Steen Hasselbalch
Main research interests include diagnosis and pathophysiology of dementia disorders including normal pressure hydrocephalus.
May 2013: Clinical Professor, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
September 2010: Clinical Associate Professor
September 2005: Clinical Associate Research Professor in Clinical Neurobiology
April 2003: Doctor of Medical Science (MD)
July 1998: Medical Specialist in Neurology
Jan 1987: Medical Graduate, University of Copenhagen
Current position
Clinical Professor, consultant neurologist, MD, DMSc, Danish Dementia Research Center, Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen
Previous positions
1998: Staff specialist and researcher, the Memory Clinic and the Neurobiology Research Unit, Deaprtment of Neurology, Rigshospitalet
2000: Part time senior researcher at the Neurobiology Research Unit, Department of Neurology, Rigshospitalet funded by The Danish Medical Research Council
2002: Consultant neurologist, half time associated with the Memory Clinic.
2005: Senior researcher and consultant neurologist at The Danish Dementia Research Center
Scientific focus areas and management experience
Biomarkers in neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, complex intervention strategies for dementia disorders, disease mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases. Principal investigator for the Danish multicentre study ADEX on physical exercise in AD (2012-2016).
Previous or current EU programs: BIOMARKAPD (JPND, co-work package leader), PredictND (EU 7FP, work package leader and member of Steering Group, 2014-2018). Brainstem (Innovation Fund Denmark, work package leader, 2014-).
Member of the Board of the Danish Alzheimer Association, the Danish Alzheimer Research Foundation and Chairman of the Alzheimer Research Committee under the Danish Alzheimer Association. Member of the European Academy of Neurology Scientific Panel on Dementia and cognitive disorders.
Supervision of PhD students
Supervisor or co-supervisor of students enrolled in neuroscience phd programs at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (>10)
Teaching portfolio
Pregraduate teaching: medical, human biology, health technology students.
Postgraduate teaching: responsible for course in dementia for neurologists in training, PhD courses in brain imaging and dementia. Extensive teaching experience of lay people and caregivers arranged by local Alzheimer Association groups and municipalities across Denmark.
Complete list of publications: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4750-4911
Co-author, editor or author of several books and book chapters on dementia and neuroimaging in international books and Danish textbooks for health professionals and lay people.
Niels A. Lassen Prisen 2017, donated by the Lassen Foundation (kr. 25.000)
HN-prisen 2018, donated by the Hede Nielsen Family Foundation (kr. 500.000)