myers, R. H., MacDonald, M. E., Gusella, J. F., PREDICT-HD study of the Huntington Study Group (HSG) (2012). CAG repeat expansion in Huntington disease determines age at onset in a fully dominant fashion. Neurology, 78(10), 690-695.
Quarrell, O. W., Handley, O., O'Donovan, K., Dumoulin, C., RamosArroyo, M., Biunno, I., Bauer, P., Kline, M., Landwehrmeyer, G. B., European Huntington’s Disease Network (2012). Discrepancies in reporting the CAG repeat lengths for Huntington's disease. European Journal of Human Genetics, 20(1), 20-26.
Scientific papers
Bech S, Nørremølle A, Winge K, Hasholt L, Tommerup N, Svenstrup K, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE. The lrrk2 p.Gly2019Ser mutation is uncommon in a Danish cohort with various neurodegenerative disorders. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2011;17:398-399.
Frederiksen KS, Garde E, Skimminge A, Ryberg C, Rostrup E, Baaré WFC, Siebner HR, Hejl A-M, Leffers A-M, Waldemar G. Corpus callosum atrophy in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Neurodegener Dis 2011;8:476-482.
Gavassini BF, Carboni N, Nielsen JE, Danielsen ER, Thomsen C, Svenstrup K, Bello L, Maioli MA, Marrosu G, Ticca AF, Mura M, Marrosu MG, Soraru G, Angelini C, Vissing J, Pegoraro E. Clinical and molecular characterization of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy due to LAMA2 mutations. Muscle Nerve 2011;44:703-709.
Handley OJ, van Walsem M, Juni P, Bachoud-Levi A-C, Bentivoglio AR, Bonelli R, Burgunder J-M, Ferreira J, Heiberg A, Nielsen JE, Paivarinta M, Palhagen S, Ramos-Arroyo M, Roos RAC, Tabrizi S, Klempiř J, Vandenberghe W, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Zaremba J, Giuliano J, Biunno I, Dunnett S, Illmann T, Pro Kovisto S, Levey J, Landwehrmeyer BG. Study Protocol of Registry – version 3.0 – European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN). Hygeia Public Health 2011;46:183-218.
Hansen M-LH, Waldorff FB, Waldemar G. Prognostic factors for weight loss over 1-year period in patients recently diagnosed with mild Alzheimer Disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 2011;25:269–75.
Hjermind LE, Law I, Jønch A, Stokholm J, Nielsen JE. Huntington’s disease: effect of memantine on FDG-PET brain metabolism? J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2011;23:206–10.
Isaacs AM, Johannsen P, Holm I, Nielsen JE. Frontotemporal dementia caused by CHMP2B mutations. Curr Alzheimer Res 2011;8:246–51.
Jensen-Dahm C, Rowbotham MC, Reda H, Petersen KL. Effect of a single dose of pregabalin on herpes zoster pain. Trials 2011;12:55.
Johannsen P, Jørgensen K, Kørner A, Elmo EG, Lauesen LB, Utzon J. Development of a dementia assessment quality database. Aging Ment Health 2011;15:40–6.
Jones R, Wilkinson D, Lopez OL, Cummings J, Waldemar G, Zhang R, Mackell J, Gauthier S. Collaborative research between academia and industry using a large clinical trial database: A case study in Alzheimer’s disease. Trials 2011;12:233.
Koikkalainen J, Lötjönen J, Thurfjell L, Rueckert D, Waldemar G, Soininen H. Multi-template tensor-based morphometry: application to analysis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage 2011;56:1134–44.
Lötjönen J, Wolz R, Koikkalainen J, Julkunen V, Thurfjell L, Lundqvist R, Waldemar G, Soininen H, Rueckert D. Fast and robust extraction of hippocampus from MR images for diagnostics of Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage 2011;56:185-196.
Madsen K, Erritzoe D, Mortensen EL, Gade A, Madsen J, Baaré W, Knudsen GM, Hasselbalch SG. Cognitive function is related to fronto-striatal serotonin transporter levels--a brain PET study in young healthy subjects. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 2011;213:573-581.
Madsen K, Haahr MT, Marner L, Keller SH, Baaré WF, Svarer C, Hasselbalch SG, Knudsen GM. Age and sex effects on 5-HT(4) receptors in the human brain: a [(11)C]SB207145 PET study. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2011;31:1475-1481.
Madsen K, Neumann W-J, Holst K, Marner L, Haahr MT, Lehel S, Knudsen GM, Hasselbalch SG. Cerebral serotonin 4 receptors and amyloid-β in early Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis 2011;26:457-466.
Marner L, Knudsen GM, Madsen K, Holm S, Baaré W, Hasselbalch SG. The reduction of baseline serotonin 2A receptors in mild cognitive impairment is stable at two-year follow-up. J Alzheimers Dis 2011;23:453–9.
Mattila J, Koikkalainen J, Virkki A, Simonsen A, van Gils M, Waldemar G, Soininen H, Lötjönen J. A disease state fingerprint for evaluation of Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis 2011;27:163-176.
Nielsen TR, Andersen BB, Kastrup M, Phung TKT, Waldemar G. Quality of dementia diagnostic evaluation for ethnic minority patients: a nationwide study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2011;31:388–96.
Nielsen TR, Vogel A, Phung TKT, Gade A, Waldemar G. Over and under diagnosis of dementia in ethnic minorities: a nationwide register based study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011;26:1128–35.
Nielsen TR, Vogel A, Riepe MW, de Mendonça A, Rodriguez G, Nobili F, Gade A, Waldemar G. Assessment of dementia in ethnic minority patients in Europe: a European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium survey. Int Psychogeriatr 2011;23:86-95.
Olde Rikkert MG, Tona KD, Janssen L, Burns A, Lobo A, Robert P, Sartorius N, Stoppe G, Waldemar G. Validity, reliability, and feasibility of clinical staging scales in dementia: a systematic review. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2011 ;26:357-365.
Ryberg C, Rostrup E, Paulson OB, Barkhof F, Scheltens P, van Straaten ECW, van der Flier WM, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Ferro JM, Baezner H, Erkinjuntti T, Jokinen H, Wahlund L-O, Poggesi A, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Waldemar G. Corpus callosum atrophy as a predictor of age-related cognitive and motor impairment: a 3-year follow-up of the LADIS study cohort. J Neurol Sci 2011;307:100-105.
Salem LC, Hejl A-M, Garde E, Leffers AM, Paulson OB, Waldemar G. White matter hyperintensities and prepulse inhibition in a mixed elderly population. Psychiatry Res 2011;194:314–8.
Svenstrup K, Møller RS, Christensen J, Budtz-Jørgensen E, Gilling M, Nielsen JE. NIPA1 mutation in complex hereditary spastic paraplegia with epilepsy. European Journal of Neurology 2011;18:1197–9.
Sztriha LK, Struhal W, Varga ET, Brainin M, Gilhus NE, Waldemar G, Sipido E, Müller E, Sellner J. Emerging scientific opportunities for junior neurologists in the European Federation of Neurological Societies. European Journal of Neurology 2011;18:e131-e133.
Verdelho A, Madureira S, Moleiro C, Santos CO, Ferro JM, Erkinjuntti T, Poggesi A, Pantoni L, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D. Self-Perceived Memory Complaints Predict Progression to Alzheimer Disease. The LADIS Study. J Alzheimers Dis 2011;27:491-498.
Vogel A, Bhattacharya S, Larsen J, Jacobsen S. Do subjective cognitive complaints correlate with cognitive impairment in systemic lupus erythematosus? A Danish outpatient study. Lupus 2011;20:35–43.
Waldemar G, Gauthier S, Jones R, Wilkinson D, Cummings J, Lopez O, Zhang R, Xu Y, Sun Y, Knox S, Richardson S, Mackell J. Effect of donepezil on emergence of apathy in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2011;26:150-157.
Waldemar G, Waldorff FB, Buss DV, Eckermann A, Keiding N, Rishøj S, Siersma V, Sørensen J, Sørensen LV, Vogel A. The Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study: Rationale, Study Design and Baseline Characteristics of the Cohort. Neuroepidemiology 2011;36:52-61.
Contributions to multicentre studies
Ihl R, Frölich L, Winblad B, Schneider L, Burns A, Möller H-J. World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for the Biological Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2011;12:2-32.
Jokinen H, Gouw AA, Madureira S, Ylikoski R, van Straaten ECW, van der Flier WM, Barkhof F, Scheltens P, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Verdelho A, Ferro JM, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. Incident lacunes influence cognitive decline: the LADIS study. Neurology 2011;76:1872-1878.
López-Sendón JL, Royuela A, Trigo P, Orth M, Lange H, Reilmann R, Keylock J, Rickards H, Piacentini S, Squitieri F, Landwehrmeyer B, Witjes-Ane M-N, Jurgens CK, Roos RAC, Abraira V, de Yébenes JG, the European HD Network. What is the impact of education on Huntington’s disease? Mov Disord 2011;26:1489-1495.
Orth M, Handley OJ, Schwenke C, Dunnett S, Wild EJ, Tabrizi SJ, Landwehrmeyer GB. Observing Huntington’s disease: the European Huntington’s Disease Network’s REGISTRY. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr 2011;82:1409-1412.
Saft C, Epplen JT, Wieczorek S, Landwehrmeyer GB, Roos RAC, de Yebenes JG, Dose M, Tabrizi SJ, Craufurd D, REGISTRY Investigators of the European Huntington’s Disease Network, Arning L. NMDA receptor gene variations as modifiers in Huntington disease: a replication study. PLoS Curr 2011 Okt;3:RRN1247.
Books and book chapters
Buss DV. Retsstillingen ved demens. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 209–21.
Christensen H, Hjermind LE. Neurologiske sygdomme. I: Diagnose og behandling i Almen Praksis 2011. InfoMD Media/s.m.b.a.; 2011.
Hasselbalch S, Stokholm J. Demenssygdomme. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 53–81.
Hasselbalch S. Hjernens struktur og funktion. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 17–27.
Hasselbalch S. Kan demens forbygges? I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 121–5.
Johannsen P, Lolk A, Hørding M. Lægemidler mod demens. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 125–37.
Lauridsen I, Eckermann A. At mestre demens. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 153–77.
Lolk A, Hørding M. Psykiatriske symptomer og adfærdsforstyrrelser hos demente. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 81–91.
Nielsen JE. Er demens arvelig? I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 91–7.
Simonsen A, Waldemar G. Biofluid Protein Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Vascular Dementia. I: Jacobson SR, redaktør. Vascular Dementia: Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment. Nova Science Publishers; 2011. p. 189–202.
Stokholm J, Johannsen P, Nielsen JE, Gade A. Personality disintegration – it runs in the family. I: Gauthier S, RosaNeto P, redaktører. Case Studies in Dementia: Common and Uncommon Presentations. Cambridge University Press; 2011. p. 115–24.
Waldemar G, Arndal A. Opfattelsen af demens før og nu. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 11–7.
Ærthøj JP, Rubak J, Hasselbalch S. Undersøgelse for demens. I: Forstå demens. Hans Reitzels Forlag & Alzheimerforeningen; 2011. p. 109–21.
Other publications
Agerbo S, Bakke M, Bode M, Borghammer P, Danielsen E, Ellemann K, Enevoldsen TS, Glad A, Holm D, Henriksen T, Hjermind LE, Holst M, Karlsborg M, Korbo L, Korsgaard A, Løkkegaard A, Madsen LK, Pedersen SW, Poulsen L, Shorsh K, Thagesen H, Werdelin L, Wermuth L, Winge K, Østergaard K. Parkinsons sygdom. Klinisk Vejledning. Diagnose, forløb og behandling fra et tværfagligt perspektiv. Dansk Selskab for Bevægeforstyrrelser; 2011. p. 1-139.
Hjermind LE. Genetics: Progress for Dystonia. Malmø: European Dystonia Federation; 2011. p. 2–3.
Jensen-Dahm C. Smerter og demens. Best Practice. 2011;5:12–4. 4. Jørgensen K, Waldemar G. Revideret definition af Alzheimers sygdom. Best Practice. 2011;4(14):5–10.
Lundbeck Pharma, Hasselbalch SG. Kombinationsbehandling med antidemensmedicin. Tåstrup: Lundbeck Pharma; 2011. 17 p.
Måge H. Spinalvæskeproteiners stabilitet - relevant for demensforskningen. Danske bioanalytikere. 2011;1:20–1.
Nielsen TR. Kognitiv vurdering af ældre med anden kulturel baggrund”. DKDK nyhedsbrev nr. 4, december 2011.
Waldemar G, Hasselbalch S. Alzheimers sygdom. Lægemagasinet. 2011;25:8–9.
PhD dissertations
Ryberg C. Morphological Correlates and Functional Significance of Corpus Callosum in Elderly Subjects. Ph.d.- afhandling forsvaret d. 29. september 2010 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Scientific papers
Bech S, Petersen T, Nørremølle A, Gjedde A, Ehlers L, Eiberg H, Hjermind LE, Hasholt L, Lundorf E & Nielsen JE. Huntington’s disease-like and ataxia syndromes: identification of a family with a de novo SCA17/TBP mutation. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2010;16(1):12-15.
Bhattacharya S, Vogel A, Hansen ML, Waldorff FB & Waldemar G. Generic and disease-specific measures of quality of life in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2010;30(4):327-33.
Cummings J, Jones R, Wilkinson D, Lopez O, Gauthier S, Waldemar G, Zhang R, Xu Y, Sun Y, Richardson S & Mackell J. Effect of donepezil on cognition in severe Alzheimer’s disease: a pooled data analysis. J Alzheimers Dis 2010;21(3):843-51.
Gauthier S, Lopez OL, Waldemar G, Jones RW, Cummings J, Zhang R, Schindler R & Schwam E.Effects of donepezil on activities of daily living: integrated analysis of patient data from studies in mild, moderate and severe Alzheimer’s disease. Int Psychogeriatr 2010;22(6):973-83.
Inzitari D, Poggesi A, Pracucci G, Barkhof F, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Hennerici M, Langhorne P, O’Brien JT, Scheltens P, Schmidt R, Verdelho A, Visser M, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A & Pantoni L. Risk of Functional Decline by Grade of Age-Related White Matter Changes: Sixth Year Follow-Up of the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis And Dissability in Elderly) Study Cohort. Neurology 2010;75(4):379-80.
Josefsen K, Nielsen SM, Campos A, Seifert T, Hasholt L, Nielsen JE, Nørremølle A., Skotte NH, Secher, NH & Quistorff B. Reduced gluconeogenesis and lactate clearance in Huntington’s disease. Neurobiol Dis 2010;40(3):656-62.
Karlsborg M, Korbo L, Regeur L & Glad A. Duodopapumpebehandling til patienter med fremskreden Parkinsons sygdom.Ugeskr Laeger 2010;172(23):1745.
Lesca G, Boutry-Kryza N, de TB, Milh M, Steschenko D, Lemesle-Martin M, Maillard L, Foletti G, Rudolf G, Nielsen JE, Rogvi-Hansen B, Erdal J, Mancini J, Thauvin-Robinet C, M’Rrabet A, Ville D, Szepetowski P, Raffo E, Hirsch E, Ryvlin P, Calender A & Genton P. Novel mutations in EPM2A and NHLRC1 widen the spectrum of Lafora disease. Epilepsia 2010;51(9):1691-8.
Lopez OL, Schwam E, Cummings J, Gauthier S, Jones R, Wilkinson D, Waldemar G, Zhang R & Schindler R. Predicting cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease: an integrated analysis. Alzheimers Dement 2010;6(6):431-9.
Lotjonen JM, Wolz R, Koikkalainen JR, Thurfjell L, Waldemar G, Soininen H & Rueckert D. Fast and robust multi-atlas segmentation of brain magnetic resonance images. Neuroimage 2010;49(3):2352-65.
Madureira S, Verdelho A, Moleiro C, Ferro JM, Erkinjuntti T, Jokinen H, Pantoni L, Fazekas F, Van der FW, Visser M, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Hennerici M & Inzitari D. Neuropsychological predictors of dementia in a three-year follow-up period: data from the LADIS study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2010;29(4):325-34.
Marner L, Knudsen GM, Madsen K, Holm S, Baare W & Hasselbalch SG. Brain imaging of serotonin 4 receptors in humans with [11C]SB207145-PET. Neuroimage 2010;50(3):855-61.
Nielsen TR, Bruhn P, Nielsen JE & Hjermind LE. Behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia mimicking Huntington’s disease. Int Psychogeriatr 2010;22(4):674-7.
Nielsen TR & Waldemar G. Demens hos etniske minoriteter. Ugeskr Laeger 2010;172(20):1527-31.
Petri AL, Simonsen AH, Hogdall E, Christensen IJ, Kjaer SK, Yip C, Risum S, Pedersen AT, Hartwell D, Fung ET & Hogdall C. Comparison of proteomic biomarker panels in urine and serum for ovarian cancer diagnosis. Proteomics Clin Appl 2010;4(3):304-14.
Phung TK, Waltoft BL, Laursen TM, Settnes A, Kessing LV, Mortensen PB & Waldemar G. Hysterectomy, oophorectomy and risk of dementia: a nationwide historical cohort study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2010;30(1):43-50.
Phung TK, Waltoft BL, Kessing LV, Mortensen PB & Waldemar G. Time trend in diagnosing dementia in secondary care. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2010;29(2):146-53.
Schmidt R, Ropele S, Ferro J, Madureira S, Verdelho A, Petrovic K, Gouw A, van der Flier WM, Enzinger C, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Scheltens P, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Rostrup E, Wallin A, Barkhof F & Fazekas F. Diffusionweighted imaging and cognition in the leukoariosis and disability in the elderly study. Stroke 2010;41(5):e402-e408.
Schultz K, Nilsson K, Nielsen JE, Lindquist SG, Hjermind LE, Andersen BB, Wallin A, Nilsson C & Petersen A. Transthyretin as a potential CSF biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies: effects of treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors. Eur J Neurol 2010;17(3):456-60.
Simonsen AH, Bech S, Laursen I, Salvesen L, Winge K, Waldemar G, Werdelin L, Nielsen JE, McGuire JN & Hjermind LE. Proteomic investigations of the ventriculo-lumbar gradient in human CSF. J Neurosci Methods 2010;191(2):244-8.
Svenstrup K, Giraud G, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Danielsen ER, Thomsen C, Rasmussen K, Law I, Vogel A, Stokholm J, Crone C, Hjermind LE & Nielsen JE. Hereditary spastic paraplegia caused by the PLP1 ’rumpshaker mutation’. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81(6):666-72.
Teodorczuk A, Firbank MJ, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Wahlund LO, Scheltens P, Waldemar G, Schrotter G, Ferro JM, Chabriat H, Bazner H, Visser M, Inzitari D & O’Brien JT. Relationship between baseline white-matter changes and development of late-life depressive symptoms: 3-year results from the LADIS study. Psychol Med 2010;40(4):603-10.
Urwin H, Authier A, Nielsen JE, Metcalf D, Powell C, Froud K, Malcolm DS, Holm I, Johannsen P, Brown J, Fisher EM, van der ZJ, Bruyland M, Van BC, Collinge J, Brandner S, Futter C & Isaacs AM. Disruption of endocytic trafficking in frontotemporal dementia with CHMP2B mutations. Hum Mol Genet 2010;19(11):2228-38.
Urwin H, Josephs KA, Rohrer JD, Mackenzie IR, Neumann M, Authier A, Seelaar H, Van Swieten JC, Brown JM, Johannsen P, Nielsen JE, Holm IE, Dickson DW, Rademakers R, Graff-Radford NR, Parisi JE, Petersen RC, Hatanpaa KJ, White CL, III, Weiner MF, Geser F, Van D, V, Trojanowski JQ, Miller BL, Seeley WW, van der ZJ, Kumar-Singh S, Engelborghs S, De Deyn PP, Van BC, Bigio EH, Deng HX, Halliday GM, Kril JJ, Munoz DG, Mann DM, Pickering-Brown SM, Doodeman V, Adamson G, Ghazi-Noori S, Fisher EM, Holton JL, Revesz T, Rossor MN, Collinge J, Mead S & Isaacs AM. FUS pathology defines the majority of tau- and TDP-43-negative frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Acta Neuropathol 2010;120(1):33-41.
Vandenberghe R, Van LK, Ivanoiu A, Salmon E, Bastin C, Triau E, Hasselbalch S, Law I, Andersen A, Korner A, Minthon L, Garraux G, Nelissen N, Bormans G, Buckley C, Owenius R, Thurfjell L, Farrar G & Brooks DJ. 18F-flutemetamol amyloid imaging in Alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment: a phase 2 trial. Ann Neurol 2010;68(3):319-29.
Verdelho A, Madureira S, Moleiro C, Ferro JM, Santos CO, Erkinjuntti T, Pantoni L, Fazekas F, Visser M, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Hennerici M & Inzitari D. White matter changes and diabetes predict cognitive decline in the elderly: the LADIS study. Neurology 2010;75(2):160-7.
Vogel A, Waldorff FB & Waldemar G. Impaired awareness of deficits and neuropsychiatric symptoms in early Alzheimer’s disease: the Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study (DAISY). J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2010;22(1):93-9.
Waldorff FB, Nielsen AB & Waldemar G. Self-rated health in patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease: baseline data from the Danish Alzheimer Intervention Study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2010;50(1):1-5.
Ziebell M, Korbo L & Hasselbalch SG. Lewy body demens. Ugeskr Laeger 2010;172(22):1675-8.
Books and book chapters
Waldemar G, Brændgaard H. Demenssygdomme. I: Gjerris F, Paulson OB, Sørensen PS (red.) Klinisk neurologi og neurokirurgi. 5 udgave. København: FADL’s Forlag; 2010. p. 505-518.
Waldemar G. et al. Neurologiske Sygdommme. I: Haunsø S, Schaffalitzky de Muckadell OB, Vilstrup H (red.) Medicinsk Kompendium Lommebog 4. udgave, København: Nyt Nordisk Arnold Busck, 2010. p. 523-556.
Other publications
Hjermind LE, Witting N, Klamer F, Johannesen T, Løge I. Huntingtons Chorea. Lægehåndbogen. 2010.
Hjermind LE, Witting N, Klamer F, Dietrichs E, Johannesen T. Dystoni. Lægehåndbogen. 2010. 3. Hjermind LE, Witting N, Klamer F, Dietrichs E, Johannesen T. Essentiel tremor. Lægehåndbogen. www.laegehaandbogen. dk. 2010.
Larsen JL, Vogel A, Jakobsen S. Den skjulte problematik – kognitive problemer ved SLE. Udviklings- og forskningsaktiviteter på Rigshospitalet 2010, p. 148-50.
Waldemar G. Demens. I: Christensen B (red.) Patientvejledningen. København, Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck A/S 2010; 260-261 6. Waldemar G. Demens. 2010.
PhD dissertations
Svenstrup K. Clinical and Molecular Genetic Aspects of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Ph.d.-afhandling forsvaret d. 28. august 2009 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Scientific papers
Bahl JM, Heegaard NH, Falkenhorst G, Laursen H, Hogenhaven H, Molbak K, Jespersgaard C, Hougs L, Waldemar G, Johannsen P, Christiansen M. The diagnostic efficiency of biomarkers in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease compared to Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol.Aging 2009; 30 (11):1834-41.
Blahak C, Baezner H, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Langhorne P, O'Brien J, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D, Hennerici MG. Deep frontal and periventricular age related white matter changes but not basal ganglia and infratentorial hyperintensities are associated with falls: cross sectional results from the LADIS study. J.Neurol. Neurosurg.Psychiatry 2009; 80 (6):608-613.
Boesgaard TW, Nielsen TT, Josefsen K, Hansen T, Jorgensen T, Pedersen O, Norremolle A, Nielsen JE, Hasholt L. Huntington's disease does not appear to increase the risk of diabetes mellitus. J.Neuroendocrinol. 2009; 21 (9):770-776.
Buerger K, Frisoni G, Uspenskaya O, Ewers M, Zetterberg H, Geroldi C, Binetti G, Johannsen P, Rossini PM, Wahlund LO, Vellas B, Blennow K, Hampel H. Validation of Alzheimer's disease CSF and plasma biological markers: the multicentre reliability study of the pilot European Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (E-ADNI). Exp.Gerontol. 2009; 44 (9):579-585.
Ellefsen B, Holm-Pedersen P, Morse DE, Schroll M, Andersen BB, Waldemar G. Assessing caries increments in elderly patients with and without dementia: a one-year follow-up study. J.Am.Dent.Assoc. 2009; 140 (11):1392-1400.
Eskildsen SF, Ostergaard LR, Rodell AB, Ostergaard L, Nielsen JE, Isaacs AM, Johannsen P. Cortical volumes and atrophy rates in FTD-3 CHMP2B mutation carriers and related non-carriers. Neuroimage. 2009; 45 (3):713-721.
Hasselbalch SG, Kampmann JP. Behandling af demenssygdomme – hvem skal behandles? Ugeskr.Laeger 2009; 171 (10):802-805.
Inzitari D, Pracucci G, Poggesi A, Carlucci G, Barkhof F, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Hennerici M, Langhorne P, O'Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Pantoni L. Changes in white matter as determinant of global functional decline in older independent outpatients: three year follow-up of LADIS (leukoaraiosis and disability) study cohort. BMJ 2009; 339:b2477.
Jokinen H, Kalska H, Ylikoski R, Madureira S, Verdelho A, Gouw A, Scheltens P, Barkhof F, Visser MC, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, O'Brien J, Hennerici M, Baezner H, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Chabriat H, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. MRI-defined subcortical ischemic vascular disease: baseline clinical and neuropsychological findings. The LADIS Study. Cerebrovasc.Dis. 2009; 27 (4):336-344.
Jokinen H, Kalska H, Ylikoski R, Madureira S, Verdelho A, van der Flier WM, Scheltens P, Barkhof F, Visser MC, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, O'Brien J, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Chabriat H, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. Longitudinal cognitive decline in subcortical ischemic vascular disease--the LADIS Study. Cerebrovasc.Dis. 2009; 27 (4):384-391.
Jones RW, Schwam E, Wilkinson D, Waldemar G, Feldman HH, Zhang R, Albert K, Schindler R. Rates of cognitive change in Alzheimer disease: Observations across a decade of placebo-controlled clinical trials with donepezil. Alzheimer Dis.Assoc.Disord. 2009; 23 (4):357-364.
Lindquist SG, Schwartz M, Batbayli M, Waldemar G, Nielsen JE. Genetic testing in familial AD and FTD: mutation and phenotype spectrum in a Danish cohort. Clin.Genet. 2009; 76 (2):205-209.
Norremolle A, Budtz-Jorgensen E, Fenger K, Nielsen JE, Sorensen SA, Hasholt L. 4p16.3 haplotype modifying age at onset of Huntington disease. Clin.Genet. 2009; 75 (3):244-250.
Phung TK, Andersen BB, Kessing LV, Mortensen PB, Waldemar G. Diagnostic evaluation of dementia in the secondary health care sector. Dement.Geriatr.Cogn Disord. 2009; 27 (6):534-542.
Puschmann A, Ross OA, Vilarino-Guell C, Lincoln SJ, Kachergus JM, Cobb SA, Lindquist SG, Nielsen JE, Wszolek ZK, Farrer M, Widner H, van WD, Hagerstrom D, Markopoulou K, Chase BA, Nilsson K, Reimer J, Nilsson C. A Swedish family with de novo alpha-synuclein A53T mutation: evidence for early cortical dysfunction. Parkinsonism.Relat Disord. 2009; 15 (9):627-632.
Rohrer JD, Ahsan RL, Isaacs AM, Nielsen JE, Ostergaard L, Scahill R, Warren JD, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Johannsen P. Presymptomatic generalized brain atrophy in frontotemporal dementia caused by CHMP2B mutation. Dement. Geriatr.Cogn Disord. 2009; 27 (2):182-186.
Ropele S, Seewann A, Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, Schmidt R, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Scheltens P, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Chabriat H, Ferro J, Hennerici M, O'Brien J, Wallin A, Langhorne P, Visser MC, Barkhof F, Fazekas F. Quantitation of brain tissue changes associated with white matter hyperintensities by diffusion-weighted and magnetization transfer imaging: the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis and Disability in the Elderly) study. J.Magn Reson.Imaging 2009; 29 (2):268-274.
Schultz K, Wiehager S, Nilsson K, Nielsen JE, Lindquist SG, Hjermind LE, Andersen BB, Wallin A, Nilsson C, Petersen A. Reduced CSF CART in dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurosci.Lett. 2009; 453 (2):104-106.
Schüz J, Waldemar G, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Risks for central nervous system diseases among mobile phone subscribers: a Danish retrospective cohort study. PLoS. One. 2009; 4 (2):e4389.
Schüz J, Waldemar G, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Risiko for affektion af centralnervesystemet ved brug af mobiltelefon. Ugeskr.Laeger 2009; 171 (45):3268-3271.
Sogaard R, Sorensen J, Waldorff FB, Eckermann A, Buss DV, Waldemar G. Private costs almost equal health care costs when intervening in mild Alzheimer's: a cohort study alongside the DAISY trial. BMC.Health Serv.Res. 2009; 9:215.
Stokholm J, Vogel A, Johannsen P, Waldemar G. Validation of the Danish Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination as a screening test in a memory clinic. Dement.Geriatr.Cogn Disord. 2009; 27 (4):361-365.
Svenstrup K, Bross P, Koefoed P, Hjermind LE, Eiberg H, Born AP, Vissing J, Gyllenborg J, Norremolle A, Hasholt L, Nielsen JE. Sequence variants in SPAST, SPG3A and HSPD1 in hereditary spastic paraplegia. J.Neurol.Sci. 2009; 284 (1-2):90-95.
Teodorczuk A, Firbank MJ, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Wahlund LO, Scheltens P, Waldemar G, Schrotter G, Ferro JM, Chabriat H, Bazner H, Visser M, Inzitari D, O'Brien JT. Relationship between baseline white-matter changes and development of late-life depressive symptoms: 3-year results from the LADIS study. Psychol.Med. 2009; 1-8.
Waldorff FB, Siersma V, Waldemar G. Association between subjective memory complaints and nursing home placement: a four-year follow-up. Int.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry 2009; 24 (6):602-609.
Waldorff FB, Siersma V, Waldemar G. Association between subjective memory complaints and health care utilisation: a three-year follow up. BMC.Geriatr. 2009; 9:43.
Wilkinson D, Schindler R, Schwam E, Waldemar G, Jones RW, Gauthier S, Lopez OL, Cummings J, Xu Y, Feldman HH. Effectiveness of donepezil in reducing clinical worsening in patients with mild-to-moderate alzheimer's disease. Dement.Geriatr.Cogn Disord. 2009; 28 (3):244-251.
Books and book chapters
Pedersen PM, Vogel A, Svendsen HA. Anosognosi. I: Gade, Gerlach, Starrfelt & Pedersen (red.) Klinisk Neuropsykologi. København: Frydenlund 2009: 101-111.
Vogel A, Stokholm J. Demens: Alzheimers sygdom, frontotemporal demens og Lewy Body Demens. I: Gade, Gerlach, Starrfelt & Pedersen (red.) Klinisk Neuropsykologi. København: Frydenlund 2009: 336-358.
Waldemar G, Burns A. Alzheimer's Disease, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009.
Waldemar G. Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease in clinical practice. I: Waldemar G, Burns A (red.), Alzheimer's Disease. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009: 37-50.
Waldemar G, Boysen GM, Høgenhaven H, Knudsen GM, Krarup C, Olesen J, Paulson OB, Sørensen PS, Vissing J. Neurologi. I: Schaffelitzky de Muckadell OB, Haunsø S., Vilstrup H (red.) Medicinsk Kompendium, Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck A/S, 17. udgave 2009: 2418-2623.
Other publications
Schüz J, Waldemar G, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Risiko for sygdomme i centralnervesystemet blandt brugere af mobiltelefoner - en dansk kohorteundersøgelse. Miljø og Sundhed 2009; 15 (2):3-9.
Waldemar G. Demens. I: Patientvejledningen 2009. København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck A/S. 2009: 245-246.
Waldemar G. Demens: Den anden frekvens. Ugeskrift for Læger 2009; 171 (35):2491.
PhD dissertations
Dyrby T.B. Modelling Brain Tissue Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. København: Eget forlag; 2008, 1-70. Forsvaret d. 22. oktober 2008 ved Danmarks Tekniske Universitet.
Lindquist SG. Autosomal dominant inherited dementia - clinical and molecular genetic aspects. Købehavn: Eget forlag; 2008, 1-40. Forsvaret d. 3. april 2008 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Phung TKT. A nationwide register-based study on epidemiological aspects of dementia. København: Eget forlag; 2008, 1-52. Forsvaret d. 16. december 2008 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Scientific papers
Brandt C, Bahl JC, Heegaard NH, Waldemar G, Johannsen P. Usability of Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in a Tertiary Memory Clinic. Dement.Geriatr.Cogn Disord. 2008; 25 (6):553-558.
Dyrby TB, Rostrup E, Baare WF, van Straaten EC, Barkhof F, Vrenken H, Ropele S, Schmidt R, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Paulson OB, Hansen LK, Waldemar G. Segmentation of age-related white matter changes in a clinical multi-center study. Neuroimage 2008; 41 (2):335-345.
Hasselbalch SG, Madsen K, Svarer C, Pinborg LH, Holm S, Paulson OB, Waldemar G, Knudsen GM. Reduced 5-HT2A receptor binding in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiol.Aging 2008; 29 (12):1830-1838.
Hjermind LE, Nielsen JE. Arvelig Parkinsons sygdom. Ugeskr.Læger 2008; 170 (12):1016.
Hjermind LE, Vissing J, Asmus F, Krag T, Lochmuller H, Walter MC, Erdal J, Blake DJ, Nielsen JE. No muscle involvement in myoclonus-dystonia caused by epsilonsarcoglycan gene mutations. Eur.J.Neurol. 2008; 15 (5):525-529.
Lindquist SG, Nielsen JE, Stokholm J, Schwartz M, Batbayli M, Ballegaard M, Erdal J, Krabbe K, Waldemar G. Atypical early-onset Alzheimer’s disease caused by the Iranian APP mutation. J.Neurol.Sci. 2008; 268 (1-2):124- 130.
Lindquist SG, Holm IE, Schwartz M, Law I, Stokholm J, Batbayli M, Waldemar G, Nielsen JE. Alzheimer diseaselike clinical phenotype in a family with FTDP-17 caused by a MAPT R406W mutation. Eur.J.Neurol. 2008; 15 (4):377-385.
Lindquist SG, Hasholt L, Bahl JM, Heegaard NH, Andersen BB, Norremolle A, Stokholm J, Schwartz M, Batbayli M, Laursen H, Pardossi-Piquard R, Chen F, St George-Hyslop P, Waldemar G, Nielsen JE. A novel presenilin 2 mutation (V393M) in early-onset dementia with profound language impairment. Eur.J.Neurol. 2008; 15 (10):1135-1139.
Lindquist SG, Braendgaard H, Svenstrup K, Isaacs AM, Nielsen JE. Frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 3 (FTD-3)--current concepts and the detection of a previously unknown branch of the Danish FTD-3 family. Eur.J.Neurol. 2008; 15 (7):667-670.
Ryberg C, Rostrup E, Sjostrand K, Paulson OB, Barkhof F, Scheltens P, van Straaten EC, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Basile AM, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Waldemar G. White matter changes contribute to corpus callosum atrophy in the elderly: the LADIS study. AJNR Am.J.Neuroradiol. 2008; 29 (8):1498-1504.
Simonsen AH, McGuire J, Podust VN, Davies H, Minthon L, Skoog I, Andreasen N, Wallin A, Waldemar G, Blennow K. Identification of a novel panel of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol.Aging 2008; 29 (7):961-968.
Sorensen LV, Waldorff FB, Waldemar G. Social participation in home-living patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Arch.Gerontol.Geriatr. 2008; 47 (3):291-301.
Sorensen LV, Waldorff FB, Waldemar G. Coping with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia 2008; 7:287.
Sorensen LV, Waldorff FB, Waldemar G. Early counselling and support for patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers: a qualitative study on outcome. Aging Ment.Health 2008; 12 (4):444-450.
Vogel A. Subjektive hukommelsesklager hos ældre. Er det tegn på demens? Ugeskr.Læger 2008; 170 (20):1728-1733.
Waldemar G, Hyvarinen M, Josiassen MK, Korner A, Lehto H, Wetterberg P. Tolerability of switching from donepezil to memantine treatment in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. Int.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry 2008; 23 (9):979-981.
Waldorff FB, Rishoj S, Waldemar G. If you don’t ask (about memory), they probably won’t tell. J.Fam.Pract. 2008; 57 (1):41-44.
Baezner H, Blahak C, Poggesi A, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Langhorne P, O’Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Hennerici MG. Association of gait and balance disorders with age-related white matter changes: the LADIS study. Neurology 2008; 70 (12):935- 942.
Danielsen ER, Elberling TV, Rasmussen AK, Dock J, Hording M, Perrild H, Waldemar G, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Thomsen C. Reduced parietooccipital white matter glutamine measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in treated graves’ disease patients. J Clin. Endocrinol.Metab 2008; 93 (8):3192-3198.
Ellefsen B, Holm-Pedersen P, Morse DE, Schroll M, Andersen BB, Waldemar G. Caries prevalence in older persons with and without dementia. J.Am.Geriatr.Soc. 2008; 56 (1):59-67.
Frisoni GB, Henneman WJ, Weiner MW, Scheltens P, Vellas B, Reynish E, Hudecova J, Hampel H, Burger K, Blennow K, Waldemar G, Johannsen P, Wahlund LO, Zito G, Rossini PM, Winblad B, Barkhof F. The pilot European Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative of the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium. Alzheimers. Dement. 2008; 4 (4):255-264.
Frokjaer VG, Mortensen EL, Nielsen FA, Haugbol S, Pinborg LH, Adams KH, Svarer C, Hasselbalch SG, Holm S, Paulson OB, Knudsen GM. Frontolimbic serotonin 2A receptor binding in healthy subjects is associated with personality risk factors for affective disorder. Biol. Psychiatry 2008; 63 (6):569-576.
Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, Fazekas F, van Straaten EC, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Scheltens P, Barkhof F. Progression of white matter hyperintensities and incidence of new lacunes over a 3-year period: the Leukoaraiosis and Disability study. Stroke 2008; 39 (5):1414-1420.
Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, van Straaten EC, Pantoni L, Bastos-Leite AJ, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Ryberg C, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, Barkhof F. Reliability and sensitivity of visual scales versus volumetry for evaluating white matter hyperintensity progression. Cerebrovasc.Dis. 2008; 25 (3):247-253.
Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, Barkhof F. On the etiology of incident brain lacunes: longitudinal observations from the LADIS study. Stroke 2008; 39 (11):3083-3085.
Miranda B, Madureira S, Verdelho A, Ferro J, Pantoni L, Salvadori E, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Hennerici M, O’Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitarion D. Self-perceived memory impairment and cognitive performance in an elderly independent population with age-related white matter changes. J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry 2008; 79 (8):869-873.
Olde Rikkert MG, van d, V, Burns A, Dekkers W, Robert P, Sartorius N, Selmes J, Stoppe G, Vernooij-Dassen M, Waldemar G. Consensus Statement on Genetic Research in Dementia. Am.J.Alzheimers.Dis.Other Demen. 2008; 23 (3):262-266.
Poggesi A, Pracucci G, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Verdelho A, Hennerici M, Langhorne P, O’Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Crisby M, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Urinary complaints in nondisabled elderly people with age-related white matter changes: the Leukoaraiosis And DISability (LADIS) Study. J.Am.Geriatr. Soc. 2008; 56 (9):1638-1643.
Winblad B, Frisoni GB, Frolich L, Johannsen P, Johansson G, Kehoe P, Lovestone S, Olde-Rikkert M, Reynish E, Visser PJ, Vellas B. Editorial: EADC (European Alzheimer Disease Consortium) Recommendations for Future Alzheimer Disease Research in Europe. J.Nutr.Health Aging 2008; 12 (10):683-684.
Other publications
Baungård, L., Elbrønd, M., and Rishøj, S. Glem ikke ... Idekatalog til indsatsen over for borgere med demens. Sygekasserne Helsefond, Styrelsen for Social Service, Ikast Kommune. 2008; 1-31.
Buss DV, Waldemar G. Practice of competence assessment in Dementia: Denmark. I Stoppe G (ed.), Competence Assessment in Dementia. Tyskland: Springer-Verlag. 2008; 107-108.
Hjermind L, Dupont E, Spangsberg M, Poulsen UB (red) Dystoni – en bevægeforstyrrelse. Dansk dystoniforening 2008.
Skovgaard B, Andersen BB. Samarbejde om demens - erfaringer fra det tidligere H:S, København og Frederiksberg Kommuner. Lægen i Hovedstadsregionen 2008; 4:26-28.
Sundhedsstyrelsen, Jensen, L. K., Vestergaard, K., Waldemar, G., Skejø, P., Lolk, A., Larsen, V. A., Stokholm, J., van der Mark, S., Kørner, A., Olsen, J., Lee, A., Hansen, F. R., Krogh, L. N., Hulgaard, H., and Andersen, S. E. Udredning og behandling af demens - en medicinsk teknologivurdering. København: Sundhedsstyrelsen 2008.
Waldemar, G. Demens. Alzheimers sygdom. 2008. » Waldemar G. Demens. I: Christensen B (red) Patientvejledningen. København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2008; 235-236.
PhD dissertations
Ellefsen B. The impact of dementia on oral health: A longitudinal study on dental caries in elderly patients with and without dementia. København: Eget forlag; 2007; 1-64. Forsvaret den 18. juni 2007 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Simonsen AH. Proteomics based assessment of proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid. Pathogenetic and clinical significance in Alzheimer’s disease. København: Eget forlag; 2007; 1-59. Forsvaret den 23. februar 2007 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Sørensen LV. Everyday life and social relations in home-living patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers: quantitative and qualitative analyses. København: Eget forlag; 2007: 1-50. Forsvaret den 22. august 2007 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Scientific papers
Buss DV. Hvilke ønsker har demente til fremtiden. Tidsskrift for Familie- og Arveret 2007; 2: 175-82.
Dyrby TB, Sogaard LV, Parker GJ, Alexander DC, Lind NM, Baare WF, Hay-Schmidt A, Eriksen N, Pakkenberg B, Paulson OB, Jelsing J. Validation of in vitro probabilistic tractography. Neuroimage 2007; 37: 1262-77.
Hasselbalch SG, Baloyannis S, Denislic M, Dubois B, Oertel W, Rossor M, Tsiskaridze A, Waldemar G. Education and training of European neurologists in dementia. Eur J Neurol. 2007;14(5):505-9.
Hasselbalch SG, Hansen ES, Jakobsen TB, Pinborg LH, Lonborg JH, Bolwig TG. Reduced midbrain-pons serotonin transporter binding in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2007; 115(5):388-94.
Høgh P, Garde E, Mortensen EL, Jorgensen OS, Krabbe K, Waldemar G. The apolipoprotein E epsilon4-allele and antihypertensive treatment are associated with increased risk of cerebral MRI white matter hyperintensities. Acta Neurol Scand. 2007; 115(4):248-53.
Høgh P, Teller AS, Hasselbalch S, Waldemar G. Visual Rating and ROI-Based Parametric Analysis of rCBF SPECT in Patients with Mild or Questionable Dementia: A Comparative Study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2007;24(6):429-33.
Phung TK, Andersen BB, Hogh P, Kessing LV, Mortensen PB, Waldemar G. Validity of Dementia Diagnoses in the Danish Hospital Registers. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2007; 10;24(3):220-228.
Ryberg C, Rostrup E, Stegmann MB, Barkhof F, Scheltens P, van Straaten EC, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Ferro JM, Baezner H, Erkinjuntti T, Jokinen H, Wahlund LO, O’brien J, Basile AM, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Waldemar G; LADIS study group. Clinical significance of corpus callosum atrophy in a mixed elderly population. Neurobiol Aging. 2007; 28(6):955-63.
Simonsen AH, McGuire J, Hansson O, Zetterberg H, Podust VN, Davies HA, Waldemar G, Minthon L, Blennow K. Novel panel of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for the prediction of progression to Alzheimer dementia in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Arch Neurol. 2007; 64(3):366-70.
Simonsen AH, Hansson SF, Ruetschi U, McGuire J, Podust VN, Davies HA, Mehta P, Waldemar G, Zetterberg H, Andreasen N, Wallin A, Blennow K. Amyloid beta1-40 quantification in CSF: comparison between chromatographic and immunochemical methods. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2007;23(4):246-50.
Simonsen AH, McGuire J, Podust VN, Hagnelius NO, Nilsson TK, Kapaki E, Vassilopoulos D, Waldemar G. A Novel Panel of Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for the Differential Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease versus Normal Aging and Frontotemporal Dementia. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2007;24(6):434-40.
Vogel A, Mortensen EL, Gade A, Waldemar G. The Category Cued Recall test in very mild Alzheimer’s disease: discriminative validity and correlation with semantic memory functions. Eur J Neurol. 2007; 14(1):102-8.
Vogel A, Elberling TV, Hording M, Dock J, Rasmussen AK, FeldtRasmussen U, Perrild H, Waldemar G. Affective symptoms and cognitive functions in the acute phase of Graves’ thyrotoxicosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2007; 32(1):36-43.
Waldemar G. Neurological letter from... Denmark. Pract Neurol. 2007; 7(4):272-4.
Waldemar G, Phung KT, Burns A, Georges J, Hansen FR, Iliffe S, Marking C, Rikkert MO, Selmes J, Stoppe G, Sartorius N. Access to diagnostic evaluation and treatment for dementia in Europe. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2007; 22(1):47-54.
Waldemar G, Dubois B, Emre M, Georges J, McKeith IG, Rossor M, Scheltens P, Tariska P, Winblad B. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders associated with dementia: EFNS guideline. Eur J Neurol. 2007; 14(1): 1-26.
Waldorff FB, Andersen BB.Den ældre mandlige patient med faldtendens og hukommelsesproblemer. Ugeskrift for Læger 2007; 169(21): 2008.
Asmus F, Hjermind LE, Dupont E, Wagenstaller J, Haberlandt E, Munz M, Strom TM, Gasser T Genomic deletion size at the epsilon-sarcoglycan locus determines the clinical presentation. Brain 2007;130:2736-45.
Bech-Azeddine R, Hogh P, Juhler M, Gjerris F, Waldemar G. Idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus: clinical comorbidity correlated with cerebral biopsy findings and outcome of cerebrospinal fluid shunting. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007; 78(2):157-61.
Björkqvist M, Leavitt BR, Nielsen JE, Landwehrmeyer B, Ecker D, Hayden MR, Mulder H, Brundin P, Petersén Å. Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript is increased in Huntington disease. Movement Disorders 2007; 22(13):1952-4.
Bruno MK, Lee HY, Auburger GW, Friedman A, Nielsen JE, Lang AE, Bertini E, Van Bogaert P, Averyanov Y, Hallett M, Gwinn-Hardy K, Sorenson B, Pandolfo M, Kwiecinski H, Servidei S, Fu YH, Ptacek L. Genotype-phenotype correlation of paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia. Neurology. 2007; 68(21): 1782-9.
Hansen J, Svenstrup K, Ang D, Nielsen MN, Christensen JH, Gregersen N, Nielsen JE, Georgopoulos C, Bross P. A novel mutation in the HSPD1 gene in a patient with hereditary spastic paraplegia. J Neurol. 2007; 254(7):897-900.
Hansson SF, Simonsen AH, Zetterberg H, Andersen O, Haghighi S, Fagerberg I, Andreasson U, Westman-Brinkmalm A, Wallin A, Ruetschi U, Blennow K. Cystatin C in cerebrospinal fluid and multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol. 2007; 62(2):193-6.
Holm IE, Englund E, Mackenzie IR, Johannsen P, Isaacs AM. A reassessment of the neuropathology of frontotemporal dementia linked to chromosome 3. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2007;66(10):884-91.
Inzitari D, Simoni M, Pracucci G, Poggesi A, Basile AM, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Hennerici M, Langhorne P, O’Brien J, Barkhof F, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Pantoni L; LADIS Study Group. Risk of rapid global functional decline in elderly patients with severe cerebral age-related white matter changes: the LADIS study. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(1): 81-8.
Jokinen H, Ryberg C, Kalska H, Ylikoski R, Rostrup E, Stegmann MB, Waldemar G, Madureira S, Ferro JM, van Straaten EC, Scheltens P, Barkhof F, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Carlucci G, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T; LADIS group. Corpus callosum atrophy is associated with mental slowing and executive deficits in subjects with age-related white matter hyperintensities: the LADIS Study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2007; 78(5):491-6.
Scheuer KH, Svenstrup K, Jennum P, Rogvi-Hansen B, Werdelin L, Fenger K, Nielsen JE. Double-blind crossover trial of gabapentin in SPG4-linked hereditary spastic paraplegia. Eur J Neurol. 2007; 14(6):663-6.
Sjöstrand K, Rostrup E, Ryberg C, Larsen R, Studholme C, Baezner H, Ferro J, Fazekas F, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Waldemar G; LADIS Study Group. Sparse decomposition and modeling of anatomical shape variation. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2007; 26(12):1625-35.
Teodorczuk A, O’Brien JT, Firbank MJ, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Wahlund LO, Gouw A, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Ferro JM, Chabriat H, Bäzner H, Inzitari D; LADIS Group. White matter changes and late-life depressive symptoms: longitudinal study. Br J Psychiatry. 2007;191:212-7.
Verdelho A, Madureira S, Ferro JM, Basile AM, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Hennerici M, O’Brien J, Pantoni L, Salvadori E, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D; LADIS Study. Differential impact of cerebral white matter changes, diabetes, hypertension and stroke on cognitive performance among non-disabled elderly. The LADIS study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2007;78:1325-30.
Ylikoski R, Jokinen H, Andersen P, Salonen O, Madureira S, Ferro J, Barkhof F, van der Flier W, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, Waldemar G, Salvadori E, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. Comparison of the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale Cognitive Subscale and the Vascular Dementia Assessment Scale in Differentiating Elderly Individuals with Different Degrees of White Matter Changes. The LADIS Study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2007; 24(2):73-81.
Other publications
Baungård L, Jensen EM, Poulsen B, Jepsen D, Rishøj S, Forebyggende besøg. Glem ikke hukommelsen. Sygeplejersken 2007; 11: 49-52.
Hasselbalch SG. Demens skal behandles. Best Practice 2007, 2: 14.
Hjermind LE. Parkinson’s sygdom en sygdom man arver ? NeuroHow 2007;15:8-15. é Johannsen P.
Medicinsk behandling af demens. Best Practice 2007, 2: 16.
Skovgaard B, Andersen BB. Samarbejde om demens – erfaringer fra det tidligere H:S, København og Frederiksberg kommuner. Læger i Hovedstadsregionen 2007;4: 26-28.
PhD dissertations
Andersen BB. The Human Cerebellum in Numbers: Impact of Age and Disease (disputats). København: Eget forlag 1-51. Forsvaret den 18. august 2006 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Vogel A. Kognitive forstyrrelser ved Alzheimers sygdom i tidlig fase (ph.d.-afhandling). København: Eget forlag; 2005. Forsvaret den 16. december 2005 ved Københavns Universitet, Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
Zornhagen G. Alzheimers sygdom – Genkendelse af emotionelle ansigtsudtryk. Københavns Universitet, Institut for Psykologi; 2005.
Scientific papers
Bech-Azedinne R, Gjerris F, Waldemar G, Czosnyka M, Juhler M. Intraventricular or lumbar infusion test in adult communicating hydrocephalus? Practical consequences and clinical outcome of shunt operation. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 2005; 147 (10), 127-136.
Hasselbalch SG, Gyldensted C, Sørensen LH, Brændgaard H, Andersen K, Lolk A, Kragh-Sørensen P, Waldemar G. Billediagnostik ved demensuderedning. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 40: 3415-3420.
Johannsen P, Salmon E, Hampel H, Xu Y, Richardson S, Qvitzau S, Schindler R. Assessing therapeutic efficacy in a progressive disease: a study of donepezil in Alzheimer’s disease. CNS Drugs 2006; 20: 311-325.
Johannsen P. Medicinsk behandling af Alzheimers sygdom. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 40: 3424-3429. é Lindquist SG, Waldemar G, Nielsen JE. Demens – genetiske aspekter. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 40: 3405-3409.
Lindquist SG, Nørremølle A, Hjermind LE, Hasholt L, Nielsen JE. Meiotic CAG repeat instability in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6: Maternally transmitted elongation in a presumed sporadic case. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2006; 241(1-2): 95-8.
Phung TKT, Andersen K. Kessing LV, Waldemar G. Livsstil som risikofaktor for udvikling af demens Ugeskr Læger 2006; 40: 3401-3405.
Stokholm J, Jakobsen O, Czarna J, Mortensen HV, Waldemar G. Years of severe and isolated amnesia can precede the development of dementia in early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Neurocase 2005;11:48-55.
Stokholm J, Vogel A, Gade A, Waldemar G. The Executive Interview (EXIT25) as a Screening Test for Executive Dysfunction in Patients with Mild Dementia. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2005, 53:1577-81.
Stokholm, J, Vogel A, Gade A, Waldemar G. Heterogeneity in executive impairment in patients with very mild Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2006, 22, 54-59.
Vogel A, Gade A, Stokholm J, Waldemar G. Semantic memory impairment in the earliest phases of Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2005;19:75-81.
Vogel A, Hasselbalch SG, Gade A, Ziebell M, Waldemar G. Cognitive and functional neuroimaging correlates for anosognosia in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2005;20:238-246.
Vogel A, Mortensen EL, Hasselbalch SG, Andersen BB, Waldemar G. Patient versus informant reported quality of life in the earliest phases of Alzheimer’s disease. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2006; 21:1132-8.
Waldorff FB, Rishoj S, Waldemar G. Identification and diagnostic evaluation of possible dementia in general practice: A prospective study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2005; 23(4), 221-226.
Waldemar, G. 100 år med Alzheimers sygdom. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 40:3399-3401.
Waldorff FB, Haugbølle NW, Møller HC, Rishøj S, Waldemar G. Hukommelsesproblemer blandt ældre i almen praksis: betydning af pårørendeoplysninger. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 40: 3420-3424.
Adams KH, Hansen ES, Pinborg LH, Hasselbalch SG, Svarer C, Holm S, Bolwig TG, Knudsen GM. Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder have increased 5-HT2A receptor binding in the caudate nuclei. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2005 8(3):391-401.
Basile, AM, Pantoni, L, Pracucci, G, Asplund, K, Chabriat, H, Erkinjuntti, T, Fazekas, F, Ferro, JM, Hennerici, M, O’Brien, J, Scheltens, P, Visser, MC, Wahlund, LO, Waldemar, G, Wallin, A, Inzitari, D. Age, hypertension, and lacunar stroke are the major determinants of the severity of age-related white matter changes. The LADIS (Leukoaraiosis and Disability in the Elderly) Study. Cerebrovasc.Dis 2006; 21: 315-322.
Czarna JM, Waldemar G, Heegaard, N. Biokemiske markører for Alzheimers sygdom. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 10: 1010- 1014.
Gjedde A, Johannsen P, Cold GE, Østergaard L. Cerebral metabolic response to low blood flow: possible role of cytochrome oxidase inhibition. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2005 25(9):1183-96.
Gouw AA, Van Der Flier WM, van Straaten EC, Barkhof F, Ferro JM, Baezner H, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P. Simple versus complex assessment of white matter hyperintensities in relation to physical performance and cognition: the LADIS study. J.Neurol.2006; 253: 1189-1196.
Hjermind L, Johannsen L, Blau N, Wevers R, Luecking C, Hertz J.M, Friberg L, Regeur L, Nielsen J.E, Sørensen S.A. Dopa-responsive dystonia and juvenile Parkinson’s disease in a patient with GTP cyclohydrolase I deficiency. Movement Disorders 2006; 21(5): 679-82.
Jørgensen L.M, Nielsen J.E, Ravnborg M. MEP Recruitment Curves in Multiple sclerosis and Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2005; 237(1- 2):25-29.
Linde R, Hasselbalch SG, Topp S, Paulson OB, Madsen PL. Global cerebral blood flow and metabolism during acute hyperketonemia in the awake and anesthetized rat. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2006; 26(2): 170-80. Erratum in: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2006; 26(3): 448.
Jonsson L, Eriksdotter JM, Kilander L, Soininen H, Hallikainen M, Waldemar G, Nygaard H, Andreasen N, Winblad B, Wimo A. Determinants of costs of care for patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Int.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry 2006; 21: 449-459.
Jonsson L, Andreasen N, Kilander L, Soininen H, Waldemar G, Nygaard H, Winblad B, Jonhagen ME, Hallikainen M, Wimo A. Patient- and proxy-reported utility in Alzheimer disease using the EuroQoL. Alzheimer Dis.Assoc.Disord 2006; 20: 49-55.
Madureira S, Verdelho A, Ferro J, Basile AM, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Hennerici M, O’Brien J, Pantoni L, Salvadori E, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D. Development of a neuropsychological battery for the Leukoaraiosis and Disability in the Elderly Study (LADIS): experience and baseline data. Neuroepidemiology 2006; 27: 101-116.
Pantoni L, Basile AM, Pracucci G, Asplund K, Bogousslavsky J, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Hennerici M, O’Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D, on behalf of the LADIS Study Group. Impact of age-related cerebral white matter changes on the transition to disability. The LADIS (Leukoarariosis nd DISabilitity in the elderly) Study: Rationale, design, and methodology. Neuroepidemiology 2005;24:51-62.
Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Basile AM, Pracucci G, Barkhof F, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Ferro JM, Hennerici M, O’Brien J, Schmidt R, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D. Leukoaraiosis predicts hidden global functioning impairment in nondisabled older people: the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis and Disability in the Elderly) Study. J.Am. Geriatr.Soc 2006; 54: 1095-1101.
Ruetschi U, Zetterberg H, Podust VN, Gottfries J, Simonsen AH, McGuire J, Karlsson M, Rymo L, Davies H, Monthon L, Blennow K. Identification of CSF biomarkers for frontotemporal dementia using SELDI-TOF. Experimental Neurology 2005; 196(2):273-81.
Scheuer K.H, Nielsen J.E, Krabbe K, Simonsen C, Koefoed P, Sørensen S.A, Gade A, Paulson O.B, Law I. Reduced regional cerebral blood flow in SPG4 linked Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2005; 235:23-32.
Scheuer KH, Nielsen JE, Krabbe K, Paulson OB, Law I. Motor activation in SPG4-linked hereditary spastic paraplegia. J.Neurol.Sci. 2006; 244: 31-39.
Schmidt EA, Czosnyka Z, Momjian S, Czosnyka M, Bech RA, Pickard JD. Intracranial baroreflex yielding an early Cushing response in human. Acta Neurochir (Suppl) 2005; 95:253-256.
Skibinski G, Parkinson N, Brown JM, Chakrabarti L, Lloyd, SL, Hummerich H, Nielsen JE, Hodges JR, Spillantini GM, Thusgaard T, Brandner S, Brun A, Rossor MN, Gade A, Johannsen P, Sørensen SA, Gydesen S, Fisher EMC, Collinge J. Mutations in the endosomal ESCRTIII-complex subunit CHMP2B in frontotemporal dementia. Nature Genetics 2005; 37, 806 – 808.
Stark AK, Pelvig DP, Jørgensen AMB, Andersen BB, Pakkenberg B: measuring morphological and cellular changes in Alzheimer’s dementia: A review emphasizing stereology. Current Alzheimer Research 2005; 2:447-479.
Svarer C, Madsen K, Hasselbalch SG, Pinborg LH, Haugbol S, Frokjaer VG, Holm S, Paulson OB, Knudsen GM. MR-based automatic delineation of volumes of interest in human brain PET images using probability maps. Neuroimage; 2005; 24(4):969-79.
van der Flier, WM, van Straaten ECW, Barkhof F, Verdelho, A, Madureira S, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti, T, Crisby M, Waldemar G, Schmidt R., Fazekas, F, Scheltens, P on behalf of the LADIS study group. Small vessel disease and general cognitive function in non-disabled elderly: the LADIS study. Stroke 2005; 36(10):2116-20.
van Straaten EC, Fazekas F, Rostrup E, Scheltens P, Schmidt R, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Waldemar G, Erkinjuntti T, Mantyla R, Wahlund LO, Barkhof F. Impact of white matter hyperintensities scoring method on correlations with clinical data: the LADIS study. Stroke 2006; 37: 836-840.
Wahlund LO, Almkvist O, Blennow, Engedahl K, Johansson A, Waldemar G, Wolf H. Evidence-based evaluation of magnetic resonans imaging as a diagnostic tool in dementia workup. Top Magn Reson Imaging 2005; 16: 427-37.
Winblad B, Wimo A, Engedal K, Soininen H, Verhey F, Waldemar G, Wetterholm AL, Haglund A, Zhang R, Schindler R. 3-year study of donepezil therapy in Alzheimer’s disease: effects of early and continuous therapy. Dement. Geriatr.Cogn Disord 2006; 21, 353-363.
Books and book chapters
Albert H, Hovmand B, Lund H, Winkel A, Sørensen LV. Case rapport. En grundbog i praksisformidling. Munksgaard Danmark, København 2005 (bog).
Burns A., Ballard C, Banerjee S, Calabrese P, de Deyn PP, Grossberg G, Jones R, Sandman PO, Selmes J, Vellas B, Waldemar G, Wilcock G, Winblad B, Zaudig M. The clinical use of Memantine. In: Vellas B, et al., eds., Research and Practice in Alzheimer’s Disease, vol. 10, Serdi Publishers, Paris, France, 2005; 205-220 (bogkapitel).
Dansbo N, Hansen, JG, Waldorff FB (red). Håndbog for projektmagere i almen praksis. Fra ide til færdigt produkt. Forskningsenheden for Almen praksis i København, Center for Sundhed og Samfund. København 2005 (bog).
Hasselbalch SG, Knudsen GM. Imaging of Neurotransmitter Systems in Dementia. In: Herholz K, et al. (red). The Dementias. Early Diagnosis and Evaluation, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, 2006; 253-277 (bogkapitel).
Johannsen P, Sørensen LV. Demenssygdomme i Wæhrens E, Winkel A, Gyring J (red) Neurologi og neurorehabilitering. Munksgaard, Danmark. 2006, kapitel 13, 144-148 (bogkapitel).
Johannsen P. Midler mod demens i Court Pedersen et al. (red) 2007 - Informatum, Danmark. 2006, side 387-388 (bogkapitel).
Sørensen LV, Johannsen P. Rehabilitering af personer med demens i Wæhrens E, Winkel A, Gyring J (red) Neurologi og neurorehabilitering. Munksgaard, Danmark. 2006, kapitel 25, side 256-262 (bogkapitel).
Thellefsen T, Sørensen LV. Case study 2: Vidensprofilering af et ikke-videnskabeligt vidensdomæne: Dansk ergoterapi. I: Thellefsen T. Vidensprofilering. Aalborg Universitetsforlag 2005 (bogkapitel).
Waldemar G. Neurology. In: Burns A., ed., Standards in Dementia Care. Taylor & Francis, London, U.K. 2005; chapter 24, 179-184 (bogkapitel).
Waldemar G, Dubois B, Emre M, Georges J, McKeith IG, Rossor M, Scheltens P, Tariska P, Winblad. Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders associated with dementia i Hughes R, Brainin M, Gilhus NE (red) European Handbook of Neurological Management (European Federation of Neurological Societies). Blackwell Publishing 2006 side 266-298 (bogkapitel).
Other publications
Almkvist O, Blennow K, Engedal K, Johanson A, Wahlund L-O, Waldemar G. Diagnostiske metoder. Demenssjukdomar – en systematisk litteraturöversikt. Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering 2006; 29-39.
Andersen M, Baungård L, Elbrønd M, Rolighed S, Rishøj S. Styrkelse af demensindsatsen i Ikast Kommune 2003-2006. Erfaringer fra projekt Glem Ikke. Rapport. 2006.
Andersen M, Baungård L, Elbrønd M, Rolighed S, Rishøj S. Glem Ikke… Idekatalog til indsatsen overfor borgere med demens. 2006.
Buss D. Juridisk informationsmateriale til demente og pårørende til brug for Demensnet, september 2005.
Eckermann A. Informationsmateriale - råd og oplysning til demente og pårørende. Til brug for Demensnet, september 2005.
Eckermann A. DAISY – et interventionsstudie målrettet nydiagnosticerede demente tidligt i sygdomsforløbet. Udviklingsaktiviteter Sygepleje – Rigshospitalet 2005 é Hasselbalch S. Demente i praksis. Læge-Helse nr. 9; 2005: 14-17.
Hasselbalch S.Imaging Markers in Dementia. CNS Forum E-Magazine;17.08 2005. é Hasselbalch S. Er Alzheimers sygdom en livstilssygdom? Magasinet Demens nr. 2, 2005.
Hasselbalch S. Demensudredning på en specialiseret klinik. Magasinet Demens nr. 2, 2005 é Rishøj S. Projektsygeplejersken sikrer sammenhængen. Sygeplejersken 2005;6:38-40.
Rundt om demensindsatsen – inspiration til en bedre hverdag for mennesker med demens. DVD udgivet af Styrelsen for Specialrådgivning Social Service (flere medarbejdere i Hukommelsesklinikken har deltaget i produktionen).
Waldemar G. Brændgård H, Buss DV, Hansen FR, Hasselbalch S, Lolk A. Demens (Interaktiv undervisningsmanual og CD for praktiserende læger). Helix Communications 2005.
Waldorff FB, Eriksson, T. Praksisdeklarationsgruppen [Konsulentrapport]. Det Danske Kvalitetsprojekt (DAK), Juni 2005.
Waldorff FB, Eriksson T. Måling af kvalitet i almen praksis. Practicus 2005; 173:36-38.
Waldorff, FB, Brug af kognitive tests ved demensudredning i almen praksis. DemensKoordinatorer i Danmark. Nyhedsbrev nr 3, September 2005.
Hjermind L, Vissing J, Nielsen J.E. e-sarcoglycan Expression in Skeletal Muscle from Patients with Myoclonus-dystonia Syndrome (MDS). European Journal of Neurology 2005; 12 (suppl 2): P2428.
Hjermind L, Vissing J, Nielsen J.E. e-sarcoglycan Expression in Skeletal Muscle from Patients with Myoclonus-dystonia Syndrome (MDS). Movement disorders 2005; 20 (suppl 10): P119.
Stokholm J, Nielsen J.E. Cognitive Dysfunction in Machado-Joseph Disease. Movement disorders 2005; 20 (suppl 10): P161.
Stokholm J, Nielsen J.E. Cognitive Dysfunction in Machado-Joseph Disease. European Journal of Neurology 2005; 12 (suppl 2): P270.
Waldemar G. Acces to Treament. Psychogeriatria Polska 2005; 2 (3): P326.
Waldemar G, Hyvärinen M, Wetterberg P, Kørner A, Lehto, Josiassen MK. Tolerability of switching from donepezil to memantine treatment in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. European Journal of Neurology 2005; 12 (suppl 2): P188.
Waldemar G. Recommandations for diagnosis (revised EFNS guideline on the management of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders). European Journal of Neurology 2005; 12 (suppl 2) P 302.
Waldemar G. Current HTAs and Guidelines in AD. Neurobiology of Aging 2006; 27 (sup S1): P96.