
Marie Bruun
Based on the ERAPerMed supported study EDAP-AD, her research aims to develop an evidence-based model for disclosure of biomarker results in persons with subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment.

Rebecca Thea Kjærgaard Hendel
Her research project examines the association between impaired hearing and memory functions (The Link Project). As impaired hearing has been found to be a major risk factor for dementia, this project seeks to examine the association more thoroughly in a Danish cohort.

Janet Janbek
Research on the epidemiology and public health aspects of dementia. Specific focus is on the role of infections in dementia (Project IDEM). The project will investigate infections in dementia care as well as the role of infections as risk factors.

Christina Jensen-Dahm
Major research focus is epidemiological studies based on registry data. Current research focuses on medication use (risk associated with analgesics and risk of dementia with use of medication), early onset Alzheimer’s disease and influenza vaccination.

Anders Toft
Main research focus on fluid biomarkers and stem cell-derived cellular models in the context of hereditary frontotemporal dementia. The aim is to identify central disease mechanisms, with a specific focus on the role of the immune system in the neurdegenerative process.

Tua Vinther-Jensen
Major research focus is phenogenotyping in neurogenetic disease. Current research focuses on ataxia and how currently patients are diagnosed and the clinical workup is done.