
T. Rune Nielsen

Neuropsychologist, MSc, PhD supervisor, lecturer
+45 3545 7118 / +45 3545 6922

Main research interests include cross-cultural diagnosis of dementia disorders and dementia care in minority ethnic groups. He has a leading role in several international research collaborations and was the principal investigator in a recent European multi-centre study on cross-cultural cognitive assessment in dementia disorders.


2020: PhD lecturer

2016: Authorized psychologist

2012: PhD in Psychology

2007: MSc Graduate in Psychology

Current position

Senior Researcher, neuropsychologist, PhD, Danish Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen

Previous positions

2018: Postdoctoral researcher, Danish Dementia Research Centre.

2014: Part time clinical neuropsychologist at the Memory Unit, Department of Geriatrics, Frederiksberg and Bispebjerg Hospitals.

2012: Postdoctoral researcher and clinical neuropsychologist, Danish Dementia Research Centre and the Memory Clinic.

2008: PhD student, Danish Dementia Research Centre and university of Copenhagen.

2007: Clinical Neuropsychologist, the Memory Clinic, Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet

Scientific focus areas and management experience

Development and validation of cross-cultural neuropsychological tests, barriers in access to dementia care for people from ethnic minority groups, culture sensitive intervention strategies for dementia. Principal investigator for the Danish CLEAR study on post-diagnostic dementia care in minority ethnic groups (2018-2021).

Previous EU programs: CNTB (unfunded, principal investigator, 2012-2017), The Migration School (Interreg IV A, principal investigator and member of steering Group, 2011-2014).

Co-founding member of the Nordic network on Ethnicity and Dementia, the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology and member of Alzheimer Europe expert group on intercultural care for people with dementia from minority ethnic groups. Member of International Neuropsychological Society special interest group on culturally appropriate neuropsychological assessment.

Supervision of students

Supervisor or co-supervisor of students enrolled in psychology and public health BA or MA programs at University of Copenhagen (<5)

Teaching portfolio

Pregraduate teaching: psychology, public health students.

Postgraduate teaching: external lecturer in dementia care program, Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen, courses in cross-cultural cognitive assessment for psychologists and medical specialists across Scandinavia, clinical supervision of psychologists.   


Complete list of publications: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8128-2294

Co-author or author of several book chapters on cross-cultural cognitive assessment and culture-sensitive dementia care in international books and Danish textbooks for health professionals.


2020: Danish Psychological Association Senior Researcher Prize (kr. 25.000)

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